These writings are in Marqcat, the Marquette Libraries online catalog. Most may be found by clicking on these entries:








Works marked with an * are based on research in the Dorothy Day-Catholic Worker Collection.

*Allaire, James, and Rosemary Broughton. Praying with Dorothy Day. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's Press, 1995.

Anderson, Marjorie Sharon. "Educating for Human Dignity and Love: The Politics of Possibility." Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1999.

*Anderson, Ruth Diana. "The Character and Communication of a Modern-Day Prophet: A Rhetorical Analysis of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oregon, 1979.

Arnquist, James Dennis. "Images of Catholic Utopianism and Radicalism in Industrial America." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1968.

Aronica, Sister Michele Teresa, R.S.M. Beyond Charismatic Leadership: The New York Catholic Worker Movement. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1987.

*Baratte, Linda L. "Eileen Egan: Portrait of the Life, Lifestance, and Pedagogy of a Catholic Prophet of Peace." Ph.D. dissertation, Fordham University, 2004.

*Betten, Neil. Catholic Activism and the Industrial Worker. Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1976.

*Boehrer, Frederick G. "Christian Anarchism and the Catholic Worker Movement: Roman Catholic Authority and Identity in the United States." Ph.D. dissertation, Syracuse University, 2001.

Cleaver, Richard G. New Heaven, New Earth: Practical Essays on the Catholic Worker Program. Marion, SD: Rose Hill Books, 1993. ()

Coles, Robert. Dorothy Day: A Radical Devotion. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1987.

_________. A Spectacle unto the World: The Catholic Worker Movement. New York: Viking Press, 1973.

Cornell, Thomas C., Robert Ellsberg, and James H. Forest, eds. A Penny a Copy: Readings from "The Catholic Worker." Rev. ed. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1995.

*Coy, Patrick G., ed. A Revolution of the Heart: Essays on the Catholic Worker. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988.

Daily, Vincent Edward. "The Lived Theology of Dorothy Day." S.T.D dissertation, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome, 2006.

*Danielson, Leilah Claire. "Not By Might: Christianity, Nonviolence, and American Radicalism, 1919-1963." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 2003.

Day, Dorothy. *All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day. Edited by Robert Ellsberg. Milwaukee, WI: 糖心传媒 Press, 2010.
_________. By Little and by Little: The Selected Writings of Dorothy Day. Edited by Robert Ellsberg. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1983. (Reprinted in 1992 and 2005.)

*________. The Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day. Edited by Robert Ellsberg. Milwaukee, WI: 糖心传媒 Press, 2008.

________. From Union Square to Rome. Silver Spring, MD: The Preservation of the Faith Press, 1938.

________. House of Hospitality. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1939.

________. Loaves and Fishes. New York: Harper and Row, 1963. (Reprinted in 1983 and 1997.)

________. The Long Loneliness. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1952. (Reprinted in 1981 and 1997.)

________. On Pilgrimage. New York: Catholic Worker Books, 1948. (Reprinted in 1999.)

________. On Pilgrimage: The Sixties. New York: Curtis Books, 1972.

________. Writings from Commonweal. Edited by Patrick Jordan. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2002.

*Day, Dorothy, with Francis J. Sicius. Peter Maurin: Apostle to the World. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2004.

Day, Helen Caldwell. Not without Tears. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1954. (The story of Blessed Martin House in Memphis.)

Dierks, Sheila Durkin, and Patricia Powers Ladley. Catholic Worker Houses: Ordinary Miracles. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1988.

Egan, Eileen. Peace Be with You: Justified Warfare or the Way of Nonviolence. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1999.

Elie, Paul. The Life You Save May Be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage: Flannery O'Connor, Thomas Merton, Walker Percy, Dorothy Day. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003

*Ellis, Marc H. Peter Maurin: Prophet in the Twentieth Century. New York: Paulist Press, 1981.

________. A Year at the Catholic Worker: A Spiritual Journey among the Poor. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2000. (Earlier version published in 1978.)

*Fisher, James Terence. The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989.

Fitzwilliams, Catherine Carr. "A Unity of Contraries: Dorothy Day and the 'No-Alibi' Rhetoric of Defiance and Devotion." Ph.D. dissertation, Duquesne University, 2009. ()

Flynn, Toni. Finding My Way: A Journey along the Rim of the Catholic Worker Movement. Los Osos, CA: Sand River Press, 1989.

