
糖心传媒 Alumni Association

College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Management Award Recipients

Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award

James D. O'RourkeJAMES D. O'ROURKE, BUS AD '87
Pewaukee, Wis.

When Jim received the keys to the A&A Manufacturing Co. shop at age 16, he says it was the best gift he’s ever received. Now, Jim is chairman of the company, where he is a third-generation employee.

Professional Achievement Award

Ginger L. GordenGINGER L. GORDEN, BUS AD '92

Ginger is passionate about financial planning and strategy designed to accomplish a goal or set of circumstances for individuals and businesses. As founder and president of ggCFO, she is dedicated to the practice of prudent preparation and commitment to plan for financial success.

Entrepreneurial Award

Mark SantacroseMARK F. SANTACROSE, BUS AD '81
Glenview, Ill.

Mark is president and CEO of Tecta America Corp., which he helped grow into the nation's leading commercial roofing contractor with locations around the country.

Service Award

Frank ProbstDR. FRANK R. PROBST, BUS AD '62, GRAD '64
Brookfield, Wis.

Frank’s commitment to Marquette is legendary. He received two degrees from the College of Business Administration, then returned to teach undergraduate and graduate accounting courses for more than 40 years, influencing thousands of students in the process.

Young Alumni of the Year Award

Mark and Sarah SchoenfelderMARK A. SCHOENFELDER, BUS AD '02, and

Arlington, Va.

Mark and Sarah are a Washington, D.C., power couple: he as a director and assistant general counsel at Capital One and she as a senior manager in the forensic practice at Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP.