ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½ Alumni Association

Association of ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½ Women Award Recipient

Mary Neville Bielefeld Award

Mary WellerMary J. Weller, Arts ’61, Grad ’64
Elm Grove, Wis.

Mary says being a teacher and counselor allowed her to touch the future, something she has done in many ways during her personal and professional life, including serving as the youngest president of AMUW and currently serving on the board of the Marquette's Women's Council, as well as being involved in many nonprofit and community boards.

‪"Marquette provided a springboard to so many life and learning experiences and friendships," she says.

‪Mary fostered these friendships during two terms on the Marquette Alumni National Board, serving on the Waukesha Women's Leadership Luncheon, chairing the McElligott Award and establishing a study club with a fellow Marquette graduate that is now more than 50 years old.

‪Beyond Marquette, she is involved in PEO, an international women's organization that supports women's educational goals and has been doing so for more than 150 years. She serves as a trustee for her local library, helped establish her community's beautification program and served as its first chairperson. Other efforts have included serving as president of two of the oldest women's groups in the area, the Tuesday Club and the Twentieth Century Topic Club, as well as being a past president of the Friends of the Benedict Center and a board member of the Salvation Army ARC. She and her husband Bob cook, serve and support the St. Ben's Loaves and Fishes Meal, which feeds the hungry six nights a week throughout the year and is close to Marquette’s campus.

‪Mary is incredibly proud that her alma mater, DSHA (then Holy Angels Academy), chose her as its Jubilarian of the Year for the support and work she has done for the school. She is also proud of being recognized as a 50-year member of the Christ Child Society and by the Village of Elm Grove.

Fun Facts
Hometown: Milwaukee/Elm Grove
Favorite book or favorite quote: Whatever book I'm reading
Someone (past or present) with whom you’d like to have dinner: Daniel Boone
Favorite Marquette memory: Having the opportunity to study outside the U.S.
When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? Teacher
Who is your Marquette legacy? My husband and I hope that one of our grandchildren will go to Marquette.
Who has been the most influential person in your life, and why? My parents, brothers, my husband Bob, my friends and my grandchildren, and many wonderful teachers from first grade through graduate and undergraduate work at Marquette.