Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 1 Administrative Structure, 1972
A-8.8 2 4 ADVANCE Campaign, Correspondence, 1971
A-8.8 2 1 Advent, 1996-1997
A-8.8 2 4 Advisory Board, Correspondence, Minutes, 1977-1985
A-8.8 2 4 Announcements, 1973, 1980-1987, undated
A-8.8 2 4 Announcements and Information, 1982
A-8.8 2 4 Annual Reports, Reports, Correspondence, 1971-1988; 8 folders
A-8.8 2 1 Ash Wednesday Worship Aides, 1989-1999
A-8.8 2 4 Auxiliary Staff, 1970
A-8.8 2 4 Baccalaureate, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1976, 1979-1981; 10 folders
A-8.8 2 - Baccalaureate Mass Liturgy
A-8.8 2 1
A-8.8 2 1
A-8.8 2 1
A-8.8 2 1
A-8.8 2 1
A-8.8 2 1 Baccalaureate Mass Recruitment, 1995-1996
A-8.8 2 29 Baccalaureate Mass Photo Albums
A-8.8 2 1 Bishop's Peace Pastoral Correspondence, 1984
A-8.8 2 1 Bishop's Peace Pastoral Planning Committee Minutes, 1984
A-8.8 2 1 Brochures, 1982-2008; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 5 Brochures and Flyers, 1970-1985, 1994; 2 folders

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 5 Budget, Correspondence and Information, 1966-1977, 1983-1987; 7 folders
A-8.8 2 5 Budget, Itemization, 1987-1988
A-8.8 2 5 Budget, Renovation of Merritty Hall, 1970
A-8.8 2 5 Budget, Wages, Receipt, Chart, 1977
A-8.8 2 5 Byrne Memorial, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1978
A-8.8 2 5 Campus Crusade for Christ, Correspondence, 1971
A-8.8 2 5 Campus Ministry, Newsletter, 1975-1976
A-8.8 2 1 Campus Ministry's Role in Political Affairs Discussion, 1983
A-8.8 2 30 Campus Ministry Scrapbooks
A-8.8 2 1 Campus Ministry Self-study, 1994
A-8.8 2 1 Campus Ministry Survey, August 2005
A-8.8 2 5 Cana-Conference, Correspondence, 1961
A-8.8 2 1 CANA Survey Results, 1991
A-8.8 2 5 Catholic Alumni Club, Spirit (Newsletter), 1985-1986
A-8.8 2 5 Catholic Character of the University, Articles and Information, 1972-1974
A-8.8 2 5 Centennial Opening Liturgy, Correspondence and Information, 1979-1981
A-8.8 2 - Challenge of Peace
A-8.8 2 2
Discussion Group Leader Materials, 1983
A-8.8 2 2
Publicity, 1984
A-8.8 2 2
Study Guide, 1984
A-8.8 2 5 Chaplains and Counselors, Assignment, 1964-1968
A-8.8 2 25 Christian Appalachian Project Certificate of Appreciation, 1993
A-8.8 2 5 Christian Leadership Workshop, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1975; 3 folders

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 6 Christian Leadership Workshop, Correspondence and Information, 1976
A-8.8 2 2 Christian Life Community Information
A-8.8 2 6 Christian Renewal Programs, Correspondence and Information, 1966-1967; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 6 Clippings, 1973-1974
A-8.8 2 6 College of Liberal Arts, Report to Undergraduate Board, 1973
A-8.8 2 6 Collegiates for Christ, Correspondence, 1965
A-8.8 2 6 Commencement Luncheon, 1979
A-8.8 2 6 Committee on Baccalaureate and Commencement, Minutes and Information, 1976
A-8.8 2 6 Committee on Spiritual Welfare, Information and Minutes, 1974-1976
A-8.8 2 6 Committee Status Report, Reports, 1982-1983
A-8.8 2 - Communities That Care
A-8.8 2 2
Correspondence, 1982-1984
A-8.8 2 2
Correspondence, 1986
A-8.8 2 2
Correspondence, 1988-1989
A-8.8 2 2
Correspondence with Keynote Speaker Larouche, 1988
A-8.8 2 2
Correspondence, 1990
A-8.8 2 2
Correspondence, 1992
A-8.8 2 2
Correspondence, 1992-1995
A-8.8 2 2
Correspondence, 1995-1997
A-8.8 2 2
Donation Requests, 1995
A-8.8 2 2
Evaluations, 1988
A-8.8 2 2
Follow-Up Correspondence, 1993
A-8.8 2 2
Funding, 1983-1986
A-8.8 2 25
Funding Proposal, 1986
A-8.8 2 2
Host Information, 1984-1986
A-8.8 2 2
Information, 1995-1997
A-8.8 2 2
Meeting Minutes, 1981, 1986
A-8.8 2 2
News clippings, 1984-1986
A-8.8 2 2
News clippings, 1990
A-8.8 2 2
News clippings, 1992
A-8.8 2 2
Participant Evaluations, 1992
A-8.8 2 2
Participant Information, 1995
A-8.8 2 25
Photograph, 1990
A-8.8 2 2
Schedule of Events, 1988
A-8.8 2 2
Schedule of Events, 1990
A-8.8 2 2
Student Evaluations, 1992
A-8.8 2 25
Workshop Program, 1984
A-8.8 2 25
Workshop Program, 1986
A-8.8 2 - Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Program
A-8.8 2 6
Christmas Party, 1968
A-8.8 2 6
Correspondence, 1971-1972
A-8.8 2 6
Information, 1966/67
A-8.8 2 2 Confirmation Mass Worship Aides, 1992-1999
A-8.8 2 2 Confirmation Publicity/Information, 1991-1997
A-8.8 2 6 Contact Weekends, Information, 1968-1973
A-8.8 2 6 Continuing Education Program, Correspondence, 1971-1972
A-8.8 2 6 Correspondence (General), 1965-1979; 4 folders
A-8.8 2 6 Correspondence with George Shoffner, 1972-1977
A-8.8 2 6 Correspondence with Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J., 1970-1973

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 7 Correspondence with Rev. Richard F. Ryan, S.J., 1971-1977
A-8.8 2 - Death List/Notices
A-8.8 2 7
1973-1982; 8 folders
A-8.8 2 8
1982-1984, 1986-1996; 6 folders
A-8.8 2 8
Memo, 1985
A-8.8 2 8 Development of Campus Ministry, Information and Proposal, 1973-1976; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 8 Doran, Robert M., S.J., Address to McCormick Resident Assistants, 1972
A-8.8 2 8 Director's Meeting with Liberal Arts Dean's Advisory Council, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1973; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 3 Dorothy Day: A Memorial, 1981

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 9 Dormitory Task Force Meeting, 1971
A-8.8 2 9 Draft Counseling, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1973
A-8.8 2 9 Drug Education Committee, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1973
A-8.8 2 9 Drug Problem at Marquette, Survey and Correspondence, 1971
A-8.8 2 9 Eagen, E. Gerald, Notes on Counseling, 1974
A-8.8 2 9 Ecumenical Programs, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1971
A-8.8 2 9 Encounter, Brochure, 1967
A-8.8 2 9 Enrichment Meetings, Minutes, Correspondence, 1983-1984
A-8.8 2 9 Evaluation of Campus Ministry Program, 1971
A-8.8 2 9 Evaluation Meeting Minutes, April 1980
A-8.8 2 9 Evaluations, Priority Reports, 1980
A-8.8 2 9 "Exorcist (The)," Clippings and Correspondence, 1974
A-8.8 2 28 Faber Center Information, 2011-2012
A-8.8 2 28 Faber Center Pamphlets, 2015
A-8.8 2 28 Faber Center Pamphlets, Information, Fall 2016
A-8.8 2 9 Faculty-Student Dialogues, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1979
A-8.8 2 3 Feast of All Saints Worship Aides, 1981-1998
A-8.8 2 3 Feast of the Immaculate Conception Worship Aides, 1983-1998
A-8.8 2 9 Finances, Income Balance Sheets, 1982
A-8.8 2 9 Fire Relief Project, Correspondence and Information, 1978
A-8.8 2 9 Freshman Mass of the Holy Spirit, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1967

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 3 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Discussion Group Fliers/Brochures, 1990-1999
A-8.8 2 10 General Correspondence, 1980-1987, undated
A-8.8 2 10 General Information, 1984-1987, undated
A-8.8 2 - Gesu Church
A-8.8 2 10
Announcement, 1980
A-8.8 2 10
Correspondence with Campus Ministry, 1973-1976
A-8.8 2 10
Campus Ministry Relations, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1976
A-8.8 2 10
4:30 Sunday Mass, Correspondence and Information, 1973-1982
A-8.8 2 10
Masses, Sermons, Confessions, Correspondence and Information, 1966-1969
A-8.8 2 - Gesu-Marquette Task Force
A-8.8 2 3
Correspondence, 1993-1994
A-8.8 2 3
Issues, Dec. 1993
A-8.8 2 3
Minutes, 1993
A-8.8 2 3
Preliminary Report, 1993
A-8.8 2 3
Report, 1994
A-8.8 2 3
Responses to Preliminary Report, 1993
A-8.8 2 3 Grieving Support Groups Fliers, 1991, 1995
A-8.8 2 10 Habitat for Humanity, Correspondence, Newsletters, 1994
A-8.8 2 3 Hillel-Marquette/Jewish Student Activities Publicity, 1997-1999
A-8.8 2 3 Hoops for Hunger, 1985-1987
A-8.8 2 3 Hunger Clean-Up, 1996
A-8.8 2 - Hunger and Homeless Week
A-8.8 2 10
Correspondence, 1992
A-8.8 2 10
Correspondence, Clippings, 1992
A-8.8 2 10
Information, Correspondence, 1989-1991
A-8.8 2 10
Organizing Manual, 1988, 1993
A-8.8 2 10
Organizing Material, 1992
A-8.8 2 10
Receipts and Information, 1991-1994
A-8.8 2 10
Schedules, Information, 1992

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 11 Into the Streets, Information, Correspondence, 1995
A-8.8 2 26 J. C. Penney Golden Rule National Semifinalist Award, 1991
A-8.8 2 11 Jesuit Chaplains in Dorms, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1974
A-8.8 2 11 Jesuit College Chaplains, Model Statutes, 1967
A-8.8 2 11 Jesuit Personnel Assignments, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1970
A-8.8 2 11 Jesuit Reactions re. Campus Ministry, Correspondence, 1972-1973
A-8.8 2 3 L.A.P. (Life After Pregnancy, Parenting, Placement), 1994
A-8.8 2 3 Lenten Opportunities, 1994-1997
A-8.8 2 11 Letter to Guitarists, 1973
A-8.8 2 11 Little Flower Sodality, Medals, 1937
A-8.8 2 3 Liturgical Choir Brochures, 2006-2007
A-8.8 2 11 Liturgical Hymns, Aids for Guitarists, undated
A-8.8 2 11 Liturgical Ministry Brochures, 1999-2000
A-8.8 2 11 Liturgy Team, Minutes, Evaluations, Correspondence, 1975-1983; 4 folders
A-8.8 2 3 Lutheran and Catholic Dialogue, 1987
A-8.8 2 11 Magazine Subscriptions, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1974
A-8.8 2 11 Majority Coalition, Correspondence and Information, 1969
A-8.8 2 11 Manning, James, S.J., Correspondence, 1985
A-8.8 2 3 Manresa Project: Justice and Mercy Will Kiss, 2005
A-8.8 2 - Marquette Action Program (M.A.P.)
A-8.8 2 3
Brochures, 1992-2000
A-8.8 2 3
Budget, 1997-2001
A-8.8 2 3
Facilitator's Handbook
A-8.8 2 11
Flier, 1984
A-8.8 2 3
Fliers/Publicity, 1994-1999
A-8.8 2 3
History/General Information, 1987-1989
A-8.8 2 3
Host Evaluations of Program, 1998-2000
A-8.8 2 3
News Clippings, 1998-2001
A-8.8 2 3
Participants' Program Evaluations
A-8.8 2 3
Site Correspondence, 1998-2001
A-8.8 2 3
Site Information, 2001-2002
A-8.8 2 7
Site "Thank You" Letters, 1998-2001
A-8.8 2 11
Statistics, 1982
A-8.8 2 7
Student Journal, Enid, Oklahoma, 2001
A-8.8 2 7
Transportation, 2000-2001
A-8.8 2 28
Trips, 1993-1997
A-8.8 2 -
A-8.8 2 31
Marquette Action Program, 1989
A-8.8 2 31
Marquette Action Program, 1991
A-8.8 2 31
Marquette Action Program, 1997
A-8.8 2 7 Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration 1987-1990; 3 Folders
A-8.8 2 7 Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Responses, undated
A-8.8 2 11 Marquette Jesuits Association, Announcements, 1979-1980
A-8.8 2 - Marquette Religious Council
A-8.8 2 11
Announcement and Clipping, 1962, 1970
A-8.8 2 11
Constitution, undated
A-8.8 2 11
Constitution and Correspondence, 1967-1970
A-8.8 2 11 Marquette Survey of Student Values, Correspondence and Report, 1972
A-8.8 2 11 Marquette Tribune, Articles, 1970-1972
A-8.8 2 11 糖心传媒 Prayer Manual, 1913
A-8.8 2 11 糖心传媒: The Ignatian Spirit Brochure, 1998
A-8.8 2 - Mass of the Holy Spirit
A-8.8 2 11
Correspondence and Information, 1963-1969

