Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 1 American Council of Polish Cultural Clubs (1963)
B-11.1 1 1 Annual Reports
B-11.1 1 1 Atkeilski, Bishop Roman, Correspondence, 1956-1967
B-11.1 1 1 Blueprint Plan
B-11.1 1 1 Bookplate
B-11.1 1 1 Bereday, George, Lecturer, 1965-1966
B-11.1 1 1 Bojanowski, Jerzy, Correspondence, 1965-1968
B-11.1 1 1 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Clipping by him, 1965
B-11.1 1 1 Budget Ledgers, 1962
B-11.1 1 1 Byzantine Rites, Clipping, 1961-1962, 1973
B-11.1 1 1 Captive Nations, 1962-1963
B-11.1 1 1 Christian Disengagement and reunion Trends summer Session Course, 1962

Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 1 Chryinski, Vincent, Correspondence, 1963
B-11.1 1 1 Ciszek, Fr. Walter, S.J. 1963-1964
B-11.1 1 1 Communism, Information about, 1961, 1964
B-11.1 1 1 Concerts, 1961-1963
B-11.1 1 1 Continuing Education, Correspondence to and from Ryan, Br. Leo V, 1961-1967
B-11.1 1 1 Continuing Education, Non-credit courses in Slavic Institute, 1963
B-11.1 1 2 Correspondence, 1961-1963
B-11.1 1 2 Correspondence, 1963-1976, Minutes and Information
B-11.1 1 2 Correspondence, 1956-1960, Minutes and Information
B-11.1 1 2 Correspondence, Jan, 1961 - Dec. 1962, Minutes and Information
B-11.1 1 3 Correspondence, Jan. 1962 - Dec. 1962, Minutes and Information
B-11.1 1 3 Correspondence, Jan. 1963 - Dec. 1963, Minutes and Information

Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 3 Correspondence with Foundation, 1962-1963
B-11.1 1 3 Coste, Brutus, Correspondence, 1962-1963
B-11.1 1 3 Cracow, University of, Correspondence and Information, 1960-1964
B-11.1 1 3 Croatian Studies Correspondence, 1962
B-11.1 1 3 Crest of Marquette, 1954
B-11.1 1 3 Curriculum, Communist Imperialism and the Captive Nations, 1963
B-11.1 1 3 Curriculum, Cooperative Project in Slavic Studies
B-11.1 1 4 Debicki, Roman, Correspondence, 1957-1960
B-11.1 1 4 Deptula, Szymon, Correspondence, 1962-1965
B-11.1 1 4 Drummond, Edward, J., S.J. 1956-1960, 1962
B-11.1 1 4 Editorial Board, 1963-1964
B-11.1 1 4 Empereur, J. L., Correspondence, 1962

Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 4 Evening Division, Information, 1962
B-11.1 1 4 Exchange, Correspondence, 1961
B-11.1 1 4 Graduate Assistant, 1960-1963
B-11.1 1 4 Halecki, Oscar, Correspondence, 1958-1966
B-11.1 1 4 Honorary Chairmen, 1961-1963
B-11.1 1 4 Kolbe, Maximilian, O.F.M,. information, 1949-1961
B-11.1 1 4 Kosciusko Foundation, Correspondence, 1966, 1967
B-11.1 1 4 Kovaliv, P. K. Slavic phonemes, Proposed, 1960
B-11.1 1 4 Krol, Cardinal John, Correspondence and Information, 1962, 1967
B-11.1 1 4 Kuncewicz, Maria, 1962-1963
B-11.1 1 4 Laskowski, Maria, 1948-1965
B-11.1 1 4 Leiske, George, Correspondence, 1965-1966

Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 4 Lencyk, Dr. Wasyl, 1962-1963
B-11.1 1 4 Library, Information, 1961
B-11.1 1 4 Lichten, Dr. Joseph L. 1961-1965
B-11.1 1 4 Macartney, Carlile, 1962
B-11.1 1 4 Magiera, Marcia, Papers and Correspondence, 1964-1965
B-11.1 1 4 糖心传媒 Press, Correspondence and Information, 1960-1962, 1964
B-11.1 1 4 糖心传媒 Press and Marquette Slavic Studies, A Report, 1960
B-11.1 1 4 Mardi Gras Folk Dance Program, 1962-1964
B-11.1 1 4 Meetings, Miscellaneous, 1960-1966
B-11.1 1 4 Melnyk, Z. Lew, Correspondence, 1961-1962
B-11.1 1 4 Members, 1961-1966
B-11.1 1 4 Meyeztowicz, Valerian, Correspondence, 1966

Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 5 Meysztowica, Valerion, Poland and the Roman Catholic Church, 1962, Unpublished Manuscripts in Polish and English, English translation by Szymon Deptula, 2 folders
B-11.1 1 5 Mikus, Joseph A., Correspondence about his book One of he Slavic Studies, 1958-1965
B-11.1 1 5 Minutes, 1956-1967
B-11.1 1 5 Mosely, Philip, 1964-1965
B-11.1 1 5 Naleszkiewicz, Dr. Waldimir, 1963-1964
B-11.1 1 5 Nemec, Rev. Ludwik, 1964-1966
B-11.1 1 5 Nitecki, Andre, Manuscript Book, Publishing in the Post-War Years, 1963
B-11.1 1 5 Osasky, Dr. Stephen, 1963
B-11.1 1 5 Outline of Polish History, 1696-1935, Unknown, n.d.
B-11.1 1 5 Pap, Michael, Correspondence, 1960, 1961, 1963
B-11.1 1 5 Peter II, King of Yugoslavia, Visit to the Institute, 1963
B-11.1 1 5 Petrovich, Professor Michael B., 1955-1961

Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 5 Poland Its History and Culture, Bojanowski, Jerzy, 1962-1963
B-11.1 1 5 Polanki, 1962-1964
B-11.1 1 6 Polish Affairs, Clippings, 1964-1965, 1966
B-11.1 1 6 Polish American Historical Association Convention, 1961-1965
B-11.1 1 6 Polish Course Proposal Correspondence, 1961
B-11.1 1 6 Polish Institute of Arts and Lectues in America Inc. Information, 1962, 1966-1968
B-11.1 1 6 Polish Millenium, 1960-1967
B-11.1 1 6 Polish Millenium Concert Correspondence and Information, 1965-1967
B-11.1 1 6 Popa, Prof. Augustin
B-11.1 1 6 Popovich, Dragolija, 1965
B-11.1 1 6 Pracko, Gohdan, A History of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the USA, Preliminary and Final Copy, 1963
B-11.1 1 6 Programs (1958-1962)

Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 7 Program, 1962-1965
B-11.1 1 7 Public Relations and Publicity, 1961-1966
B-11.1 1 7 Research Projects, 1965-1966
B-11.1 1 7 Polish Parliamentary Procedure Correspondence and Book, 1966
B-11.1 1 7 Polish Constitution Anniversary Conference, 1961
B-11.1 1 7 Radio Free Europe, 1963
B-11.1 1 7 Radio Program (Local), 1962-1964
B-11.1 1 7 Rudnyckyj, Professor J. B., 1964-1967
B-11.1 1 7 Schwarzenberg, Francis, 1960-1961
B-11.1 1 7 Shevchenko, Taras, Correspondence and Papers from the Shevchenko Scientific Society, 1964
B-11.1 1 7 Shimoniak, Wasyl, Director, Correspondence and Articles, 1965, 1966
B-11.1 1 7 Sklenarz, Leopold, Correspondence, 1965

Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 7 Slavic Curriculum Major-Minor at MU
B-11.1 1 7 Documents, 1961
B-11.1 1 7 Final Report, 1969
B-11.1 1 7 Long Range Plans
B-11.1 1 7 Pamphlets from the Institute Itself, 1959, 1961, 1968
B-11.1 1 8 Slavic Studies Correspondence, 1962-1964
B-11.1 1 8 Purpose of 1965
B-11.1 1 8 Smal-Stocki, Roman Correspondence and Information, 1962-1969
B-11.1 1 8 Spalatin, Christopher, Correspondence, 1961, 1963-1966
B-11.1 1 8 Siegrist, Bob, Correspondence, 1963
B-11.1 1 8 Spekke, Arnold, 1961-1962
B-11.1 1 8 Szczesniak, Bolerlaw, Correspondence, 1963-1964

Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
B-11.1 1 8 Tamwill Cooperation, 1961-1964
B-11.1 1 8 Tomaric, Prof. D. A., 1961-1962
B-11.1 1 8 The United States Contribution to the Soviet Economy, 1928-1939
B-11.1 1 8 Waldman, Eric, 1962-1966
B-11.1 1 8 Wycislo, Bishop Aloysius, Correspondence, 1964, 1966, 1968
B-11.1 1 8 Wysznski, Cardinal Stephen Correspondence, 1965-1966
B-11.1 1 8 Zablocki, Clement, Correspondence, 1962-1968