Committee Rosters
Committee Rosters for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
Construction Engineering (CNEN)
Dr. Yong Bai (Chair, AY 2024-26)
Dr. Mark Federle
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering (ENWR)
Dr. Walter McDonald (Chair, AY 2024-26)
Dr. Brooke Mayer
Dr. Patrick McNamara
Dr. Anthony Parolari
Dr. Daniel Zitomer
Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics (SESM)
Dr. Chindan Huang (Chair, AY 2022-24 and GEEN 2110-Statics course coordinator)
Dr. Andrew Sen
Dr. Baolin Wan
Transportation Engineering and Materials (TEMA)
Dr. Jaime Hernandez (Chair, AY 2024-26)
Dr. Margaret McNamara
Promotion and Tenture Committee
Dr. Daniel Zitomer (Chair)
Dr. Yong Bai
Dr. Mark Federle
Dr. Brooke Mayer
Graduate Studies Committee
Dr. Brooke Mayer (Chair, AY 2022-24)
Dr. Anthony Parolari (Vice Chair, 2024)
Dr. Yong Bai
Dr. Margaret McNamara
Dr. Baolin Wan
Undergraduate Studies/ABET Committee
Dr. Patrick McNamara (Chair, AY 2023-2025 and Course Scheduler)
Dr. Walter McDonald (Vice Chair, AY 2023-2025)
Dr. Yong Bai
Dr. Mark Federle
Dr. Anthony Parolari
Dr. Baolin Wan
Dr. Daniel Zitomer
CCEE Student Societies Coordinators
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - Dr. Andrew Sen (AY 2024-26)
Chi Epsilon (XE) – Dr. Baolin Wan (AY 2023-25)
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) - Dr. Margaret McNamara (AY 2023-25)
Builder’s Coalition of ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½ (BCMU) – Dr. Yong Bai (AY 2023-25)