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 - Mass of the Holy Spirit (Continued)
A-8.8 2 12
Correspondence and Information, 1972-1984; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 12
Program, 1975
A-8.8 2 9
Worship Aides, 1975-2003
A-8.8 2 9 Mass Publicity, 1991-1996; 2 Folders
A-8.8 2 25 Mayoral Proclamation: National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness Weekend, 1991
A-8.8 2 12 McNamara, Dennis, S.J., Correspondence, 1976-1977
A-8.8 2 12 McNulty, Mike, S.J., Correspondence, 1976-1982
A-8.8 2 12 McQuesten, Mark, Correspondence, 1985
A-8.8 2 12 Memorial Mass for Dr. Martin Luther King, 1968
A-8.8 2 12 Merton Celebration, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1978
A-8.8 2 - Midnight Run
A-8.8 2 9
Correspondence with McCormick Hall, 1992, 1994
A-8.8 2 9
History, undated
A-8.8 2 9
Information, 1995-1997
A-8.8 2 9
Photo and Frame, undated
A-8.8 2 9
Political Advocacy Committee, undated
A-8.8 2 9
Program Description, 1988
A-8.8 2 9
Recycling Project, 1991-1993
A-8.8 2 9
Team Leader Responsibilities, undated
A-8.8 2 12 Miller, Paul, Correspondence, 1990
A-8.8 2 12 Minority Affairs, General Information, undated
A-8.8 2 10 Miscellaneous Mailings, undated
A-8.8 2 10 Mission Week Pins, 2003 (2)
A-8.8 2 12 Mother Teresa Visit to MU, Correspondence and Information, 1980-1981
A-8.8 2 - 糖心传媒 Community Action Program (MUCAP)
A-8.8 2 10
Administrative Job Descriptions, 1992-1993
A-8.8 2 10
Brochures, 1983-1994
A-8.8 2 12
Clippings, 1986
A-8.8 2 12
Creation Correspondence, 1966
A-8.8 2 10
Description of Positions, 1982
A-8.8 2 12
Friars' Correspondence, 1967-1969
A-8.8 2 12
General Information and History, 1967-1968
A-8.8 2 10
History, undated
A-8.8 2 12
Income Balance Sheets, 1983-1986; 3 folders
A-8.8 2 25
J. C. Penney Golden Rule Award, 1986
A-8.8 2 12
The MUCAP Volunteer, 1987
A-8.8 2 14
Minutes, 1984, 1993, 1994
A-8.8 2 12
Minutes, 1991-1993; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 12
Newsletters, Clippings, 1965-1969
A-8.8 2 14
Newsletters, 1976-1984
A-8.8 2 14
Newsletters, 1985-1993
A-8.8 2 12
Questionnaire, Reports, 1966
A-8.8 2 12
Operation Outreach, General Information, undated

