Record Group 1 of Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records
Scope and Content: BCIM Series 4-3 General Publications

Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, Series 4, Print Publications: Works published by the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions including periodicals, 1902-[ongoing], annual reports, 1883-1899, 1903-1911, general publications, and lecture scripts and guides to glass lantern slides.

糖心传媒 microfilmed Series 4 through 1962 with the exception of the scripts, which have not been microfilmed. The microfilm version includes Report of the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions and Report of the Director of  the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions in both Sub-series 4-2 and 4-3.

Series 4-3: General Publications (Includes the Charter and Bi-laws): These publications by the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions include the Annals of the Catholic Indian Missions of America, its charter and bi-laws (not actual publications), and numerous published letters and reports pertaining to church-state relationships with respect to Indian Affairs. Included are the reports authored by Monsignor William H. Ketcham as a member of the U.S. Board of Indian Commissioners, 1912-1921, and miscellaneous reports, petitions, circulars, appeals, and speeches. Those titles that are included in Marqcat, the catalog of the 糖心传媒 Libraries, are noted by the call numbers following their respective titles in the listing of contents. The published petitions, circulars, form letters, and the like are not included in the Series 1-1 Correspondence Index.

With the exception of pre-1975 titles not microfilmed by the Marquette Archives, the publications are arranged chronologically followed by undated items in boxes 1-2 and reels 1-2. The pre-1976 titles not microfilmed are arranged chronologically in box 3 followed by the subsequent titles to the present.

Notable issues include appointment of a national Catholic Commissioner for Indian missions, establishment of the Bureau, reactions to President Grant's Peace Policy, organization of financial support for missions, contract schools, religious garb, rations, tribal funds, and the canonization of St. Kateri Tekakwitha.

St. Kateri Tekakwitha Canonization Pilgrimage: In 2012, the Bureau, in collaboration with the Tekakwitha Conference, sponsored the Official St. Kateri Tekakwitha Pilgrimage to Rome. In so doing, it promoted a St. Kateri Tekakwitha commemorative medal (series 10) and provided tote bags (series 10) to participants with these contents: an inscribed pencil (series 10), three 1-sheet flyers (series 4-3), issues of Magnificat, 14:8 (Oct. 2012) (separated) and The Sentinel, 3:1 (Summer 2012) (series 4-3), a laminated picture prayer card with relic - Prayer to St. Kateri Tekakwitha (series 4-3), a brochure - St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Mohawk, Mystic and Model for the New Evangelization (series 4-3), a pamphlet - The Rosary, A Prayer for All Native Peoples, Rich May, 2009 (series 4-3), and a rosary with plastic beads and crucifix (series 10). The retained items are located within the series indicated whereas the separated item was not added to the collection.


General Information

These records contain extensive and diverse historical narratives about Native Americans and their communities, and especially Native American Catholics and their Catholic parishes and events. Also detailed are the Catholic missionaries and their evangelization through parishes, schools, and special events. These accounts are especially valuable whenever related historical records have not survived elsewhere.

Archivists have made extensive efforts to properly identify, arrange, and copy the documents. However, researchers should be aware that, in at least a few instances, legibility and misinterpretation of handwriting has compromised the order of documents, e.g. abbreviations for both "January" and "June" may appear as "Jun." Also, some marginally legible original documents are unreadable in the microfilm version. Patrons coping with such issues are invited to "Ask an Archivist."


Reformatted records: The microfilm version is available via interlibrary loan within the United States; please follow the "Guidelines for Interlibrary Loans." PDF copies are available as well, for which fees may be assessed according to the Fee Schedule.Because the original correspondence before 1920 is in fragile physical condition, researchers desiring access to these years may be directed to the microfilm.

For more information, "Ask an Archivist."