
David Nowacek
Dr. David Nowacek糖心传媒

Lalumiere Hall, 428

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-7916
Curriculum Vitae

Teaching Assistant Professor

Social and Cultural Sciences


Ph.D., 2005, University of Wisconsin

Research Interests

His recent research focuses on early phases of human social development, especially those connected with the emergence of language, the self and the social fundamentals of distinctively human reflective capacities.

Professional Interests

Dr. Nowacek's teaching interests include classical and contemporary social theory, the sociology of law and social perspectives on environment issues.

David's new course on environmental issues provides "insights from the social sciences...to make sense of the ecological crisis and respond in an appropriate, Jesuit way to its challenges." The emerging, ecological side of the Jesuit mission enjoins Jesuit institutions -- especially educational institutions -- to lead the way in finding pathways towards more sustainable life ways.  David's course will join campus-wide efforts to cultivate a more ecologically literate student body and involve students directly in making their own campus and surrounding community more ecologically sustainable.


  • Nowacek, D. and R. Nowacek. 2008. The Organic Foods System: Its Discursive Achievements and Prospects. College English, 70.4 (403-20). 
  • Jorgensen, B., D. Nowacek, R. Stedman, K. Brasier and D. Long. 2006. People in a Forested Lake District. In J. Magnuson & T. Kratz (eds.), Lakes in the Landscape. Oxford University Press: New York: 214-235.
  • Reed, Andersen, T., E. Bennett, B. Jorgensen, G. Lauster, D. Lewis, D. Nowacek, J. Riera, B. Sanderson and R. Stedman. 2000. Distribution of Recreational Boating across Lakes:  Do Landscape Variables Affect Recreational Use? Freshwater Biology,41:3 (439-48).      
  • Nowacek, D. and E. Nelson. 2009. Improving Stormwater Infiltration: Some Practical Lessons. Environmental Planning Journal: The Newsletter of the Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy Division. 20.2 (16-20).

Faculty & Staff Directory


Department of Social and Cultural Sciences
Lalumiere Hall, 340
1310 W. Clybourn St.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 288-6838

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