Record Group |
Series | Box | Folder Title |
A-1.1 | 20 | 195 | Pabst, Mr. August U., 1968-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - | Pabst Brewing Company |
A-1.1 | 20 | 195 |
Correspondence, Reports, Clippings, 1962-1984 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 333 |
DeGuire, Frank C., 1973-1981 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 195 |
Smith, William F., President, 1981-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 294 |
Windham, James C., 1962-1974 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 195 | Pabst, Mrs. Ida C. (Frederick), 1964-1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 195 | Pabst, Mrs. Irina (Robert E.), 1968-1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 196 | Packard, Mr. Howard M., 1980-1986 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 196 | Packing Corporation of America, 1977-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 35 | Paltridge, J.G., 1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 196 | Papal Audiences, 1964-1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - | Parent's Association |
A-1.1 | 20 | 196 |
Bischofberger, Rev. George, S.J., 1968-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - |
Board of Directors |
A-1.1 | 20 | 196-197 |
Invitations to Membership and Replies, 1967-1988 (12 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 |
Meetings, 1966 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 197-198 |
Meetings, 1968-1982 (6 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 |
Board of Directors, 1965-1972 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 35 |
Board of Directors, 1972-1981 (8 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 197 |
Chicago Parent's Dinner, 1969-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 |
Chicago Parent's Dinner, 1975, 1976, 1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 197 |
Correspondence and Membership Information, 1968-1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 197 |
Correspondence and Publications, 1969-1981 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 196 |
Corrigan, Rev. James S., S.J., 1971-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 |
Eichesteadt, Nancy, 1974-1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 |
Fund Campaign, 1968-1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 |
McCann, Paul A., 1965-1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 |
Member Information, 1966-1968 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 |
National Vice Chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. John Fox, 1981-1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 |
New York Area Campaign Solicitation, 1965-1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36, 198 |
New York Parents Dinner, 1967, 1969-1972, 1974-1981 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 |
Newsletter, 1967-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 197 |
Parents' Dinner, 1968 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 197 |
Parents Fund, 1974-1985 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 |
Parents Park, 1976-1977 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 |
Reorganization, 1970-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 196 | Parker Pen Company, 1964-1981 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 196 | Parking Committee, 1970-1979 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 196 | Parking Facilities, 1967-1986 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 | Parking Structure Ramp, 1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 | Parkman, Mrs. Betty, 1980-1986 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 | Passalacqua, Cosmo, 1972-1977 |
A1.1 | 20 | 436 | Patterson, Michael J., 1989 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 | Paul, Mr. Arloe W., 1972-1977 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 | Paulsen, Mr. Roger P., 1978-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 | Peavey Company, 1982-1986 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 | Peeples, Mr. John A., 1963-1988 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 | Peluso, Mr. Frank, 1981-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 | Penderson, Mrs. Harold G., 1975-1981 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 | Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, 1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 198 | People to People Program, 1977-1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 365 | Pere Marquette Awards, 1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36, 198-199 | Pere Marquette Dinner, 1967-1986 (19 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 368 | Pere Marquette Dinner Remarks, 1966-1989 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 333 | Pere Marquette Discovery Award Medal, 1969-1982 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 333 | Pere Marquette Discovery Award, Rahner, Rev. Karl, 1979-1988 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 199 | Pere Marquette Pewter Bowl and Spoon, 1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 199 | Pere Marquette Political Association, 1971-1976 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 199 | Pere Marquette Society, 1965-1979 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 354-355 | Pere Marquette Tercentenary, Correspondence and Reports, 1965-1968 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 416 | Pere Marquette Tercentary Celebration, Correspondence and Planning, 1970-1973 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 | Performing Arts Center, 1969-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 | Perini, Louis R., 1962-1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 42 | Personnel, 1964-1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 1 | "Perspectives on 糖心传媒," 1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 199 | Peters, Mr. Arthur N., 1968-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 294 | Peters, Dr. Bruno J., 1967-1979 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 199 | Peters, Dr. Bruno J., 1980-1985, 1990 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 199 | Peters, Mr. Harvey W. and Frieda L., 1963-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 333 | Peters, Mr. Harvey W. and Frieda L., 1981-1986 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 199 | Peterson, Mr. Gerald T., 1984-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 199 | Pew, Miss Margaret, 1970-1979, 1989-1990 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 199 | Pew Memorial Trust, 1977-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 | Pfaller Herbst Associates, Inc., 1966-1989 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 200 | Pfeil, Mr. Herman W., 1966-1987 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 200 | Pfister and Vogel Tanning Company, 1963-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 200 | Pfizenmaier, Miss Emily, 1977-1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 195 | P.H. Orth Company, 1969-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 200 | Phelps Dodge Industries, 1971, 1982 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 200 | Phi Beta Kappa, 1958-1982 (4 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 365 | Phi Beta Kappa, 1970-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 396 | Phi Beta Kappa General Report, September 1968 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 294 | Phi Beta Kappa, Marquette Review Visit, 1968-1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36, 200 | Phi Delta Kappa, 1966-1976 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 200 | Phi Sigma Society Awards, 1964-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 36 | Philip, Cyrus L. and Mary, 1965-1981 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 183 | Philip Morris, Inc., 1969-1981 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 200 | Philipp, Miss Elsa A., 1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Phillips, Mrs. Vel, 1965-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 201 | Philosophy of Education Society, 1967-1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 201 | Phoenix Inn, 1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Phoenix Products Company, 1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Physical Recreation Facility (Helfaer), 1971-1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 201 | Physical Recreation Facility (Helfaer), 1973-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Physical Recreation Facility Committee (Helfaer), 1969-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 201 | Physical Recreation Facility (Helfaer), Proposal for Management and Operation, 1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 201 | Physical Therapy, Program In, 1954-1985 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Pi Lambda Theta, 1971-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 201 | Pi Sigma Alpha, 1969-1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 201 | Pick, Dr. John, 1966-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 201 | Pier, Mrs. Joanne (William), 1975-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Pigatti, Eugene, 1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Pill and Puff, Inc., 1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Piokoski, Paul A., 1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Pipev, Mrs. Virginia (Kenneth M.), 1977-1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Pipkorn Corporation, 1981-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Pirsein, Dr. Robert, 1971-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Pittsburgh Bridge and Iron Works Charitable Trust, 1975-1976 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Placement Center, Director of Placement, Reverend James Manning, 1974-1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 294 | Plankinton Trust, 1971-1982 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Poblocki and Sons, 1975-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Podell, Judge Ralph J., 1973-1977 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Podewils, William P., 1973-1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Poehling, Robert E. and Family, 1975-1986 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Polansky, Paul J., 1981-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Polar Wave Company, 1976-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Polaris Corporation, 1963-1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Pomfert Seminar, 1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Pommerening, Glen, 1966-1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Pope, Henry, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Pope John Paul II, 1978-1986 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | Popp, Albert, 1962-1965, 1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Popp, Edward, 1963-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 | Popuch, Hyman, 1966-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Porter, Reverend Thomas E., S.J., 1973-1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Porth, Beatrice M., 1976-1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Post, Judd, 1969, 1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Potter, Lee A. and Mildred, 1972-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 | Pouros, James G., 1966, 1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 436 | Presidential Communications, 1988-1990 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 429 | President's Annual Report, 1974-1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 364 | President's Basketball Dinner, Guest List, 1967-1968 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 | President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, 1966-1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 | President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 435 | President's Council, 1978-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 208 | President's Council, 1985-1986 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 334 | President's Council, Inaugural Dinner, 1978-1979 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 208 | President's Council, Recognition Dinner, 1982-1988 (6 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 208 | President's Council, Newsletter, 1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 208-209 | President's Executive Senate, 1984-1987 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | - | President's Meetings |
A-1.1 | 20 | 382 | President's Meetings, 1967-1971 (Minutes with Provost and Vice President) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 382 | President's Meetings, 1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 382 | President's Meetings, 1973, 1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 399 | President's Meetings, Background Material for, January-July, 1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 399 | President's Meetings, Background Material for, July 7, 1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 399 | President's Meetings, Background Material for, November, 1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 399 | President's Meetings, Background Material for, December, 1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 399 | President's Meetings, Background Material for, January-February, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 399 | President's Meetings, Background Material for, March-September, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 399 | President's Meetings, Background Material for, October, 1971-April, 1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 399 | President's Meetings, Minutes, 1969-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 430 | President's Meetings, 1967-1968 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 399 | President's Meetings, 1973-1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 400 | President's Meetings, Notes on, January-December, 1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - | President's Office |
A-1.1 | 20 | - |
Addresses |
A-1.1 | 20 | 334 |
Baccalaureate, Spring Hill College, 1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
B'nai B'rith Human Rights Inter-faith Awards, 1966-1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
B'nai B'rith Humanitarian Award Dinner Address, 1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 334 |
Brotherhood Talk, Carthage College, 1966-1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 333 |
