Volume 3: Western United States
New Mexico: NM-20

Catholic Church. Diocese of Gallup. Archives
711 South Puerco Drive
P.O. Box 1338
Gallup, NM 87305

Phone: 505-863-4406


Hours: By appointment only

Access: Some restrictions apply

Copying facilities: Yes 


History: The Diocese of Gallup was erected for northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico from parts of the Dioceses of Santa Fe and Tucson, 1939. The Gallup Diocese and its predecessors have administered the following Native Amerian missions, parishes, and schools in Arizona and New Mexico:

1629-1672 (closed)

La Purísima Concepción de Aguico Mission (Zuni), Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico

1629-1680 (closed), 1699-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

Our Lady of Guadalupe/ Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria de Halona Mission (Zuni), Zuni Pueblo, Zuni Reservation, New Mexico

1630-1632 (closed)

Kechipawan Visita (Zuni), Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico     

1699-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Joseph/ San José de Laguna Mission (Laguna [Keresan]), Laguna Pueblo, Laguna Reservation, New Mexico

1629-1680 (closed), 1689-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

1629-1680 (closed), 1689-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

San Estevan del Rey/ San Estevan del Rey de Ácoma Church (Acoma [Keresan]), Acoma Pueblo, Acoma Reservation, New Mexico

1880s-1970s (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Joseph Mission (Acoma [Keresan], Laguna [Keresan], Mestizos, Navajo), San Fidel, Cibola County

1897-1960s (moved to Thoreau) (Gallup, 1939-1960s)

St. Valerian Mission (Navajo), Smith Lake, McKinley County, New Mexico

1902-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Michael School (Navajo), St. Michaels, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1905-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

Our Lady of Fatima Mission (Navajo), Chinle, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1905-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Anthony Mission (Navajo), Many Farms, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1910-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Francis of Assisi Church (Apache), Lumberton, Jicarilla Reservation, New Mexico

1914-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Mission (Navajo), Fort Defiance, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1914-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Mission (Navajo), Fort Defiance, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1914-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Mary Mission (Navajo), Tohatchi, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico

1915-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission (Navajo), Round Rock, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1915-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Isabel Mission (Navajo), Lukachukai, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1915-2007 (closed) (Gallup, 1939-2007)

Our Lady of the Lake Mission (Navajo), Wheatfields, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1910s-2007 (Gallup, 1939-2007)

Tsaile Mission (Navajo), Tsaile, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1920-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. John/ Tekakwitha Mission, Houck, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1920-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Joseph Church (Hopi, Navajo), Keams Canyon, Hopi Reservation, Arizona

1922-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Anthony Church (Zuni), Zuñi Pueblo, Zuni Reservation, New Mexico

1923-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Anthony School (Zuni), Zuñi Pueblo, Zuni Reservation, New Mexico

1923-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Joseph Mission School (Acoma [Keresan], Laguna [Keresan], Mestizos, Navajo), San Fidel, Cibola County

1924-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Francis Church (Apache), Whiteriver, Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona

1928-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Anthony Mission (Apache), Cedar Creek, Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona

1928-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Catherine Mission (Apache), Cibecue, Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona 

1935-present (Gallup, 1939-present)

Christ the King Church (Navajo), Shiprock, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico

1935-1995 (Gallup, 1939-present)

St. Joseph School (Laguna), Laguna Pueblo, Laguna Reservation, New Mexico


Annunciation Church (Navajo), Chinle, Navajo Reservation, Arizona


St. Anthony Church (Navajo), Naschitti, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico


St. Francis of Assisi Church (e.g. Navajo, Tewa), Gallup, New Mexico

1946-ca. 1995 (closed)

St. Valerian Center (Navajo and others), Gallup, New Mexico


Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mission (Laguna), Encinal, Laguna Reservation, New Mexico


Sacred Heart Mission (Laguna [Keresan]), Mesita, Laguna Reservation, New Mexico


St. Mary Margaret Mission (Laguna [Keresan]), Paraje, Laguna Reservation, New Mexico


