
糖心传媒 Alumni Association

College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Management Recipients

Entrepreneurial Award

Richard WiegandRICHARD A. WIEGAND, BUS AD '81
Brookfield, Wis.

Rick is best known for restoring the historic Ambassador Hotel, creating an art deco masterpiece in Marquette’s near west side neighborhood. But his vision is broader: He’s involved with the newly formed Near West Side Partners Inc., an organization aiming to improve the neighborhoods north and west of Marquette.

“I like rehabilitating neglected properties, restoring their historic attributes and returning them to the neighborhood as productive assets,” Rick says. “My professional plans are to continue to purchase problem properties in neighborhoods that have the potential to rebound and to invest the funds necessary to turn them into catalytic projects.”

Owner of Wiegand Enterprises, Rick serves on the boards of the Avenues West Association, Business Improvement District 10 and Visit Milwaukee.

He says his Marquette education contributed to his success by allowing him to meet and remain close friends with many quality individuals. “Success is accomplishing whatever goal you set, whether it is financial or other, and making a difference in the community,” adding that his formula for success is to be “diligent and analyze situations thoroughly before making a final decision.”

Fun Facts

Favorite childhood game: “Monopoly”

Faculty member who had an impact: “Associate Dean of the College of Business Administration James Schreier. He called me into his office as a sophomore (making me wonder what I had done wrong) and gave me a lead for a part-time job at a new bank that was opening. This job ended up providing me with a variety of experience in the banking business.”

Most influential person: “The most influential person in my life has been Charles Perry, Sr., former chairman of the board of Wauwatosa Savings and Loan. He gave me the opportunity to get started in business and has provided valuable advice and support for decades.”