Brotherhood Week, Congregation Sinai, Rabbi Brickman, 1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 334 |
DeSales Seminary High School Commencement, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
Edgewood College - Madison Commencement, 1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 |
Helfaer Building Dedication Ceremonies, 1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 |
Janesville Service Club, Catholic Women's Club, 1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 334 |
Marian College, 1969-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
糖心传媒 Commencement, 1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 |
Milwaukee Catholic Home, 1979-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 |
Mount Sinai Groundbreaking, 1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
Regis College Commencement, 1966-1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 |
Sales and Marketing Executives of Milwaukee, 1978-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 |
Speech to Milwaukee Jewish Council, 1977-1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 |
United Fund Kickoff, 1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 334 |
University of Michigan Speech, 1968-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 334 |
Annual Reports, 1965-1977 (4 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 203 |
Annual Reports, 1978-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
Arizona Trip, 1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 |
Cabinet Inaugural Meeting, 1976 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 |
Cabinet Meeting, 1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 203 |
Christmas Cards, 1966-1985 (6 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
Christmas Card List, 1984-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
Conference Room, O'Hara Hall, 1967,1988 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
Congratulatory Messages, Ten Year Anniversary as President, 1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 |
Conley, Dr. William, 1953-1968 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 |
Corrigan, Rev. James B., S.J., 1977 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
Employee Christmas Gifts and Acknowledgements, 1966-1976 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
Exchequer Club, 1981-1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
First Wisconsin Center, Dedication Blessing, 1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 |
Free Enterprise, 1977-1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - |
Gassert, Reverend Robert G., S.J. |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
Contacts, 1980-1981 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
"West-End" Assignment, 1979-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
Gifts Received for Discretionary Use of President, 1980-1985 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 334 |
Honors Convocation, 1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
Honors Convocation, 1968-1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
Interviews, 1965-1984 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
Invocations, Remarks, 1973-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 206 |
Magazine and Newspaper Subscriptions, 1966-1979 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 295 |
Milwaukee Athletic Club, 1970-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
Milwaukee Press Club, Headliner Award, 1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
The Newcomen Society in North America, 1971-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
North Shore Golf Club, 1980-1987 (4 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
Nyematic Equipment, 1972-1986 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
O'Hara Hall, 1965-1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
Operating Policies, 1970-1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 205 |
Past Presidents' Pictures, 1968-1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 206 |
Personal Recommendations, 1969-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 |
Postage for the Office of the President, 1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
Presidential Prayer Breakfast, 1969-1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 |
President's Address to Sigma Delta Chi Professional Chapter, 1965 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
President's Annual Report, 1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - |
President's Cabinet |
A-1.1 | 20 | 296 |
Correspondence and Reports, 1974-1980 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 296 |
Expenses, 1976 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 296 |
Meeting, 1976 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
Meeting, 1976-1978 (4 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 432 |
Meeting, 1977 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 432 |
Meeting, 1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 296 |
Prospective Members, 1974-1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
President's Commission on Campus Unrest, 1970-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 |
President's Convocation, 1965-1966 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
President's Council, 1987 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - |
President's Council |
A-1.1 | 20 | 297 |
$1,000 Donor Club, 1977-1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 37 |
Annual Recognition Dinner, 1977 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 296 |
Annual Recognition Dinner, 1980-1983 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 297 |
Correspondence and Reports, 1978-1984 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | - |
President's Executive Senate |
A-1.1 | 20 | 297 |
1981-1983 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 298 |
1978-1980 (4 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 299 |
1973-1977 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
President's Newsletter, 1972-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 1 |
President's Newsletter, 1973, 1986-1989 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 206 |
President's Picnic, 1962, 1969, 1981-1982 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 296 |
President's Picnic, 1976-1982 (4 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
President's Picnic, 1977, 1978 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 205 |
President's Picnic, 1982-1988 (7 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
President's Private Dining Room, 1958-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 206 |
President's Reception for Summer Sessions, 1965-1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
Property Taxes, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 204 |
Proposed President's Garage, 1969, 1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 206 |
Railroad Passes, 1962-1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 206 |
Reception for Faculty and Administrators, 1965-1988 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
Ryan, Rev. Richard F., S.J., 1968-1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 206 |
Signature Procedure, 1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