St. Elizabeth Mission (Laguna [Keresan]), Paguate, Laguna Reservation New Mexico


St. Anne Church (Navajo), Klagetoh, Navajo Reservation, Arizona


Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission (Navajo), Kayenta, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1950s-2010s (closed)

Our Lady of the Rosary Mission (Navajo), Greasewood, Navajo Reservation, Arizona


St. Jude Church (Navajo, Hopi), Tuba City, Navajo Reservation, Arizona


Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (Navajo), Page, Navajo Reservation, Arizona

1962-1997 (closed)

St. Eleanor Church (Navajo), Fort Wingate, New Mexico


St. Paul Church (Navajo), Crownpoint, New Mexico

1962-1975, 1981-1998 (closed)

San Ignacio Mission (Navajo), Star Lake, McKinley County, New Mexico


St. Berard Church (Navajo), Navajo, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico


St. Patrick (Navajo), Chi Chil Tah, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico

Ca. 1965-present

Good Shepherd Mission (Navajo), Pine Haven, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico 


St. Anne Mission (Acoma [Keresan]), Acomita, Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico


Santa Maria de Acoma Mission (Acoma), McCartys, Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico


All Saints Church (Navajo), Ganado, Navajo Reservation, Arizona 

1960s-2010s (closed)

Sawmill Mission (Navajo), Sawmill, Navajo Reservation, Arizona 

1970-2010s (closed)

Chuska Mission (Navajo), Chuska, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico 


St. Anthony Mission (Apache), Dulce, Jicarilla Reservation, New Mexico


St. Bonaventure Mission (Navajo), Thoreau, New Mexico

1971-1989 (closed)

St. William Church (Navajo), West Gallup, New Mexico


St. Philip Benizi Mission (Navajo), Church Rock, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico


Good Shepherd Mission (Navajo), Pinehaven, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico

1972-1992 (closed)

St. Catherine Mission (Navajo), Manuelito, New Mexico

1974-1994, 1999-present

Risen Savior Mission (e.g. Navajo), Bluewater, Cibola County, New Mexico

1980-2010s (closed)

Crystal Mission (Navajo), Crystal, New Mexico

1982-2001 (closed)

Fence Lake Mission (Navajo), Fence Lake, Cibola County, New Mexico


St. Bonaventure School (Navajo), Thoreau, New Mexico


San Lorenzo Church (Navajo) Tinaja, Ramah Navajo Reservation, New Mexico


San Juan Catholic Center (Navajo), Kirtland, New Mexico

St. Valerian Center and Chapel, Gallup:


Franciscans (St. John the Baptist Province) (Cincinnati, Ohio; archives bulk: St. Michaels, Arizona and Tucson, Arizona) established and administered St. Valerian Center (e.g. Navajo, Tewa), Gallup

1967-ca. 1995

Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People (Archives: Wynnewood, Pennsylvania) staffed St. Valerian’s 

ca. 1995-2010s (closed)

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul (Western Province) (Los Altos Hills, California) staffed St. Valerian’s  

Franciscans from St. Valerian’s attended the following Indian schools and parish:

1946-1962 (closed)

Charles H. Burke Government School (Navajo) and Fort Wingate Government Vocational High School (Navajo), Fort Wingate, New Mexico


St. Eleanor Church (Navajo), Fort Wingate, New Mexico


Holdings of Catholic records about Native Americans: 

Inclusive dates: 1777-1920, 1923-ongoing  

Volume: At least 66 cubic feet

Description: The description is by record type, which reflects their arrangement when reviewed by a Ĵý archivist, 2006.