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 - 糖心传媒 Community Action Program (MUCAP) (Continued)
A-8.8 2 14
Progress Reports/Goals, 1967-1986
A-8.8 2 14
Publicity, undated
A-8.8 2 13
Reports, Newsletters, Correspondence, Clippings, 1966-1986; 3 folders
A-8.8 2 13
Annual Report, 1977-1992
A-8.8 2 13
Reports, Speeches, 1966
A-8.8 2 13
25th Anniversary Correspondence, 1991
A-8.8 2 13 M.U.S.C.L.E. (糖心传媒 Service to the Community While Learning through Experience), Minutes, 1993
A-8.8 2 13 MU Pilgrimage, News of Marquette Students in Ministry, 1978
A-8.8 2 - National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness
A-8.8 2 26
Hunger Cleanup Certificate of Appreciation, 1991
A-8.8 2 26
Hunger Cleanup Highest Participation Award, 1991
A-8.8 2 26
Hunger Cleanup Rookie of the Year Award, 1990
A-8.8 2 13 Naughton, Mike, Correspondence, 1983-1985
A-8.8 2 - News Clippings
A-8.8 2 14
1970-1984; 4 folders
A-8.8 2 22
1984-1990; 6 folders
A-8.8 2 23
1991-1998; 5 folders
A-8.8 2 - Newsletter
A-8.8 2 13
A-8.8 2 13
A-8.8 2 23
A-8.8 2 23
A-8.8 2 13 Newsletter for CJSPA Chaplains, Information, 1967
A-8.8 2 13 Niesen, Sally, Correspondence, 1985-1987
A-8.8 2 13 Night Receptionists, Assignments, undated
A-8.8 2 13 Office Space, Correspondence, 1967
A-8.8 2 13 Open Letter on the "WHY" of Marquette, 1973
A-8.8 2 13 Operations Improvement, Article on, 1978
A-8.8 2 13 Organization and Goals, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1976
A-8.8 2 13 Organizational Structure, 1976
A-8.8 2 13 Orientation, Correspondence and Information, 1972, 1976-1977; 3 folders

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 14 Orientation, Correspondence and Information, 1978-1979; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 23 Oxfam Donations 1985-1993
A-8.8 2 23 Oxfam Fast Publicity and Recruitment, undated

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 23 Palm Sunday Worship Aides, 1982-1999
A-8.8 2 15 Patrick Casey, Cathleen, Correspondence, 1983-1985
A-8.8 2 15 Papers on Campus Ministry, 1967-1975
A-8.8 2 15 Pastoral Action at the University, Working Paper, Congress of Catholic Universities, Rome, 1972
A-8.8 2 - Pastoral Ministers
A-8.8 2 15
in Residence Halls, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1980
A-8.8 2 15
in Schools and Colleges, Correspondence, 1972-1978
A-8.8 2 15
Position Requirements, Correspondence, 1988
A-8.8 2 15
to Men's Athletics, 1982
A-8.8 2 15 Peace Studies Program, Correspondence and Information, 1971
A-8.8 2 27 Photo Scrapbooks, Retreats, 1998-2001
A-8.8 2 15 Piotrowski, Leonard, S.J., Correspondence, 1969-1975
A-8.8 2 23 Prayer Books, 1993, 2005
A-8.8 2 15 President's Office, Correspondence, 1972-1983
A-8.8 2 15 Profiles, 1970-1971
A-8.8 2 15 Programs and Events, Evaluations and Correspondence, 1981-1982
A-8.8 2 23 Project Rachel Brochure/Flier, undated
A-8.8 2 15 Proposal and Organization, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1970
A-8.8 2 15 Publicity, Brochures and Flyers, 1970-1977
A-8.8 2 15 Quentin Quade, Correspondence, 1976-1977, 1979-1980; 2 folders