St. Patrick's Day Sermon, 1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 202 |
Strategic Air Command, Certificate of Degree, 1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 207 |
United Air Lines 100,000 Mile Club, 1968-1979 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
University Club Membership, 1964-1965 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 436 | President's Reception Invitations, 1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 430 | President's Report, 1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 | Pressed Steel Tank Company, 1964-1985 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 | Presto Products, Inc., 1975-1988 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 | Price Erecting Company, 1967-1986 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 | Primakow, Mr. Harry, 1968 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 64 | Princess Antoinette of Monaco, 1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 429 | Program Planning and Academic Development, 1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 | Project Equality, 1980 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 | Project THEMIS, 1967 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 417 | Proposed By-Laws of 糖心传媒, c. 1966 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 | Proposed Prison Site, 1985-1987 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 427 | Provincial, Correspondence with, 1966-1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 97 | Provo, Larry, 1967-1969, 1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - | Provost, Office of the |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 |
Administrative Intern Position at Marquette, 1969-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 300 |
Annual Report, 1971-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 300 |
Assistant Provost, Recruitment, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - |
Assistant Provost of Governmental Relations |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 |
McCarthy, Mr. Robert E., 1968-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 300 |
Murphy, Mr. Patrick J., 1972-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 |
Central Publication Office, 1967-1968 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 299 |
Cowee, Dr. John W., 1966-1977 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 |
Director of Public Relations, Cameron, Mr. John J., 1969-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
Governmental Relations, Status Report, 1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
Institutional Planning, 1963-1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 300 |
Long Range Planning, 1967-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - |
Long Range Planning |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 |
College Operations Analysis Program, 1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 300 |
Journalism, Reorganization of Communication Arts, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
Public Relations Program, 1970-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
Management Information Systems, 1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
Matar, Dr. Joseph E., 1971-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 38 |
McCanna, Walter F., 1968-1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Press Reception, 1970-1971 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | - | Public Relations |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Advertising and Publications, Institutional Control, 1976 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 |
Advisory Committee (PRAC), 1968-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 300 |
Advisory Committee, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
Advisory Committee, 1972-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 300 |
Advisory Committee, Annual Meeting, 1970 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Advisory Committee, Chicago Region, 1968-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Advisory Committee, Milwaukee Region, 1968-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Advisory Committee, New York Region, 1968-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Advisory Committee, Regional Membership, 1968-1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Advisory Committee, Washington Region, 1967-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 436 | "A Look at: 糖心传媒, The Presidents Report, 1967-1968" |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 |
American College Public Relations Association, 1964-1969 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Associate Director of Special Events, Burke, Miss Connie B., 1983-1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 |
Associate Pastor's Dinner and Basketball Game, 1961-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 209 |
Audio-Visual Director, Hamilton, Mr. Jack, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Director of the News Bureau and Associate Director of Public Relations, Foran, Mr. David T, 1966-1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
External Public Relations, 1970-1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Faculty Speakers Bureau, 1967-1984 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
Kommer, Barbara, 1976-1977 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Manager of Special Events and Conferences, Beaumont, Miss Mary Ann, 1979-1982 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 210 |
Master Invitation List, 1975 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39, 210 |
Missouri-Wisconsin Province Meeting, 1979-1982 (8 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
Missouri-Wisconsin Province Development Report, 1973-1977 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
Mulcahy, Mary, 1973-1978 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
Pastor's Dinner and Basketball Game, 1963-1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
Press Reception (News Night), 1972-1974 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 211 |
Reorganization, 1973-1974 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
Robersen, Mr. William N., 1970-1981 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 300 |
Search Committee for Director of Public Relations, 1964-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 300 |
University Editor, Hirchenberger, Eileen, 1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
University Publications, 1969-1971 |
A-1.1 | 20 | - | Public Safety |
A-1.1 | 20 | 211 |
Correspondence and Reports, 1966-1985 (2 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 39 |
Kurdziel, Carol, 1977-1979 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 211 | Pulliam, Mrs. Adewll (John P.), 1968 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 211 | Quality of Life on 糖心传媒 Campus, 1972-1973 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 211 | Quarles, Mr. Joseph V., Jr., 1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 211 | Quarles, Mr. Louis, 1963-1972 |
A-1.1 | 20 | 211 | Quarter Century Club, 1962-1985 (3 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 418 | Quesnell, Quentin, 1970-1987 (5 folders) |
A-1.1 | 20 | 212-213 | Questionnaires, 1967-1986 (6 folders) |