/1 Bishops’ Papers

Inclusive dates: 1939-ongoing

Volume: At least 34 cubic feet


A. Bishop Bernard Theodore Espelage (1892-1971), O.F.M. [Franciscans], 1939-1969; less than 20% of approximately 6 cubic feet

B. Bishop Jerome Joseph Hastrich (1914-1995), 1969-1990; less than 10% of approximately 10 cubic feet

C. Bishop Donald Edmond Pelotte (Abenaki, 1945-2010), S.S.S. [Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament], 1986-2009; approximately 32 cubic feet; Coadjutor Bishop of Gallup, 1986-1990; Bishop of Gallup, 1990-2009

1. Biography, coat of arms, photographs, 5 folders

2. Calendars, 1987-1990, 2 folders

3. Clippings, 3 folders; re: related articles from newspapers

4. Correspondence

a. General, 1988-2000, ca. 20 cubic feet; accumulated in ca. 25 folders/year

b. With other bishops, 1986-2000, approximately 8 cubic feet; accumulated at approximately 8 folders/year

5. Homilies, 1987-2000, 48 folders; online 2004-2010

6. Ordination, 1986, 2 folders

7. Appointment Book, 1940-1985, ca. 40% of 1 volume; re: ordinations of priests and deacons, necrology of priests and deacons, dedications of churches and schools, confirmations, and diocesan consulters’ meetings

D. Bishop James Sean Wall (1964-), 2009-ongoing


/2 Sacramental Records

Inclusive dates: 1777-1920, 1941-ongoing

Volume: Ca. 1.5 cubic feet (over 30 volumes in part and 27 reels of microfilm in part)

Description: Records (e.g. baptisms, marriages, burials) for Native American parishioners divided by individual parishes and/or all parishes combined diocesan-wide with the former arranged there under by an assigned volume number and microfilmed with each reel corresponding to one register; includes Native and non-Native American parishes with attended Native American missions.

A. Individual parishes, New Mexico only, 1777-1920, 1938-1942

1. Microfilm (includes Acoma, San Estevan del Rey Church, Gallup, Sacred Heart Cathedral/ Church, Laguna, St. Joseph/ San José Church, Zuni, Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission), 1777-1920; 27 reels in part; includes baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials, and patentes

2. Registers: Gallup, Sacred Heart Cathedral/ Church, 1941, 1 volume, baptisms; Laguna, St. Joseph/ San José Church, 1885-1900, 1 volume, baptisms; San Fidel, St. Joseph Church, 1920-1942, 3 volumes, baptisms; Smith Lake Mission, 1938-1940, 1 volume, baptisms

B. All parishes combined diocesan-wide, Arizona-New Mexico, 1941-ongoing; ca. 40% of over 30 volumes plus 3 volumes indices; includes baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials for all parishes plus St. Valerian Chapel/ Center, Gallup


/3 Parish Files

Inclusive dates: 1923-ongoing

Volume: Over 16 cubic feet

Description: Divided by state, then arranged alphabetically by parish location and there under by name; contains correspondence, histories, maps, membership lists, notes, and photos for Indian and non-Indian parishes with attended Indian missions and stations.