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 16 Quentin Quade, Correspondence, 1980-1982; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 16 Radde, Jim, S.J., Correspondence, 1982-1984
A-8.8 2 16 Raniere, Patricia, Correspondence, 1987
A-8.8 2 16 Religious Preference Statistics, update, Fall 1984
A-8.8 2 16 Religious Preference Statistics, Fall 1985
A-8.8 2 16 Relocation, 1976, 1979, 1980
A-8.8 2 - Retreats
A-8.8 2 16
Administrators, Correspondence, 1980-1982
A-8.8 2 23
Background and Goals, 1994
A-8.8 2 16
Budget, Itemization, 1980-1982; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 16
Business Administration, Correspondence, 1980-1981
A-8.8 2 23
Retreat Center Planning, 1996
A-8.8 2 16
Christian Renewal Program, 1966-1968
A-8.8 2 17
CODI (Communicative Disorders), Correspondence, 1980-1982
A-8.8 2 -
A-8.8 2 16
Background Material, 1964, undated
A-8.8 2 16
Clippings, 1964-1966, 1973
A-8.8 2 16
Correspondence, 1964-1966
A-8.8 2 16
Statement, undated
A-8.8 2 16
Student Affairs, Office of, Correspondence and Information, 1966
A-8.8 2 16
Coordinator, Correspondence, 1978-1982
A-8.8 2 23
Retreat in Daily Life Publicity, 1993-1998
A-8.8 2 23
Directed Retreat Publicity, 1995-1999
A-8.8 2 16
Expenses, Receipts and Correspondence, 1980-1982
A-8.8 2 23
Extreme Retreat Publicity, 2004
A-8.8 2 23
Faith and Service Retreat, 1997-1998
A-8.8 2 23
Frosh Retreat Publicity, 1994-1998
A-8.8 2 17
General, Correspondence, 1978-1982
A-8.8 2 17
General (Old), Correspondence and Information, 1958-1966
A-8.8 2 23
General Publicity, 1993-1999
A-8.8 2 23
Graduate Student Retreat, 1996-1997
A-8.8 2 16
Houses, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1981
A-8.8 2 23
Ignatian Retreat Publicity, 1993-1998
A-8.8 2 23
Intercollegiate Retreat, 1995-1999, 2003-2004
A-8.8 2 17
Journalism, Correspondence, 1982-1983
A-8.8 2 23
Lenten Retreats, 1998-1999
A-8.8 2 16
List of Those Not Attending, Correspondence, 1964

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 - Retreats (Continued)
A-8.8 2 17
Maps, undated
A-8.8 2 23
Marriage Preparation Retreat Publicity, 1991-1998
A-8.8 2 16
Masters, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1968
A-8.8 2 17
Medical Technology, Correspondence, 1979-1982
A-8.8 2 24
Mid-Term Escape Retreat Publicity, 1993-1999
A-8.8 2 17
Nursing, Correspondence, 1978-1982
A-8.8 2 24
Pius High School Preparations, 2003
A-8.8 2 16
Policy, Correspondence and Information, 1964-1967
A-8.8 2 16
Programs, Summary, 1963-1966
A-8.8 2 24
Senior Retreat Publicity, 1993-1998
A-8.8 2 17
Social Justice, Correspondence, 1980
A-8.8 2 24
Social Justice Publicity, 1994-1995
A-8.8 2 24
Sophomore and Junior Retreat Publicity, 1998-1999
A-8.8 2 17
Summary Reports, 1963-1966
A-8.8 2 24
Twilight Retreats Information, 2001
A-8.8 2 24
Voyage Retreat Publicity, 1993-1997
A-8.8 2 16
Weekends, Information on, 1970-1975
A-8.8 2 24
Young Alumni Retreat Preparation, 2000
A-8.8 2 17 Rodriquez, Luis, S.J., Correspondence, 1985-1987
A-8.8 2 17 Schedule, 1976/77
A-8.8 2 17 Schwartz, Joseph, Talk to Committee on Spiritual Welfare, undated
A-8.8 2 17 Senior Retreat, Fliers and Correspondence, 1979-1982
A-8.8 2 17 Service of Commemoration and Outrage, November 15, 1990
A-8.8 2 24 Sexual Assault Support Group Fliers, 1993-1995
A-8.8 2 17 Sisters Activities Council, Summer Session, Clippings, Correspondence, and Information, 1958-1960; 3 folders

