Record Group |
Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - | Research and writing projects |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
Correspondence concerning Dorothy Day, the Catholic Worker movement, and Miller's research on the movement, 1965-1983 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - |
Correspondence with Dorothy Day |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
1962-1972 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
1973-1976 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
A Harsh and Dreadful Love, reviews, 1972-1973 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
Dorothy Day 80th Birthday Celebration at 糖心传媒, 1977 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
Photographs of William D. Miller, New York City research trip, 1978 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
"Dorothy Day," typescript draft of introduction (not published), ca. 1978 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
Dorothy Day: A Biography, editorial correspondence, 1978-1981 |
Series 2-WDM
Record Group |
Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - | Research and writing projects (continued) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
"Last Years," prepared for Italian edition of A Harsh and Dreadful Love, 1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
"Dorothy Day, Christian Radical," presentation, 1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
"The Catholic Worker and History" conference, 1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
Newspaper clippings about Miller's research on Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker movement, 1982 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
Dorothy Day: A Biography, reviews, 1982-1984 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
All is Grace: The Spirituality of Dorothy Day, reviews, 1987-1988 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
Dust jackets for A Harsh and Dreadful Love, Dorothy Day: A Biography, and All is Grace: The Spirituality of Dorothy Day |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
"The Problem of Time,"presentation, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 1 |
""'Objective Reality' and Personhood," ca. 1977-1987 |
Series 2-WDM
Record Group |
Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - | Research and writing projects, transcripts of oral history interviews conducted for History of 糖心传媒 project, 1980-1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Aiken, Ray (Law) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Barnett, Max G., S.J., (Academic Affairs) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Boden, Robert (Law) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Brown, Clarence (English) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Bovee, Warren (Journalism) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Coffey, Pat (Philosophy) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Doyne, John L. (Class of 1934) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Ecks, Alfred W. (Class of 1921) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Host, David (Journalism) |
Series 2-WDM
Record Group |
Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - | Research and writing projects, transcripts of oral history interviews conducted for History of 糖心传媒 project, 1980-1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
McCabe, John (English) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
McKinnon, Cyril, S.J. (Economics) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Miller, Frank (Class of 1976, campus activist) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Mitchem, Arnold (Educational Opportunity Program) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Nordberg, Robert (Education) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Rosseau, Edward and Mary (Philosophy) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Robb, James (Philosophy) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Semrad, Alice (Medical Technology) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Schwartz, Joseph (English) |
Series 2-WDM
Record Group |
Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - | Research and writing projects, transcripts of oral history interviews conducted for History of 糖心传媒 project, 1980-1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Shimek, Melvin "Bus" (Athletics - Track) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Siderits, Mary Anne (Psychology) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Sokolnicki, Alfred (Speech) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Wade, Francis, S.J. (Philosophy) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Simmons, Ed (Academic Affairs) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 2 |
Barnett, Max, S.J.; McElligot, Mabel; Street, Jane; ("Women at Marquette" interview) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - | Research and writing projects, cassette tapes of oral history interviews conducted for History of 糖心传媒 project, 1980-1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Aiken, Ray (Law) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Barrett, James (Biology) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Barnett, Max G., S.J., (Academic Affairs) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Brown, Clarence (English) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Bovee, Warren (Journalism) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Coffey, Pat (Philosophy) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Daeger, Giles (English) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Doyne, John L. (Class of 1934) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Ecks, Alfred W. (Class of 1921) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Host, David (Journalism) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Kallenberger, Roy (Vice-President for Business and Finance, 1967-1983) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Lamers, William (English; Director, School of Speech) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
McKinnon, Cyril, S.J. (Economics) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Miller, Frank (Class of 1976, campus activist) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Mitchem, Arnold (Educational Opportunity Program) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Nordberg, Robert (Education) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Semrad, Alice (Medical Technology) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Schwartz, Joseph (English) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Shimek, Melvin "Bus" (Athletics - Track) |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 6 |
Wade, Francis, S.J. (Philosophy) |
Series 2-WDM
Record Group |
Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - | Research and writing projects, History of 糖心传媒 project |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 3 |
Research note cards, ca. 1981-1982 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
"Chair of the History of Medicine," 1953 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
75th and 100th Anniversary Celebration, 糖心传媒, 1955-56 and 1980-81 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
Administrative Committee, Dean's report, 1968 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
General Reference, 1983-1975 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
Dissertation on the EOP program at Marquette, Arnold Mitchem, 1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
Biography of Father Thomas F. Divine, S.J., 1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
Miscellaneous; songs, Humane Vitae, etc., 1981 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
Quentin Quade, 1982 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
Marquette History, 1982 |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 4 |
"The History of 糖心传媒" draft, William D. Miller, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 | "The History of 糖心传媒" draft, William D. Miller, undated |
Series 2-WDM
Record Group |
Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - | Research and writing projects, History of 糖心传媒 project |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Fr. Edward O'Donnell memoirs, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Boden's Law School History, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Michigan Land Deal (1918-1963) documentation, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Fr. John P. Raynor, S.J., various speeches, remarks, notes, etc., undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Fr. Peter Brooks, speeches, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Grade inflation from the 1960's to 1980's, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Marquette History, "Callex's History," undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Correspondence with Fr. Raynor, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
"Jesus Christ and the Complete Institution," by Quentin Quade, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
"Marquette College: A Quarter Century, 1881-1906," undated |
Series 2-WDM
Record Group |
Series | Box | Folder Title |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | - | Research and writing projects, History of 糖心传媒 project |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
"A History of 糖心传媒 Press," by John Clifford, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Chronology of Milwaukee, 糖心传媒, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
Sports Materials, undated |
C-1.7 | 2-WDM | 5 |
College of Speech, undated |