Title: Mike Van Sickle Appearance on 糖心传媒 Television (MUTV) Program The Locker Room
Date: 9/24/2008
Quality: Excellent
Footage available as: DVD (Box 1)
Sound: Yes

Description: Mike Van Sickle and Dustin Schwab make a guest appearance with the hosts of The Locker Room, discussing the golf team's performance and providing some golf tips.

Title: Mike Van Sickle Feature
Date: 5/3/2009
Time: 2:55
Quality: Excellent
Footage available as: DVD (Box 1)
Sound: Yes

Description: Fox 5 News program on Van Sickle's career, including interviews with the golfer. (Entire evening news broadcast is captured on the DVD, Van Sickle feature begins at approximately 11:15 in.)

Title: Mike Van Sickle Profile
Date: 5/12/2009
Time: 3:34
Quality: Excellent
Footage available as: DVD (Box 1)
Sound: Yes

Description: Sports 32 Weekly program on Van Sickle's career, including interviews with the golfer.

Title: Mike Van Sickle Interview with Rod Burks
Date: 5/13/2009
Time: 1:35
Quality: Excellent
Footage available as: DVD (Box 1)
Sound: Yes

Description: Recorded from TMJ4 evening and nightly news broadcast. Much of footage shot at golf course in Brown Deer.

Title: Mike Van Sickle at Western Refining College All-America Golf Classic
Date: 11/25/2008
Time: under 1 minute
Quality: Excellent
Footage available as: DVD (Box 1)
Sound: Yes

Description: Miscellaneous clips (3) of Van Sickle's performance at the tournament, including the presentation of the award trophy.