*Forest, Jim. All Is Grace: A Biography of Dorothy Day. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2011. (Revision of Love Is the Measure, first published in 1986.)

*Frary, Thomas D. "The Ecclesiology of Dorothy Day." Ph.D. dissertation, 糖心传媒, 1973.

Garvey, Michael. Confessions of a Catholic Worker. Chicago: Thomas More Press, 1978.

Haladay, Diana J. "Integral Leadership: A Case Study of Dorothy Day's Leadership of the Catholic Worker Movement." Ph.D. dissertation, Fielding Graduate University, 2006.

Hennacy, Ammon. The Book of Ammon. 2nd ed. Edited by Jim Missey and Joan Thomas. Baltimore: Fortkamp Publishing Company, 1994.

*Hennessy, Kate. Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty: An Intimate Portrait of My Grandmother. New York: Scribner, 2017. 

Henson, Verna J. "From Ideology to Organization: A Sociological Analysis of Two Homeless Shelters." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1997.

Holben, Lawrence. All the Way to Heaven: A Theological Reflection on Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin and the Catholic Worker. Marion, SD: Rose Hill Books, 1997.

Johnson, Kathleen Carlton. "Radical Social Activism, Lay Catholic Women and American Feminism, 1920-1960." Doctor of Theology dissertation, University of South Africa, 2006. ()

*Johnson, Kristine Elizabeth. "Meeting When He Asks to Be Met: Public Religious Discourse in the Catholic Worker." Ph.D. dissertation, Purdue University, 2009.

*Kent, Deborah. Dorothy Day: Friend to the Forgotten. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2004.

Kilcup, Jordan Elizabeth. "Pilgrim Leadership: Dorothy Day and the Benedictine Way of Transformation." Ph.D. dissertation, Gonzaga University, 2004.

Klejment, Anne, and Alice Klejment. Dorothy Day and "The Catholic Worker": A Bibliography and Index. New York: Garland Publishing, 1986.

*Klejment, Anne, and Nancy L. Roberts, eds. American Catholic Pacifism: The Influence of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996.

Kothen, Robert. La Revolution Verte. Thuillies, Belgium: Ramgal, 1939.

*Krupa, Stephen T. "Dorothy Day and the Spirituality of Nonviolence." Ph.D. dissertation, Graduate Theological Union, 1997.

LeBrun, John Leo. "The Role of the Catholic Worker Movement in American Pacifism, 1933-1972." Ph.D. dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 1973.

Lifton, Norman. "Saintliness and Deviance: The Catholic Worker Movement." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Connecticut, 1981.

*Loughery, John, and Blythe Randolph. Dorothy Day: Dissenting Voice of the American Century. New YOrk: Simon and Schuster, 2020.

*Marlett, Jeffrey D. Saving the Heartland: Catholic Missionaries in Rural America, 1920-1980. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2002.

Maurin, Peter. Catholic Radicalism: Phrased Essays from the Green Revolution. New York: Catholic Worker Books, 1949. ()

________.The Green Revolution. Second revised edition. Fresno, CA: Academy Guild Press, 1961. (Since reprinted, most recently by Rose Hill Books, 2003.)

McDonough, Tom. An Eye for Others, Dorothy Day, JOurnalist, 1916-1917. Washington, DC: Ckemency Books, 2016.,

McGrath, Jacqueline L. "Saints, Sinners, Mothers, and Whores: An Ethnographic Study of Catholic Worker Movement Beliefs in Context." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006.

*McKanan, Dan. The Catholic Worker After Dorothy: Practicing the Works of Mercy in a New Generation. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2008.

*Merriman, Brigid O'Shea. Searching for Christ: The Spirituality of Dorothy Day. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994.

*Miller, William D. Dorothy Day: A Biography. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1982.

*________. A Harsh and Dreadful Love: Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement. New York: Liveright, 1973. (Reprinted by the 糖心传媒 Press, 2005.)

