Find It @ MU

What is Find It @MU?
How do I use Find It @MU?
Why is there sometimes more than one link to full text?
Why don't I get a link to full text for some articles?
Why don't I always go directly to the article when I click on fulltext links?
I'm searching a database and the Find It @MU link appears on every item, even when there's already fulltext links for some of the items. Do I always need to use the Find It... link?
Why doesn't Find It @MU appear in all of the databases?
What do I do if a fulltext link isn't working?
Can I use Find It @MU if I am not on campus?
What can go wrong?
Where can I get more help?

What is Find It @ MU logo ?

Find It @MU provides an easy means of linking to fulltext articles and other resources held by the MU Libraries that are not directly available in the database being searched.

Find It @MU uses the OpenURL standard, a locally-maintained database of MU's digital journal holdings, and a link resolver to present our digital holdings regardless of the publisher.

How do I use Find It @ MU logo ?

When a citation doesn't provide a direct link to full text, click on the Find It @ MU logo icon to see if the article is available through another resource. The resulting screen may include one or more of the following options:

  • Full text: provides one or more links to the article when it is available digitally
  • Search MARQCAT: checks to see if the article is available in print or through alternate online sources when no fulltext link appears
  • Request an Article: links to interlibrary loan (ILLiad) for requesting articles not available (in any format) at MU
  • Request a Book: links to ILLiad for requesting books not available at MU
  • AskUs! Contact a Librarian: for help with your research


Why is there sometimes more than one link to full text?

MU subscribes to some digital journals through more than one vendor. The sources will be listed in alphabetical order. If one link isn't working, you can click on another. In addition, articles from some database providers, such as ProQuest and EBSCO, cannot be consolidated into one link, so multiple listings may appear. When that is the case, click on the first of the database links; when the article is available, a link will appear below the phrase “Matches from [name of provider] databases.â€

Why don't I get a link to full text for some articles?

  • MU may not have online access to the journal
  • A citation may appear in a database before the full text of the article is actually available
  • The copyright holder may delay (embargo") access to digital copy of the article for a set period
  • The journal publisher may not support the linking technology used by Find It @MU.

Why don't I always go directly to the article when I click on full text links?

Publishers have different levels of support for the linking that Find It @MU requires. Some databases and publisher's Web sites only allow linking to a journal's table of contents. When that is the case, browse the issues list or archives to find the article you need.

I'm searching a database and the Find It @ MU logo link appears on every item, even where there's already full text links for some of the items. Do I always need to use the Find It... link?

No. Publishers support linking technology to different levels. Some databases, including the ProQuest products, display the Find It @MU link for all items, even when there are direct links to full text.  Always use a fulltext link when it is available. Use Find It @MU when no fulltext link appears.

Why doesn't Find It @ MU logo appear in all of the databases?

  • Not all database providers support the linking technology used by Find It @MU.
  • The library has not yet configured access to the database; we are working to add publishers and vendors as quickly as possible.

What do I do if a link isn't working?

If there is more than one link to full text, try another link. If not, search , link to the journal if it is available electronically, and search for the needed volume, issue, and then article. Alternatively, click on AskUs! Contact a Librarian for help and to report the problem.

Can I use Find It @ MU logo if I am not on campus?

MarquetteCard holders can use Find It @MU from off campus via the Libraries' login (proxy server) or the University's virtual private network (VPN).

More information is available here.

What can go wrong?

It is important to keep in mind that Find It @MU doesn't guarantee you will find the full text of a given article; it merely provides a shortcut to other databases in the Libraries' holdings. The standards for Find It @MU require a number of precise elements to be in place, from both MU and a large number of publishers. In addition, the world of commercial publishing is constantly changing, and the libraries are continually adjusting their digital holdings. There will be occasions where links may be inconsistent, inaccurate, or misleading due to differences in how publishers implement the linking technology and/or due to configuration changes. Users are encouraged to check if there are questions related to holdings of a specific title, or AskUs! for assistance.

Where can I get more help?

Please contact a librarian at Raynor's Information Desk. Through the AskUs! services, walk-up assistance is available, or by phone, by e-mail, or by virtual (chat) reference. We appreciate your questions, without which we cannot improve Find It @MU.

Ask Raynor