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 18 Sisters Activities Council, Summer Session, Clippings, Correspondence, and Information, 1961-1963; 3 folders
A-8.8 2 18 Social Justice Activities, Correspondence, 1973
A-8.8 2 18 Social Justice Team, Correspondence, 1975-1980; 2 folders
A-8.8 2 18 Social Justice Team, Minutes, Correspondence, 1979
A-8.8 2 - Sodality
A-8.8 2 18
Articles, 1948-1957, undated
A-8.8 2 18
Clippings, 1958
A-8.8 2 18
General Information, 1953-1965
A-8.8 2 18
Meditation Cards, 1953, undated
A-8.8 2 18
Reception, Program, undated
A-8.8 2 18 Soto, Ricardo, Correspondence, 1988
A-8.8 2 24 Soup with Substance Fliers, 1995-1998
A-8.8 2 24 Special Masses Worship Aides 1981-2001; 3 folders
A-8.8 2 18 St. Francis Meal Program, Correspondence, 1982-1984
A-8.8 2 18 St. Joan of Arc, Income Balance Sheets, 1984-1986

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 19 Staff Activities Reports, 1972-1974
A-8.8 2 19 Staff Announcements, Correspondence, 1980-1985
A-8.8 2 19 Staff, List, 1973-1974
A-8.8 2 - Staff Meetings
A-8.8 2 19
Correspondence, 1981-1982, 1985-1987; 3 folders
A-8.8 2 19
Evaluation Reports, 1972-1980
A-8.8 2 19
Minutes and Information, 1970-1973/74; 4 folders
A-8.8 2 20
Minutes and Information, 1974/75-1978/79; 10 folders

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 - Staff Meetings (Continued)
A-8.8 2 21
Minutes and Information, 1979/80-1986/87; 14 folders
A-8.8 2 28
Minutes, 2000-2005; 19 folders
A-8.8 2 21 Staff, Notes for Staff, 1974
A-8.8 2 21 Staff Orientation, Agenda and Correspondence, 1981

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 22 Staff Responsibilities, 1974
A-8.8 2 22 Staff Rosters, 1970-1980
A-8.8 2 22 Stec, Debbie, Correspondence, 1985
A-8.8 2 22 Stringfellow, William, Address: The Theology of Communication, 1974
A-8.8 2 22 Student-Faculty Relations, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1970
A-8.8 2 22 Student-Faculty Weekend, Summary Report, Spring 1971
A-8.8 2 22 Student Committee for Moral Excellence, Newsletter, 1966
A-8.8 2 22 Student Life Improvement Funds, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1975
A-8.8 2 22 Student Semester Questionnaires, Questions and Results, 1968-1970
A-8.8 2 22 Symposium on Jesuit Higher Education, Information and Questionnaire, March, 1977
A-8.8 2 22 Task Force on Educational Programs in Dorms, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1973
A-8.8 2 22 Theology Department, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1973

Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-8.8 2 24 United States Catholic Conference, Division of Campus Ministry, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1971
A-8.8 2 24 University Parish Proposal, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1970
A-8.8 2 24 University Sermons, Announcement, 1963
A-8.8 2 24 Volunteer Service in British Honduras, Poster, 1965
A-8.8 2 24 Wallace, Sally, Correspondence, 1983-1984
A-8.8 2 24 Weekend Program, Correspondence, 1972-1973
A-8.8 2 24 Weekends and Discovery Days, Correspondence, 1972-1974
A-8.8 2 24 Wild, Robert, S.J., Correspondence, 1985
A-8.8 2 24 Winzenburg, George, S.J., Correspondence, 1979-1982
A-8.8 2 24 Witt, Ed, S.J., Correspondence, 1982
A-8.8 2 24 Women's Physical Safety, Booklet and Information, 1974-1975
A-8.8 2 24 YMCA Liturgical Programs, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1979
A-8.8 2 24 YWCA Camp, Correspondence, 1966
A-8.8 2 24 Zilisch, Susan, Correspondence, 1977-1980