Student Research - Summer 2012

Michael Ostermann

(Class of 2011)

Mike traveled to Zurich, Switzerland to work with Dr. Brown on a new positron experiment.

Ben Calvopina

(Class of 2012)

Ben worked at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Denver as part of the Science Teacher and Researcher (STAR) program. The research involves looking into the process of cleaning and annealing the graphene to optimize the transfer of other layers to the subsequent layer of grapheme, and studying the migration and bonding properties of deposited metal films on cleaned/annealed doped and un-doped films for use in transparent conducting electrodes.

Kyle Kimminau

(Class of 2013)

Kyle worked at 糖心传媒 with Dr. Kunz on an NSF funded project studying the effects of tiny defects on magnetic domain wall motion and some new dynamical behavior in ultrathin nanowires.

Preston Koch

(Class of 2013)

Preston worked with Melissa Vigil in the physics department at 糖心传媒 on physics laboratory exercise developments. In particular he worked to develop a photovoltaic lab for use in the introductory course sequences. He also worked on some electronic and other various labs for the PHYS 1001 - 1004 courses

Rebecca McAuliffe

(Class of 2013)

Rebecca participated in the NSF-REU program at the University of Minnesota.

Daniel Olson

(Class of 2013)

Dan went to Sandia National Lab in Albuquerque, NM to participate in the Homeland Security STEM program. The project involves testing different explosive materials (including non-ideal explosives) and determining their equivalence to a well-characterized reference explosive material.  A few of the tests are measuring the deflection of a structure, air blast measurements, and high speed video of the blast itself.

Abigail Searfoss

(Class of 2013)

Abigail went to the University of Iowa, where she participated in the Summer Undergraduate MSTP Research (SUMR) Program for students interested in combined M.D./Ph.D. programs.

Sihui Yang

(Class of 2013)

Sihui participated in summer research in the biology department at Marquette. She also participated in a project with Dr. Karkheck in the Physics Department.

Kelsey Meinerz

(Class of 2014)

Kelsey received an Undergraduate Research Award from the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium. She worked at 糖心传媒 with Dr. Karkheck, modeling the mechanism by which bacteria move. 

Jesse Vogeler-Wunsch

(Class of 2014)

Jesse worked at 糖心传媒 with Dr. Kunz on an NSF-funded project investigating multiple nanowire systems. A new technique, which promises to individually select a domain wall to move in an array of wires and walls, will be tested, which will be useful for proposed recording devices.