Faculty and Staff

University Honors Program Faculty Opportunities

The UHP welcomes collaboration and input from the broadest possible range of faculty and staff across the University.  If you are interested in teaching in Honors, or have an idea for a course or program or a suggestion for how we might do things better, please contact Director Amelia Zurcher. 

If you鈥檇 like more information on how to develop a Disciplinary Honors program in your major or college, please see the Requirements and Guidelines for Disciplinary Honors Programs and consult the Director.

UHP Honors Faculty Advisory Board

Professor Deanna Arble
Biological Sciences
Wehr Life Sciences, 222
(414) 288-7518

Professor Deirdre Dempsey
Marquette Hall, 321
(414) 288-3747


Professor Khadijah Makky
Biomedical Sciences
Schroeder Complex, 478C
(414) 288-4601

Professor Dinesh Sabu
Digital Media & Performing Arts
Johnston Hall, 404B
(414) 288-5953


Professor Amelia Zurcher
University Honors Program Director, English
Sensenbrenner Hall, 002 
(414) 288-3475

Professor Astrida Kaugars
Cramer Hall, 328J
(414) 288-3665

Professor Jax Sanders
Wehr Physics Building, 311
(414) 288-3650


Professor Peter Staudenmaier
Sensenbrenner Hall, 203B
(414) 288-3560

Professor Kathryn Wagner
Straz Hall, 418
(414) 288-3409