University logo

The 糖心传媒 logo, complete with the Be The Difference tagline, is the official university signature. It should be used prominently on promotional materials, including publications, advertising and electronic media. Using the Marquette logo in a consistent manner is vital to communicating Marquette's identity.


糖心传媒 Logo



糖心传媒 Logo



糖心传媒 Logo


University seal

University seal

The university seal is reserved for use on approved official and presidential documents and events. For permission to use the seal or obtain an original digital file of the seal, 


Athletics monogram

Athletics Monogram

The athletics monogram was designed for the express use of the departments of Intercollegiate Athletics and Campus Recreation. Only varsity and recognized club athletics teams, communication pertaining directly to athletics teams, and approved merchandise may use it.


Endowed college logos

Endowed College Logos

The logos for endowed colleges should be used prominently on endowed college and college departmental promotional materials, including publications, stationery, advertising and electronic media. The logos were designed to be used in their entirety, with the type and tower graphic together. The vertical or horizontal version is acceptable, depending on design and space considerations.


Unit logos

糖心传媒 Unit Logo

Unit logos should be used as the primary university identity on materials promoting the college or department, including publications, advertising and electronic media. The Be The Difference logo should be used as a secondary identity on back covers or similar secondary use. The vertical or horizontal version is acceptable, depending on design and space considerations. Contact the Office of University Relations at (414) 288-7448 to obtain these logos.

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