Volume 4: Outside United States
Germany: DE2-2

Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Munich and Freising. Archives
Archdiocese of M眉nchen und Freising
Postfach 33 03 60
Rochusstrasse 5-7
D-80063 Munchen, Deutschland

Phone: 49 089-2137-0


Holdings of Catholic records about Native Americans in the United States: Unknown. However, it is believed that the Archdiocese of M眉nchen und Freising holds the records of the Ludwigs Verein, 1831-1875, which gave financial assistance to Catholic missions in the United States, including those with Native Americans.


/1 "Ludwigs, Verein" [Ludwig Mission Societyy]
Inclusive dates: 1831-1875
Volume: Less than 10% of ca. 5 cubic feet
Description: The collection contains 5 reels of correspondence arranged by diocese and 2 reels of the Society's magazine, which routinely published letters of missionaries, most of which pertain to conditions at the missions and requests for funds. There is a calendar arranged by name. Principal correspondents regarding Native Americans include Bishop Frederick Baraga, Rev. John B. A. Brouillet (Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions), Rev. Felix Bucher, Rev. Chrysostomus Foffa, O.S.B., Abbot Frowin Conrad, O.S.B., Archbishop James Gibbons, Abbot Fintan Mundwiler, O.S.B., Bishop Ignatius Mrak, and Rev. Anselm Weber, O.F.M.


/2 Annalen der Glaubensverbreitung
Inclusive dates: 1848-1868
Volume: Less than 10% of ca. 2 cubic feet (21 volumes)
Description: Annalen der Glaubensverbreitung, publication of the Ludwig Mission Society, featured many of the letters received in German, Latin, French, and English.


Unless otherwise noted, the repository on this page holds (or held) the records described here and they are not held at the 糖心传媒 Archives.