A. Arizona:

1. Chinle, Our Lady of Fatima Church with Many Farms mission, 19412000; 7 folders

2. Cibecue, St. Catherine Church with Cedar Creek mission, 19461988; 7 folders

3. Fort Defiance, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church, 1953-1995; 5 folders

4. Ganado, All Saints Church with Klagetoh and Greasewood missions, 1956-2000; 7 folders

5. Kayenta, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 1968-2000; 4 folders

6. Keams Canyon, St. Joseph Church with missions, 1940-2000; 6 folders

7. Lukachukai, St. Isabel Church with Round Rock, Wheatfields, and Tsaile missions, 1924-1993; 7 folders

8. St. Michaels, St. Michael’s Mission, 1937-2002; 13 folders

9. Tuba City, St. Jude Church, 1942-2001; 6 folders

10. Whiteriver, St. Francis Church, 1942-2000; 5 folders

B. New Mexico:

1. Acoma, San Estevan del Rey Church with Acomita and McCartys missions, 1964-2000; 5 folders

2. Chichiltah, St. Patrick Church, 1971-2000; 7 folders

3. Church Rock, St. Philip Benizi Church, 1967-2000; 1 folder

4. Crownpoint, St. Mary Church, 1965-1994; 8 folders

5. Gallup, St. Valerian Chapel, 1983-1993; 1 folder

6. Gallup, St. William Church with Manuelito Mission, 1971-1989; 6 folders

7. Laguna, St. Joseph Church with Paraje, Paguate, Encinal, Seama, and Mesita missions, 1940-1999; 6 folders

8. Lumberton, St. Francis of Assisi Church with Dulce mission, 1940-1999; 15 folders

9. Navajo, St. Berard Church with Sawmill mission, 1962-2000; 6 folders

10. Pinehaven, Good Shepherd Church, 1974-1998; 5 folders

11. Shiprock, Christ the King Church, 1940-1998; 8 folders

12. Thoreau, St. Bonaventure Church with Smith Lake and Bluewater missions, 1962-1999; 22 folders

13. Tinaja, San Lorenzo Church, 1974-2000; 6 folders

14. Tohatchi, New Mexico, St. Mary Church with Naschitti mission, 1940-2000; 7 folders

15. Zuni, St. Anthony Church, 1953-2000; 11 folders


/4 School Files

Inclusive dates: 1972-ongoing

Volume: Ca. 1 cubic foot

Description: Contain correspondence between the diocese and school principals, clippings histories, and yearbooks.

A. St. Michaels, St. Michael School, 1987-2000, 3 folders

B. San Fidel, St. Joseph School, unknown, unknown

C. Thoreau, St. Bonaventure School/ Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Academy, 1972-2000, 11 folders

D. Zuni, St. Anthony School, 1993-2000, 1 folder


/5 Files of Women’s Religious Institutes

Inclusive dates: 1938-ongoing

Volume: Ca. 2 cubic feet

Description: Correspondence between the diocese and heads of congregations and organizations, re: Native American parishes and schools in part, general correspondence, and correspondence with and/or about individual religious sisters, e.g. St. Katharine Drexel.

A. Auxiliaries of the Blessed Sacrament, 1989-1995; 1 folder

B. Franciscan Sisters of Peace, 1989-1992, 1 folder

C. Missionaries of Charity, 1980-2000, 6 folders

D. Benedictine Sisters, 1972-1991, 1 folder

E. Dominican Sisters, 1982-1993, 1 folder

F. Ursuline Sisters, 1981-1997, 1 folder

G. Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (Archives: Wynnewood, Pennsylvania), 1981-2000, 5 folders

H. Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, 1975-1998, 2 folders

I. Sisters of Loretto, 1990, 1 folder

J. Sisters of Notre Dame, 1987-1997, 1 folder

K. School Sisters of Notre Dame, 1983-1991, 1 folder

L. General Correspondence, 1971-1992, ca. 15% of 30 folders

M. Individual Sisters, A-Z, 1938-1997, ca. 15% of 25 folders

N. Sisters Senate, 1970-2000, ca. 15% of 5 folders

O. Sisters Council, 1981-2000, ca. 15% of 3 folders

P. St. Katharine Drexel, 1966-2000, 1 cubic foot; re: sainthood cause; correspondence with and printed material from primarily the postulator


/6 Files of Men’s Religious Institutes

Inclusive dates: 1940-ongoing

Volume: Ca. 4 cubic feet

Description: Franciscans, St. John the Baptist Province (Cincinnati, Ohio; archives bulk: St. Michaels, Arizona, and Tucson, Arizona), 1940-1985, and Our Lady of Guadalupe Province (Archives: St. Michaels, Arizona), 1985-ongoing; includes correspondence between the diocese and heads of the province, newsletters, and biographical/personnel files; re: Indian parishes and schools, in part.


