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The Regular Research Grant (RRG) provides up to $6,000 to advance a specific research project. The average award is $3,000-4,500. The size of RRG awards varies, depending upon the availability of funds, the number of high-quality proposals received, and the size of requests. Eligible expenses include, for example, equipment, supplies or services, student assistants, or travel as required to conduct the research. RRG funds cannot be used for faculty salaries, conference travel, general purpose computer equipment, or general-purpose software. Special hardware or software, if strongly linked to the proposed project, will be considered but must be explained as such. Faculty may apply for both SFF and RRG, or for either one as appropriate for the project. Eligibility SFF and RRG applicants must hold permanent tenure-track appointments, be returning to Marquette for the next academic year, and have terminal degrees. Normally the COR will favor faculty with a demonstrated need for funding. This means that applicants who do not have current funding through prior internal grants, start-up funding packages, or external funding agencies will have priority. You cannot have SFF or RRG support two years in a row: If you received either an SFF or a RRG last year, you are not eligible to receive an award this year. An important aim of the SFF/RRG programs is to stimulate extramural grant applications. To ensure your continued eligibility for SFF/RRG support, you must submit at least one related extramural application during the 24 months following your SFF/RRG application, if awarded. The extramural proposal(s) must be appropriately registered with ORSP. Faculty receiving funding in academic year 2024-25 are eligible to apply again as early as 2026-27 as long as they meet the proposal submission requirement. For example, if you apply for an SFF or RRG award in September 2024 and subsequently receive an SFF/RRG award, you must submit a related extramural application before the 2026-27 SFF/RRG deadline. If you do not submit your external application in time for the 2026-27 competition, you will be eligible for future SFF/RRG competitions as long as you have submitted an appropriate external application prior to your next internal one. Request for waiver: A few extramural sponsors prohibit applications from those who have recently been awarded fellowships, major grants, or research leaves. If such restrictions make you ineligible to apply for extramural funding, you may ask the COR to waive the eligibility requirement by describing your prospective sponsors and their restrictions. State your request on a separate sheet under the heading Request for Waiver and attach it to your SFF/RRG Cover Sheet. Additional Considerations All applicants may apply for either the SFF or the RRG, or both. Applicants applying for both awards may receive one, none, or both, depending on the merit of the application. Supervising a research assistant is not, by itself, an eligible activity for a Summer Faculty Fellowship. If you apply for a RRG to fund a research assistant and also a SFF to work alongside the research assistant, your SFF/RRG proposal must clearly distinguish the work to be done by the research assistant and the work you will do as a Summer Faculty Fellow. Two faculty may collaborate on a single SFF and/or RRG application. Both must be eligible applicants. The budget may include an SFF of $5,500 for each collaborator and/or a RRG of up to $10,000. Candidates without substantial extramural funding will be given preference. Summer Faculty Fellowship awardees who accept other funding for their summer salary must negotiate with, and seek prior approval from, the Vice President for Research and Innovation or return the SFF award. Individuals who receive SFF and/or RRG awards for projects that involve human subjects, animals, or bio-hazardous materials must provide letters of protocol approval from the University IRB, IACUC, or IBC