Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 1 ABA Re-accreditation Visit, Correspondence and Report, 1972-1974
A-1.2 4 1 Air Conditioning Study, Revised, January 1969
A-1.2 4 1 Alcoholic Beverage Policy/Beer License, Correspondence, 1972-1977
A-1.2 4 1 Ambassador Hotel Residence Hall, Correspondence, 1976-1979; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 1 ASMU Financial Independence, Correspondence, 1969-1971; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 1 Assignable Space, Academic Facilities, 1964
A-1.2 4 2 Athletics, Minor Sports Report, 1972
A-1.2 4 2 Auditorium-Arena Leasing, Correspondence, 1972-1977
A-1.2 4 2 Basketball Program, Correspondence, 1976-1981
A-1.2 4 2 Belize Students, Correspondence, 1973-1975

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 2 Bomb Threat Policy and Procedure, Correspondence, 1970-1979
A-1.2 4 2 Buckley Amendment (Privacy Rights), Correspondence, 1974-1976
A-1.2 4 2 Budget Committee Membership, Correspondence, 1967-1978
A-1.2 4 2 Building Planning Committees, Information and Minutes, 1961
A-1.2 4 2 Campus Heating, Steam Line Installation and Costs, 1969-1974
A-1.2 4 2 Campus Planning Committee, Correspondence, 1973
A-1.2 4 - Campus Safety Committee,
A-1.2 4 2
Correspondence, 1975-1977
A-1.2 4 2
Membership Appointments, 1975-1977
A-1.2 4 2
Minutes of Meetings, 1975-1977

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 3 Campus Security, Correspondence and Reports, 1971-1976; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 - Carillon,
A-1.2 4 3
Correspondence, 1965-1971; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 3
Descriptive Brochure and Article, 1967, 1973
A-1.2 4 3
Duty Exemption Bill, Correspondence, 1966-1972
A-1.2 4 3 Carpenter Hall Remodeling Planning Committee, Correspondence and Minutes, 1975-1978
A-1.2 4 3 CETA Program, Correspondence, 1978-1981
A-1.2 4 3 Club Football, Correspondence, 1966-1975

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 4 Cobeen, Charles T., Vice President Business and Finance, Farewell Letter and Marquette Alumnus Article, 1963
A-1.2 4 4 College Housing Loan Program, Correspondence, 1977
A-1.2 4 4 Committee on Faculty, Administrative Salary Information, 1974-1977
A-1.2 4 4 Communications/Information Center, Correspondence, 1974-1979
A-1.2 4 4 Computer Change, Correspondence, 1973-1974
A-1.2 4 4 Computer Purchase, Correspondence and Contracts, 1973-1975
A-1.2 4 - Computer Services Division,
A-1.2 4 4
Administrative Computing, Correspondence, 1975-1977; 3 folders
A-1.2 4 4
Correspondence and Reports, 1979
A-1.2 4 4 Coordinating Committee, Correspondence, 1970

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 5 Dentistry, School of, Correspondence, 1971-1974
A-1.2 4 5 Educational Opportunity Program, Correspondence, 1961, 1970-1971
A-1.2 4 5 Emergencies, Policies and Procedures, 1966-1978
A-1.2 4 5 Energy Conservation Committee, Correspondence and Minutes, 1977-1979
A-1.2 4 5 Engineering Annex: Funding Sources, Correspondence, 1972-1979
A-1.2 4 5 Engineering Annex: Ineligible Costs, Financial Data and Summaries, 1975-1979
A-1.2 4 5 Escort Services, Correspondence, 1975
A-1.2 4 5 Faculty Office Building (Coughlin Hall), Correspondence, 1972-1977; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 5 Faculty Offices Building, Planning Committee, Minutes of Meetings, 1975-1977
A-1.2 4 5 Financial Information, 糖心传媒, January 1962, 1955-1977

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 5 German Language Center in Germany, Correspondence, 1965-1977
A-1.2 4 5 Gesu School and Convent and Urban Renewal, Correspondence, 1965-1969
A-1.2 4 6 Gesu Parish Facilities and Needs, Correspondence, 1967-1973
A-1.2 4 6 Greater Marquette Center Lease, Correspondence, 1962-1980; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 6 Halfway House (813 N. 16th St.), Correspondence, 1976
A-1.2 4 6 Health Services - Deaconess Hospital, Correspondence, 1976-1977; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 6 Hockey Program, Correspondence, 1972-1975
A-1.2 4 6 Hockey Rink Proposal, Correspondence, 1972-1974
A-1.2 4 6 Institutional Planning, Correspondence and Reports, 1963-1969
A-1.2 4 7 Instructional Cost Analysis, Direct Teaching Costs, July-September, 1943

