ࡱ> 10 u'ɀ\p Erik Thelen Ba==x8X@"1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1 Arial1$Arial"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)7*2_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).))_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?,:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)6+1_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_) 0.0%                + ) , *      +  H     l@ @ * ( (X+   l@ @ + (|@ @ + (|@ @ *  H* +X*  H*  H+ +X+  H+  H) +X)  H)  h)   L) (P/  X/  X/ (|+ (t+ (|* (t* +X (X X* P* (P+ (p@ @ * (|@@ * (|@ * (| @ * )X* (X* (|* (t* (x* (p* *    (|@ @ + X* P* (|+ (t+ )X+ (X+ (p@ @ + (P+ (  (|@ @ * (|@@ + (|@ + (| @ +  `EFFORT  ;4 T YThe percentage of your 9 month Academic Year that you plan to devote to this project is& OThis is ROUGHLY the following number of weeks during the 9 month Academic Year& OThis is ROUGHLY the following number of weeks during the 3 month Summer period& QThe percentage of your 3 month Summer that you plan to devote to this project is& UExample: I'm devoting 25% of my Academic Year to the project and 50% of my summer. HMy ANNUALIZED Academic Year effort is 25 percent times 9 divided by 12 =AMy ANNUALIZED Summer effort is 50 percent times 3 divided by 12 ='My TOTAL ANNUALIZED EFFORT is thereforeNThe amount of salary charged to your grant is based on your contract salary. XStep 4: Calculate the amount of your Academic Year salary corresponding to your effort.QStep 5: Calculate the amount of your Summer Salary corresponding to your effort.+Step 1: Estimate Your Academic Year Effort$Step 2: Estimate Your Summer Effort/Step 3: Calculate Your Total Annualized Effort>EFFORT AND SALARY WORKSHEET FOR FACULTY WITH 9 MONTH CONTRACTS6Step 6: Estimate Your Salary for Future Project Years You have a 9 month contract that runs from August 23, 2004 to May 22, 2005. This is roughly 39 weeks or 194 working days. The start and end dates vary each year: see the Office of the Provost website for the Academic Calendar for the current year's contract dates. You have 3 months of summer, running from May 23, 2005 to August 21, 2005. This is roughly 13 weeks or 65 working days. The start and end dates vary each year: see the Office of the Provost website for the Academic Calendar for the current year's contract dates.jFederal sponsors require effort calculations to be ANNUALIZED. Your ANNUALIZED summer effort (N*3/12) is& fYour total ANNUALIZED effort is the sum of your ANNUALIZED Academic Year and ANNUALIZED Summer effort.Example: My Academic Year contract salary for Academic Year 2004-2005 is $40,000. I'm devoting 25% of my Academic Year effort to the project and charging 25% of my Academic Year salary to the grant. $40,000 times .25 = $10,000Example: If my Academic Year contract salary for Academic Year 2004-2005 is $40,000, then one month of summer salary in 2005 is $4,444. In the example, I'm devoting 50% of my summer to the grant: $40,000 divided by 9 months times .5 = $2,222.Your salary for a month of summer effort is 1/9 of your contract salary for the Academic Year immediately preceding the summer.jsNThis is ROUGHLY the following number of days during the 3 month Summer period& NThis is ROUGHLY the following number of days during the 9 month Academic Year& 3This is roughly the following number PERSON MONTHS& Federal sponsors may require effort calculations to be ANNUALIZED: Multiply your Academic Year effort by 9 and divide by 12 (N*9/12).XORSP typically budgets future year salaries using a 3-4% annual cost of living increase." " u'ɀ 6V&,9>  dMbP?_*+%M LANIER LD035 PCL 5e   odXXLetter (8.5" x 11")LANIER LD035 PCL 5eLPT1:  Y''''dd1397Default"[XX??U} I } m} } I} } m } $ } } } 6  @   @          @    9@               BCCCCCCCCCC ! "######### >?????????? 12222222222 <========== H@$@?.@4@?>@D@??? 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