before the award funding will be distributed. Review Process The Committee on Research is multidisciplinary, composed of scholars from across the University. Your proposal must be written so that all members of the committee can readily understand it. Avoid using technical jargon. A nontechnical description of the project is critical to communicating your ideas. The Vice President for Research and Innovation establishes three groups representing 1) a natural/physical/applied sciences panel, 2) a humanities panel, and 3) a social sciences panel. Each applicant must designate the panel to which his or her proposal should be submitted. Representatives from various disciplines within these areas will review applications so the application must be written so that it can be understood by a broad audience. During the AY25 review cycle, the review committee also may include prior awardees. Proposal packets are distributed to the panel designated by the applicant. With the proposal packet for each proposal there will be a list of Primary Reviewer, Secondary Reviewer, Tertiary Reader, and two Additional Reviewers. The Primary Reviewer will have the responsibility of presenting the proposal to the entire panel. The Secondary Reviewer will have time to further reflect on the proposal and add any additional information. The Tertiary Reader will have the opportunity to make additional comments. The Additional Reviewers will not present but will participate in a discussion of the proposals after formal presentations are completed. All panel members will read and rate those proposals assigned to their group. See Review Considerations for a table identifying the primary review criteria and their respective values. Questions about the Application Process Direct your application questions to the Vice President for Research and Innovation, or the Executive Director of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Instructions for Preparing Your SFF/RRG Application Submission Instructions and Deadline: Please complete the application by typing in the required information on the form. Obtain the required signatures. The signed application should be sent electronically as one document (requirements in the order listed below) to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:melody.baker@marquette.edu" melody.baker@marquette.edu (Office of Research and Innovation) no later than 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 26, 2024. A complete SFF/RRG application consists of the following items in the order listed below. SFF/RRG Cover Sheet (First page of the application). If you are requesting an eligibility waiver, include your request following the cover sheet. Abstract. Provide an abstract of no more than 250 words that presents an overview of your proposal for a nonspecialist audience and suitable for general publication. State clearly what will be done and why this work is important. Abstracts submitted that exceed the maximum word count will result in the entire application being deemed ineligible for consideration. Project Description. The Project Description must be no more than four single-spaced pages using 12-point font and 1" margins. The project description must be written in such a way that scholars outside of your discipline can readily understand it. Avoid jargon. Project descriptions that do not adhere to these specifications will result in the entire application being deemed ineligible for consideration. In the context of an RRG or SFF proposal, the word project means the work to be performed and the objectives to be accomplished during the period of support. Use these headings in order: Explanation of Project and Research Objectives State and elaborate on the specific aims of the proposed work (for example, to test a stated hypothesis, challenge an existing paradigm or describe what you plan to accomplish through this project). Describe how this project differs from, or extends, currently funded work. Significance and Impact Provide a short