Record Group 1 of Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records
Native American General Print Publications, [1839- , undated]: boxes 36-90

Guidelines for Interlibrary Loans

BCIM Historical Notes/Scope and Content


Box: 10 | 20 | 30 | 40Oversize 1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Acculturation du Christianisme: Un Siecle et Demi de Pastorales Jesuites sur le Plateau des Montagnes Rocheuses aux Estats-Unis (1840-1993), Frederic Dorel, doctoral dissertation, Universit茅 Paul Valery Montpellier III, 1996
14-1 20 13
Acculturation du Christianisme, 1996, Vol. 1
14-1 20 14
Acculturation du Christianisme, 1996, Vol. 2
14-1 20 15
Acculturation du Christianisme, 1996, Vol. 3
14-1 20 16 Wind River Rendezvous, Calender, 2010-2020
14-1 21 1 Acculturation du Christianisme, Annexes, 1996
14-1 21 2 Affirmative of Sovereignty of the Indigenous People of the Western Hemisphere, The Longest Walk Manifesto, Washington, D.C., 1978, and The Longest Walk for Survival Newsletter, Issue no. 1, 1980
14-1 21 3 Akwesasne Mohawk Nation, Press Release, 1979
14-1 21 4 Akwesasne Notes, Richard H. Lunstrom, 1973
14-1 21 5 Alaska Federation of Natives, Reports and Resolutions, Anchorage, Alaska, 1977, 1986, 1991
14-1 21 6 Alaska, Kaltag, Letter of Rev. Jules M. Convert, S.J. to Governor William A. Egan, 1961
14-1 21 7 Alaska Native Review Commission, 1984, 1985

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Alaskan Shepherd, Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska, E98.M6 A42
14-1 21 8
Alaskan Shepherd, Series I-III (1960 [3 issues] -1963), [Vol. 2-Vol. 10, No. 4 [1964-1972]]
14-1 21 9
Alaskan Shepherd, 1973 to 1980
14-1 22 1
Alaskan Shepherd, Vol. 19, no. 3, May/June 1981-Vol. 28, no. 6, 
 Nov./Dec. 1940. 
14-1 22 2
Alaskan Shepherd, Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan-Feb, 1991) to Vol. 38, no. 6 (Nov-Dec, 2000) 
14-1  22 3
Alaskan Shepherd, Vol. 39 no. 5
14-1  22 4
Alaskan Shepherd, Vol. 43, no. 1 
14-1 22 5 Alberts, Robert, A Public Health Approach to Culture Change, Alaska, n.d.
14-1 22 6 Allouez, Claude Jean, "The Apostle of the Ottawas" and the Builder of the First Indian Missions in Wisconsin, