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Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment

Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 Work Experience Week is :
Monday 6th - Friday 17th July 2020 (2 weeks)

In Health lessons Year 10 students have been filling in the online form to select choices. Students must do this even if you are hoping to arrange an own placement work experience.

  • Students have had a session in tutor groups in a computer room to access WebView and fill in their form. Students will get their own induvidual PIN.
  • Students to make their 5-6 choices. Please ask your child to discuss their choice with you so you know what they have chosen.
  • Deadline for all completed choices on the Best Webview Website, and for completed Own Placement forms, is Friday 14th February 2020 by 3.30pm. 

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

1. A stable careers programme. Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers.

2. Learning from career and labour market information. Every student, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information.

3. Addressing the needs of each student. Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school's careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers. All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

5. Encounters with employers and employees. Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.

6. Experiences of workplaces. Every student should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.

7. Encounters with further and higher education. All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.

8. Personal guidance. Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career adviser, who couldbe internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made.


What is Work Experience?

Work experience is a placement in a real workplace which allows young people to see and experience for themselves what the world of work is really like.

  • In the ideal scenario we would find work experience in the sector of your choice in the area you want to work in but this is not always possible!
  • Not every employer is prepared to offer student placements.
  • It is about introducing young people to the world of work.
  • When the placement is confirmed students will receive a letter with the details of the placement, the job description and placement agreement form. This will be in the Spring term before Easter.
  • Students will need to organise an interview at the work placement in the Summer term so they can practice the route to work, , meet the employer and find out their expectations and requirements (e.g. Hours, dress code, lunch breaks etc.)
  • The earlier students complete their forms and hand in all paperwork the more likely they are to receive the work placement which meets their choices. Work experience is not optional for students; it is an essential part of their education preparing them for the world of work.

From our Work Experience Coordinator

  • Try and find own placements, using own placement forms!!
  • You are not guaranteed any of the choices you make via WebView
  • Check your choices CAREFULLY: assess the distance, hours, dress code and expectations in the role.
  • Speak with your parents before finalising any choices, they will have to give their permission to allow you to attend the placement.
  • Some placements may be split into two weeks at the discretion of BEST - you may end up with two separate work placements
  • You are competing with not only everyone else in your year group but also some other Wandsworth schools so apply now,  as the good placements are going fast.
  • For those who know they will not be able available for part of Work Experience i.e. DofE and School Production participants, please let me know ASAP!
  • There is a penalty fee if you miss the deadline date to secure your placement due to the health and safety checks carried out.
  • You are required to call your work experience for an interview - you cannot just turn up, if you do not call by the deadline, your placement may be given to somebody else.
  • Sometimes email works better, make sure you have an appropriate up to date email address.

What can parents and carers do to support a successful work experience placement?

Make sure students hand in all their forms by Friday 14th February, before 3.30pm and check they have completed the online form.

Can you suggest an interesting employer (this could be a family member, friend or work acquaintance) who could offer a placement for your child?

Support your child in organising and attending their work experience interview in the summer.

Encourage your child to be resilient - this is often a daunting experience for students and overcoming the challenges of work experience is a valuable skill in itself. Ensure your child attends everyday of the placement. 

Be positive! (Even if your child is not totally happy with their allocated placement) Work experience is a great way of learning what you don't want to do as well as what tasks and environments you will enjoy working in. Please encourage your child to see the learning experience in this is.

For enquiries:

Luke O'Neill, Year 10 Work Experience Co-ordinator: loneill@chestnutgrove.wandsworth.sch.uk

Noel Tierney, Independent Careers Advisor: nteirney@chestnutgrove.wandsworth.sch.uk

Gavin Bedford, Assistant Head / Raising Standards Leader Year 10: gbedford@chestnutgrove.wandsworth.sch.uk

Jonathan Taylor, Deputy Head / Head of Sixth Form: jtaylor@chestnutgrove.wandsworth.sch.uk