literature review and a clear and concise explanation of the project and its value to scholars in the natural, physical and applied sciences, humanities, or social sciences, as appropriate. Discuss why this project is significant. State how knowledge or practice in your area will be advanced if the project objectives are achieved. Representatives from various disciplines within these areas will review applications so be sure to write for a broad audience. Connection to Program of Research Briefly describe how the proposed work relates to your immediate and long-term research goals. Explain the impact this project will have on your research trajectory and research career development, being as specific as possible. Provide an account of any preliminary studies you have conducted pertinent to this application. Plan for Research (Grant period activities, timeline for research) Explain the methods you will employ in this project. Describe how the central research question(s) will be approached and how potential difficulties will be resolved. Describe the tasks to be undertaken with a prospective timeline. References Provide a bibliography of any references cited in the Project Description. This section is not included in the four-page limit. SFF/RRG Project Budget (use the form provided). Budget Justification. Every component of the budget request for the SSF and RRG must be explained fully. For example, if SFF replaces the need to teach, it should be stated. Limit the justification to one-page. Results of Prior SFF/RRG Awards (if applicable). If you have received prior SFF/RRG funding, summarize the results of the award(s) in no more than one single-spaced page. The committee will pay particularly close attention to this section in their review. What did your past SFF/RRG awards enable you to accomplish? With reference to your curriculum vita, what submissions, presentations, or publications have resulted from work undertaken with past SFF/RRG support? What proposals for extramural funding have you submitted to support work related to the projects described in your prior SFF/RRG award(s)? To which sponsors did you apply, and when? What were the outcomes? Curriculum Vitae (2 to 5 pages). Your vita is a critical part of your application; it should highlight your professional growth, publications, presentations, patents, grants, and other items relevant to the proposed project. For publications, provide inclusive page numbers. For each article under review, name the journal and, if applicable, co-authors. Make an "X" in the left margin to call attention to each publication, patent, prior grant, conference presentation, or other item immediately relevant to the proposed project. REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS Application RequirementsCriteriaAbstract (250 words max)Provides a clear, concise description of the proposed work and its significance that a non-specialist would readily understand. Abstracts of successful proposals will be publically posted.Project Description (4 pages max)Explanation of Project and Research Objectives Understandable to a reader in any discipline (i.e., free of jargon yet still specific and detailed) Narrative is grounded in literature of discipline and establishes applicants expertise. Objectives of project are clearly stated and indicate the nature of the research in specific terms. Objectives clearly frame project and provide direction.Significance and Impact Provides evidence of the significance of the work in the applicants field (using benchmark data where available). Narrative establishes significant and plausible impact.Connection to Program of Research Clearly establishes how this project is a part of a larger plan of research. Connection is logical and clearly established.Plan for Research (Grant period activities, timeline for research) Scope of work/tasks outlined in research plan is ambitious and robust given the time for the grant. Outcomes for the grant are clearly defined (i.e. tasks to be completed