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 7 Jesuit Food Services, Correspondence, 1977-1978
A-1.2 4 7 Jesuit Residence Planning Committee, Minutes and Correspondence, 1956-1961, 1970-1972
A-1.2 4 - Jesuit Theologate,
A-1.2 4 7
Memos of Meetings, 1966-1967
A-1.2 4 7
Monitor Hall Data, 1966
A-1.2 4 7
Possible Housing Solutions, 1967
A-1.2 4 7 Johnston Hall Chapel Renovation, Correspondence, 1966
A-1.2 4 7 Journalism, College of, Financial Information, 1965-1973
A-1.2 4 7 Knights of Columbus Building, Correspondence, 1968-1978; 4 folders

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 8 Knights of Columbus Building, Correspondence, 1978-1980; 4 folders
A-1.2 4 8 Law School Library, Proposed Merger of Law School Library with Milwaukee County Law Library, Correspondence, 1971-1974
A-1.2 4 8 Louisiana Apartments, Correspondence, 1966-1968
A-1.2 4 8 Madrid Program, Correspondence, 1967-1973
A-1.2 4 8 糖心传媒 Bookstore, Beta Gamma Sigma Managerial Audit, 1975
A-1.2 4 9 糖心传媒 Community Conference, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1971; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 9 糖心传媒 Legal Assistance Plan (MULAP), Correspondence and Information, 1974-1977
A-1.2 4 - 糖心传媒 Press,
A-1.2 4 9
Agreement with Pressman's Union, 1971
A-1.2 4 9
Book Publishing Reports, 1968-1973

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 - 糖心传媒 Press, continued
A-1.2 4 9
Correspondence about Closing the Press, 1961-1970; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 10
Correspondence about Closing the Press, 1971-1973; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 - Maryhill Inc.,
A-1.2 4 10
Avalanche Club, 1961-1967
A-1.2 4 10
Board of Directors, Correspondence, 1961-1963
A-1.2 4 10
Equipment Quotations, 1962-1963
A-1.2 4 10
Financial Information, 1962-1963
A-1.2 4 10
Fitzpatrick Property, Correspondence, 1966-1974
A-1.2 4 10
Purchase Orders, 1961-1963

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 10 Maryhill Property, Description and Sale, Correspondence, 1956-1970
A-1.2 4 - Medical College of Wisconsin-糖心传媒 Affiliation Agreement,
A-1.2 4 10
Correspondence and Documents, 1976
A-1.2 4 10
Tuition Fees and Other Charges, 1969-1978
A-1.2 4 11 Medical-Dental Library, Committee on, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1976
A-1.2 4 - Medicine, School of,
A-1.2 4 11
Cramer Building, Purchase and Lease, Correspondence, 1966-1974
A-1.2 4 11
Cramer Building and the Medical College of Wisconsin, Trustees' Correspondence, 1973-1975; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 11
General Correspondence, 1966-1974; 3 folders
A-1.2 4 11
Medical Technology and Physical Therapy Equipment Inventories, 1974-1975
A-1.2 4 12
Medical Technology and Physical Therapy Programs, Correspondence, 1968-1973

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 12 Memorial Library; Administration (Restricted: Inventory in Archives) Funds, 1969-1976
A-1.2 4 12 Naus & Newlyn, Inc. Correspondence and Reports, 1975-1977; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 12 Nicholas Hall, Correspondence, 1968-1982
A-1.2 4 - Nursing, College of,
A-1.2 4 12
Agreement between 糖心传媒 and St. Joseph's Hospital, 1960, 1971
A-1.2 4 12
Capitation Grants, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1977
A-1.2 4 12
Cost Study, 1971-1973
A-1.2 4 12
Financial Distress Grant Proposal, 1972
A-1.2 4 12
General Correspondence, 1970-1971
A-1.2 4 13
Reorganization: Merger of Graduate and Undergraduate Programs, Correspondence and Negotiations, 1970-1972

