Brooke Mayer
Dr. Brooke K. Mayer, P.E. (Environmental)ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½

Engineering Hall, 411

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-2161


Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering


Ph.D., 2008, Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University

M.S., 2006, Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University

B.S., 2004, Civil Engineering - Environmental Concentration, Arizona State University

Research Interests

Phosphorus removal and recovery in water and wastewater streams

Detection, quantification, and mitigation of infectious waterborne viruses

Advanced oxidation and electrochemical treatments targeting organic contaminant destruction


Heffron, J., Samsami, M., Juedemann, S., Lavin, J., Tavakoli Nick, S., Kieke, B.A., Mayer, B.K. 2024. Mitigation of viruses of concern and bacteriophage surrogates via common unit processes for water reuse: A meta-analysis. Water Res. 15, 121242, 1-16.

Hussein, F., Cannon, A., Hutchison, J., Gorman, C., Yingling, Y., Mayer, B.K. 2024. Phosphate-binding protein (PBP)-loaded iron oxide particles: Adsorption performance for phosphorus removal from water. Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol.

Hutchison, J., Hussein, F., Mayer, B.K. 2023. Life cycle assessment comparing phosphate-binding protein-based phosphorus adsorbents to ion exchange resins. Environ. Sci. Technol.

Ryan, D.R., McNamara, P.J., Baldus, C., Wang, Y., Mayer, B.K. 2023. Peroxi-electrocoagulation for treatment of trace organic compounds and natural organic matter at neutral pH. Environ. Sci.: Advances. 2, 1574 – 1586.

Heffron, J., Mayer, B.K. 2021. Virus isoelectric point estimation: theories and methods. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 87(3), e02319-20.


U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). Novel technologies to mitigate water contamination for resilient infrastructure (2022 – 2024), PI: Zitomer, D., Co-PI: Hristova, K., Co-PI: Marshall, C., Co-PI: Mayer, B., Co-PI: Parolari, A.

NSF Science and Technology Center (STC). Science and Technologies for Phosphorus Sustainability (STEPS) (2021 –2026), PI: Jones, J. (North Carolina State University), et al., Senior Investigator/Leadership Team: Mayer, B.

National Science Foundation CAREER Award. CAREER: Harnessing the power of the phosphate-binding protein PstS to recover phosphorus (2016 – 2022), PI: Mayer, B.

NSF Industry University Collaborative Research Center (IUCRC). Center for Water Equipment and Policy (WEP) Phase III. PI: Liao, Q. (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Co-PI: Zitomer, D., Co-PI at MU: Mayer, B.

Kohler Company. Removal of contaminants from greywater by electrocoagulation (2022 – 2023), PI: Mayer, B., PI: McNamara, P.

Mayer, B. 2016-2021. CAREER: Harnessing the power of the phosphate-binding protein PstS to recover phosphorus. National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award.

Mayer, B., Young, K. 2017. Waterborne Elizabethkingia disinfection studies in response to ongoing U.S. outbreak. National Science Foundation (NSF). RAPID.

Mayer, B., McNamara, P., Young, K. 2017-2018. Electrocoagulation and electrooxidation to treat microbial and chemical contaminants in small drinking water systems. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Water Innovation Network for Sustainable Small Systems (WINSSS) Emerging Technologies Program.

Mayer, B., Venkiteshwaran, K. 2017. Removal and recovery of ammonia using amtB protein. NSF Water Equipment & Policy (WEP) Industry/University Collaborative Research Center (I/UCRC).

McNamara, P., Mayer, B., Venkiteshwaran, K. 2017. Ultra-low phosphorus regulations: Improving removal of non-reactive phosphorus and downstream dewaterability in bio-P biosolids. NSF Water Equipment & Policy (WEP) Industry/University Collaborative Research Center (I/UCRC).

Engineering Hall

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Milwaukee, WI 53233

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1637 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233

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