are specifically addressed). Tangible products are identified. Goals seem feasible given the time. Provides specific timeline that has a logical connection to the research goal(s).ReferencesProvides evidence of understanding the current state of the applicants field and of the applicants past contributions to the discipline.Vita (2-5 pages)Provides evidence that the applicant is capable of performing high quality work in the proposed research area.Maximum Point Total = 100 Application Checklist [ ] SFF/RRG Cover Sheet [ ] Request for Waiver (if applicable, see Eligibility) [ ] Abstract [ ] Project Description [ ] Bibliography [ ] SFF/RRG Project Budget [ ] Budget Justification [ ] Results of Prior SFF or RRG Awards (if applicable) [ ] Curriculum Vitae SFF/RRG COVER SHEET (This should be the top page) (Please type) Application Receipt Deadline: 4:30 p.m. Thursday, September 26, 2024 Type of application:  FORMCHECKBOX  SFF  FORMCHECKBOX  RRG  FORMCHECKBOX  Both Review Panel:  FORMCHECKBOX  natural, physical, and applied sciences  FORMCHECKBOX  humanities  FORMCHECKBOX  social sciences Collaborative Application:  FORMCHECKBOX  No  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes Descriptive Project Title (Limited to 120 characters, including spaces)  FORMTEXT       Name:  FORMTEXT       Department:  FORMTEXT       Phone:  FORMTEXT       Email:  FORMTEXT       Academic Rank:  FORMCHECKBOX Assistant Professor  FORMCHECKBOX Associate Professor  FORMCHECKBOX Full Professor MU Hire Date:  FORMTEXT       This project involves (check all that apply):  FORMCHECKBOX Human Subjects  FORMCHECKBOX Vertebrate animals  FORMCHECKBOX Recombinant DNA  FORMCHECKBOX Radioactive Materials Does this SFF/RRG application request graduate student support?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No What other internal and external research support are you currently receiving (e.g., external grants, start-up funding, etc.)? Please provide a list of any pending applications and current awards.  FORMTEXT       If awarded, describe your plans for submitting an external grant application.  FORMTEXT       Applicant signature and date  FORMTEXT       Chair/Unit Administrator signature and date  Please complete this page if this is a collaborative proposal Collaborator Name:  FORMTEXT       Department:  FORMTEXT       Phone:  FORMTEXT      Email:  FORMTEXT       Academic Rank:  FORMCHECKBOX Assistant Professor  FORMCHECKBOX Associate Professor  FORMCHECKBOX Full Professor MU Hire Date:  FORMTEXT        Have you searched for external funding?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No If yes, explain how you searched for external funding (even if your efforts were not successful)  ')*+Qwxyz  κ~~j~~\K6)hj?h3 B*CJOJQJ^JaJph h05kh3 CJOJQJ^JaJh3 CJOJQJ^JaJ&h h3 5CJOJQJ\^JaJh3 5OJQJ\^Jh3 OJQJ^J h~X5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hfh5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hfh3 5CJOJQJ\^JaJhfh3 5OJQJ\^J hfh3 CJOJQJ^JaJ hfh05kCJOJQJ^JaJ'Qwxyz  F 1$^gd 1$gd1$ &d 1$P $1$a$  + + ,  '  BRYZ_uβΖttcOc&hS!hS!hvHCJOJQJ^JaJ hS!hS!CJOJQJ^JaJ hS!hvHCJOJQJ^JaJ hS!hfCJOJQJ^JaJhfCJOJQJ^JaJhvHCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJhMiCJOJQJ^JaJh3 CJOJQJ^JaJ h3 5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h3 B*CJOJQJ^JaJphuwFGAB`޻ufU hC"hCJOJQJ^JaJ *h3 CJOJQJ^JaJh{eCJOJQJ^JaJh~XCJOJQJ^JaJh@(CJOJQJ^JaJhS!CJOJQJ^JaJh3 CJOJQJ^JaJ#hS!hf7CJOJQJ^JaJ hS!hfCJOJQJ^JaJ hS!hfCJOJQJ^JaJ hS!hvHCJOJQJ^JaJFGAB $1$ 1$^gd05k1$^1$1$gd  1$^gdC" 1$^gd@( 1$^gd `bw}JKMN޼ޝ~mmm___N h5zhC"CJOJQJ^JaJhC"CJOJQJ^JaJ h(hC"CJOJQJ^JaJ hC"h@(CJOJQJ^JaJh@ayCJOJQJ^JaJ h@ayh@ayCJOJQJ^JaJh~XCJOJQJ^JaJ hC"hCJOJQJ^JaJ hC"h'`CJOJQJ^JaJ hC"hCJOJQJ^JaJ hC"hS!CJOJQJ^JaJcǶǧudVVHhcCJOJQJ^JaJh!CJOJQJ^JaJ h|h!CJOJQJ^JaJ h05kh CJOJQJ^JaJ#h05kh3 5CJOJQJ^JaJhC"5CJOJQJ^JaJh 5CJOJQJ^JaJ h05kh6'rCJOJQJ^JaJ h05kh3 CJOJQJ^JaJ,h5zh3 56CJOJQJ\]^JaJ h5zh3 CJOJQJ^JaJCDLh/0;CP_lpмЧЄЄvccc$h05kh05kCJOJPJQJ^JaJhZ_CJOJQJ^JaJhcCJOJQJ^JaJ)hohoGB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hoh3 B*CJOJQJ^JaJph&h05kh3 5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h05kh3 CJOJQJ^JaJhoCJOJQJ^JaJ h05kh05kCJOJQJ^JaJ /0GH#!$!!!!!Z"""I$J$%$d%d&d'd1$NOPQ$1$a$1$^1$ $1$^gd^gd05k $1$^ $1$EFݺݪݚwwwgWG7h~XCJOJPJQJ^JaJhCJOJPJQJ^JaJhC"CJOJPJQJ^JaJhMiCJOJPJQJ^JaJhvHCJOJPJQJ^JaJ$hEh qqCJOJPJQJ^JaJh qqCJOJPJQJ^JaJhoCJOJPJQJ^JaJh,CJOJPJQJ^JaJ$h05kh4CJOJPJQJ^JaJ$h05kh05kCJOJPJQJ^JaJh8CJOJPJQJ^JaJ$)FGH] #!$!(!=!!!!!!! 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FORMTEXT       Applicant signature and date  FORMTEXT       Chair/Unit Administrator signature and date  FORMTEXT       SFF/RRG Project Budget Name(s):  FORMTEXT        Department(s):  FORMTEXT       Project Title:  FORMTEXT       SFF/RRG Budget Table Double click on the table, and then add your budget figures:  RRG Project Budget Justification On a separate sheet under the heading RRG Project Budget Justification, describe each item you listed in the RRG portion of the budget table. The description should enable reviewers to understand a) how the cost of each item was computed, and b) how the budget items relate to your project objectives. NOTE: RRG funds may be spent in an 11-month period. Awardees must provide spending plans for two fiscal periods: 1)-Start Date of February 1 6/30 (current fis "$&(*ппiп[Mh(CJOJQJ^JaJhmn:CJOJQJ^JaJ/jhF^hOCJOJQJU^JaJhOCJOJQJ\^JaJh\HCJOJQJ\^JaJ#h`uh\HCJOJQJ\^JaJhOCJOJQJ^JaJ hF^hOCJOJQJ^JaJ)jhF^hOCJOJQJU^JaJ4jhF^hOCJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu} $1$IfgdF^1$gd\Hpkd`$$Ifl<'' t0644 lap ytF^  "$z|~ӾzzzzziWWEW#h`uhOCJOJQJ\^JaJ#h`uh\HCJOJQJ\^JaJ h`uhOCJOJQJ^JaJ4jhF^hOCJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu/jhF^hOCJOJQJU^JaJ hF^hOCJOJQJ^JaJ)jhF^hOCJOJQJU^JaJhOCJOJQJ^JaJh\HCJOJQJ^JaJ h`uh\HCJOJQJ^JaJ "$|~w $1$IfgdF^1$gdO1$gd\Hpkd\ $$Ifl  t0644 lap ytF^~׽顡׏qqbbbqqSh*TCJOJQJ\^JaJhOCJOJQJ\^JaJhmn:CJOJQJ\^JaJh\HCJOJQJ\^JaJ#h`uh\HCJOJQJ\^JaJ7jhF^hOCJOJQJU\^JaJmHnHu2j hF^hOCJOJQJU\^JaJ#hF^hOCJOJQJ\^JaJ,jhF^hOCJOJQJU\^JaJ1$gd\HpkdX!$$Ifl  t0644 lap ytF^468~tpkdT"$$Ifl<'' t0644 lap ytF^ $1$IfgdF^$1$a$1$1$gd\H "$&(*,.024ïÛhJJJJJ@6hF^hO5\hF^h3 5\:jhF^hO5CJOJQJU\^JaJmHnHu5j!hF^hO5CJOJQJU\^JaJ/jhF^hO5CJOJQJU\^JaJ&hF^hO5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hF^h)`o5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hF^h3 5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h05kh3 h05kh3 5OJQJ\^J!h05kh3 5;OJQJ\^J468LRTVXlnprtvxz|~ѽѳvvvvvo]K#hF^hO5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hF^h3 5CJOJQJ^JaJ h05khO&jhF^hO5U\mHnHu!j"hF^hO5U\hF^hO5\jhF^hO5U\hF^h3 5\&hF^h)`o5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hF^h3 5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h05kh3 CJOJQJ\^JaJhF^hO\~ $1$IfgdF^1$pkdP#$$Ifl<'' t0644 lap ytF^.׽顡אp^F/hSh$6B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph#h;p5;CJOJQJ\^JaJ)h05kh3 5;CJOJQJ\^JaJ h05kh3 h., hF^hOCJOJQJ^JaJ7jhF^hO5CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu2j#hF^hO5CJOJQJU^JaJ#hF^hO5CJOJQJ^JaJ,jhF^hO5CJOJQJU^JaJrtx   1$gd1$pkdL$$$Ifl<'' t0644 lap ytF^.>prtvx~1lϺ}hW}FF4FF#h,!h5CJOJQJ^JaJ h05khCJOJQJ^JaJ h05kh3 CJOJQJ^JaJ)h05kh3 5;CJOJQJ\^JaJ&h05kh3 5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hh5CJOJQJ\^JaJ jhh5U\mHnHu h65\)h$6B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph/hSh$6B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph/hSh 6B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphB [ o                       ݺݶ~shW!jhA~0J6CJU]aJh~X6CJ]aJh7 6CJ]aJhF:6CJ]aJh6CJ]aJhh6CJ]aJhA~6CJ]aJh9jh9Uh)`ohCJOJQJ]^JaJU#hfFLhCJOJQJ]^JaJhCJOJQJ]^JaJ&hiZh5CJOJQJ]^JaJcal year), and 2) 7/1 12/31 (next fiscal year). RRG funds are bound by fiscal year budgeting restraints. Awardees will be required to provide carefully crafted and accurate spending plans for these two periods. Funds budgeted in any fiscal period must be spent in that fiscal year or they will no longer be available. Awardees will work with Mark Simonson in ORI to administer their awards.     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