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 13 Parking Committee, Minutes of Meetings, 1969-1979
A-1.2 4 - Parking Lots: Canal Street Lot,
A-1.2 4 13
Construction of, Correspondence, 1967-1978
A-1.2 4 13
Property Acquisitions, Correspondence, 1967-1972
A-1.2 4 13 Pere Marquette Society (Formerly Faculty Sodality), Housing and Expenses, Correspondence, 1968-1972
A-1.2 4 13 Pere Marquette Tercentenary Committee, Correspondence, 1969-1976
A-1.2 4 13 Radiation Safety and Controls, Correspondence and Information, 1973-1979
A-1.2 4 13 Radio and TV Basketball Contracts, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1976
A-1.2 4 13 Real Estate, Properties Purchased by 糖心传媒, Correspondence and Audit Summaries, 1955-1963
A-1.2 4 13 Real Estate, Properties Purchased by 糖心传媒, Photographs, 1956-1962

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 14 Religious Art Collection, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1977
A-1.2 4 14 Retirement and Social Security Plans, Information, 1950-1960
A-1.2 4 14 Reunion and Senior Survey Program, Report, 1981
A-1.2 4 14 Sale of Alumnae House, Correspondence and Documents, 1975-1977
A-1.2 4 - Security Department,
A-1.2 4 14
Bomb Threats, Correspondence, Policies and Procedures, 1970-1979
A-1.2 4 14
Minutes and Information, 1966-1976
A-1.2 4 - Sewer Service Charge, Correspondence,
A-1.2 4 14
1969-1976; 3 folders
A-1.2 4 15

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 15 Sogang College (Korea), MU Cooperation and Scholarships, Correspondence and Proposals, 1968-1974
A-1.2 4 - Speech, College of,
A-1.2 4 15
Artifacts of the College Building, Correspondence, 1973-1975
A-1.2 4 15
Demolition of Speech Building, Correspondence, 1969-1975
A-1.2 4 15 Student Activities Facilities, Final Report of the Long-Range Planning Group, 1979
A-1.2 4 15 Student Conduct Procedures, Correspondence and Reports, 1968-1969
A-1.2 4 15 Student Grants, HEW Audit Reports, 1970-1974
A-1.2 4 15 Student Health Services, Correspondence and Reports, 1969-1975
A-1.2 4 15 Student-Operated Dorm Stores, Correspondence and Reports, 1973-1980; 2 folders

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 16 Students' Rights, Ad Hoc Committee Report, 1968-1969
A-1.2 4 - Student Unrest,
A-1.2 4 16
Amicus Brief by Edward T. Rewolinski, 1969
A-1.2 4 16
Anti-ROTC Demonstrations, 1969
A-1.2 4 16
Black Student Union Demands, Correspondence, 1968-1970
A-1.2 4 16
Chapel Incident, Correspondence, 1969
A-1.2 4 16
Denial of Federal and State Aid to Disruptive Students, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1970
A-1.2 4 16
General Information, 1966-1972; 4 folders

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 - Student Unrest,
A-1.2 4 17
November Election Recess, 1970
A-1.2 4 17
"Peace in Vietnam Day," 1969
A-1.2 4 17
Report on the Respond Student Movement, Chronology of Events, 1967-1968
A-1.2 4 17
SDS Mailing to Incoming Freshmen, August 1969
A-1.2 4 17 Students' Welfare Fasts, Correspondence, 1969-1971
A-1.2 4 17 Study Committee on the Handicapped, Final Report, 1978
A-1.2 4 17 Tamagami Property, Correspondence, 1967-1975
A-1.2 4 17 Tax Reform Legislation, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1979
A-1.2 4 17 Telephone Service, Centrex, Correspondence, 1967-1969

Series 4

Series Box Folder Title
A-1.2 4 17 Trustee Committee on Finance, Budget Data and Proposals for 1970/71, January 1970
A-1.2 4 17 Tuition Remission for High School Children of Faculty, Correspondence and Information, 1962-1977
A-1.2 4 17 University Procedures and Policies, 1956-1979; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 18 University Sports Contracts, Correspondence, 1971-1976
A-1.2 4 18 Viatorian Community Residence, Correspondence, 1966-1968
A-1.2 4 18 Wage-Price Freeze, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1973; 2 folders
A-1.2 4 18 Walter Schroeder Health Sciences and Education Complex, Preliminary Design, Phase Summary and Outline Specifications, 1979
A-1.2 4 18 WFMR-FM Radio Station, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1976
A-1.2 4 18 Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU), Physical Facilities and Space Utilization Survey, Correspondence, 1968-1972
A-1.2 4 19 WISN Radio/TV Contract, Correspondence and Information, 1978-1979
A-1.2 4 19 YMCA Lease Agreement, Correspondence and Information, 1976; 2 folders