/7 Personnel Files:

Inclusive dates: 1940-ongoing

Volume: Estimated 40% of 15 cubic feet

Description: Biographical information, correspondence, and clippings of diocesan and religious priests and permanent deacons; most contain 1 folder per person.

A. Diocesan priests

1. Deceased Gallup diocesan priests, A-Z, 1940-present; estimated 40% of 8 cubic feet

2. Diocesan priests from other dioceses, A-Z, 1940-ongoing; 40% of ca. 12 cubic feet

B. Diocesan permanent deacons

1. Gallup diaconate faculty correspondence, 1988-2000, 6 folders

2. Gallup deaconate minutes, 1988-1997, 1 folder

3. Gallup diaconate newsletter, Diakonia, 1987-2000; 1 folder

4. Gallup Native American Deacon and Lay Ministry Formation, 1985-1995; with Native American Deacons’ Handbook, Diocese of Gallup, undated; 1 folder

5. Gallup Native American Deaconate Weekend, 1999; includes photos; 1 folder

6. Gallup diocese permanent deacons, A-Z, 1980s-present; estimated 40% of 4 cubic feet

7. National Native American Deacons’ Association, 1989; 1 folder


/8 Other Catholic Organizations

Inclusive dates: 1940-ongoing

Volume: Approximately 4 cubic feet

Description: Other Catholic organizations supporting the Gallup Diocese with records that are Native American-related, at least in part:

A. American Board of Catholic Missions, 1940-1990, 4 folders

B. Apostolic Delegation, 1940-1989, 6 folders

C. Black and Indian Mission Office [Commission for the Catholic Missions among the Indians and the Colored People], 1940-1990, 8 folders

D. Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, 1987-2000, 3 folders; correspondence with Monsignor Paul A. Lenz and newsletters 5. Casa San Martin, 1973-1989, 2 folders

E. Catholic Church Extension Society, 1940-2000, 27 folders

F. Gallup Catholic Indian Center [St. Valerian Center], 1946-1982, 1 folder

G. Gallup Diocesan Catholic Charities, 1 folder

H. Madonna House Winslow Arizona, 1994-2000, 1 folder

I. New Mexico Catholic Conference, 1991-2000, 3 folders

J. New Mexico Conference of Churches, 1994-2000, 1 folder

K. Southwest Indian Foundation

1. 1973-1996, 15 folders; includes correspondence with Rev. Douglas McNeil

2. 1988-2000; 3 folders; mostly correspondence with the foundation

L. Talbot House, 1988-1999, 4 folders

M. Tekakwitha Conference, 1978-2000; 3 folders

N. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Native American Catholics, 1994-1995, 2 folders


/9 General Diocesan Concerns

Inclusive dates: 1947-1948, 1964-1999

Volume: Approximately 1 cubic foot


A. Diocese of Gallup Golden Jubilee [book], 1989, 1 folder in part

B. New Mexico 5th Centenary Celebration, 1991-1992, 4 folders in part

C. Native Americans, General

1. General, 1987-1997, 1 folder

2. Lay ministry, 1992-1999, 1 folder

3. Church Survey, 1981, 1 folder

4. Papal visit with, Phoenix, Arizona, 1987, 4 folders; clippings

D. Hopi Nation, 1992-1993, 1 folder

E. Navajo Nation

1. Mass in Navajo language, 1964-1987, 2 folders; correspondence and texts

2. Permission to marry non-Catholics, 1947-1948, 1 folder

3. Navajo Board, 1970-1980, 2 folders

4. Navajo meetings, 1970-1972, 1 folder

5. Navajo Nation, 1979-1999, 1 folder


/10 Diocesan newspaper

Inclusive dates: 1969-ongoing

Volume: Numerous articles

Description: With regularity, the Voice of the Southwest has included several articles pertaining to Native Americans and Catholic evangelization in the diocese. It has been archived online, 2007-ongoing.   


Unless otherwise noted, the repository on this page holds (or held) the records described here and they are not held at the Ĵý Archives.