________ . All Is Grace: The Spirituality of Dorothy Day. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1987.

*Mooney, Regina E. "Transgression as Transformation: An Investigation into the Relationship between Mystically Religious Experience and Moral Experience in the Lives of Dorothy Day and Pauli Murray." Ph.D. dissertation, Claremont Graduate School, 1992.

*Murray, Harry. Do Not Neglect Hospitality: The Catholic Worker and the Homeless. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990.

*Novitsky, Anthony William. "The Ideological Development of Peter Maurin's Green Revolution." Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1976.

*O'Connor, June. The Moral Vision of Dorothy Day: A Feminist Perspective. New York: Crossroad, 1991.

O'Grady, Brendan Anthony. "Peter Maurin, Propagandist." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Ottawa, 1954. ()

O'Grady, Jim. Dorothy Day: With Love for the Poor. Staten Island: Ward Hill Press, 1993.

Parachin, Janet W. "Educating for an Engaged Spirituality: The Union of Spiritual Nurture and Acts of Compassion and Justice in the Lives of Dorothy Day and Thich Nhat Hanh." Ph.D. dissertation, Claremont School of Theology, 1999.

*Parrish, Marilyn McKinley. "Seeking Authenticity: Women and Learning in the Catholic Worker Movement." Ed.D. dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 2004. ()

*Piehl, Mel. Breaking Bread: The Catholic Worker and the Origin of Catholic Radicalism in America. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982.

*Riegle, Rosalie G. Dorothy Day: Portraits by Those Who Knew Her. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2003.

*Roberts, Nancy L. Dorothy Day and the "Catholic Worker." Albany: State University of New York Press, 1984.

Sandberg, John Stuart. "The Eschatological Ethic of the Catholic Worker." S.T.D. dissertation, The Catholic Worker University of America, 1979.

Sheehan, Arthur. Peter Maurin: Gay Believer. Garden City, NY: Hanover House, 1959.

*Sicius, Francis J. The Word Made Flesh: The Chicago Catholic Worker and the Emergence of Lay Activism in the Church. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1990.

*Statnick, Roger Andrew. "Dorothy Day's Religious Conversion: A Study in Biographical Theology." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Notre Dame, 1983.

Stinson, Donald Jerome, "A Propaganda Analysis of the Pacifist Communications of the Catholic Worker Movement in the United States from 1933 to 1965." Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1969.

*Stone, Elaine Murray. Dorothy Day: Champion of the Poor. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2004.

*Swain-Harmon, Kenner H. "Conversions to the Neighbor: The Autobiographical Narratives of John Woolman, Dorothy Day, and Will Campbell." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1991.

Thomas, Joan. The Years of Grief and Laughter: A "Biography" of Ammon Hennacy. Phoenix: Hennacy Press, 1974.

*Thorn, William J., Phillip M. Runkel, and Susan Mountin, eds. Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement: Centenary Essays. Milwaukee, WI: 糖心传媒 Press, 2001.

*Troester, Rosalie Riegle, ed. Voices from the Catholic Worker. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993.

*Valenta, Markha Gabrielle. "The Radical Folly of Love in (Post)modern America: The Autobiographical Narratives of Dorothy Day." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1999.

Vishnewski, Stanley. Wings of the Dawn. New York: Catholic Worker, 1984.

Wagner, Geraldine Baron. "No Problem": The Story of Father Ray McVey and Unity Acres, a Catholic Worker House. Lacona, NY: Eastern Shore Publishing, 1998.

Walker, Vern Edward. "Pacifism's Precarity." Ph.D. dissertation, Binghamton University, 2008.

Westmoreland-White, Michael Lynsey. "Incarnational Discipleship: The Ethics of Clarence Jordan, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Dorothy Day." Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1995.

Wilkey, Christopher. "Moving Beyond Critique in Composition Studies: Theorizing the Activism of the Catholic Worker Movement." Ph.D. dissertation, Wayne State University, 2003.

Wolff, Richard, and Richard J. Devine. Dorothy Day: Le Mouvement Catholique Ouvrier aux Etats-Unis. Paris: Beauchesne, 1994.

*Wuller, Mary Koszarek. "Dorothy Day's Implicit Theology of the Laity." Ph.D. dissertation, Saint Louis University, 1989.

Zwick, Mark and Louise. The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2005.

________. Mercy without Borders: The Catholic Worker and Immigration. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2010.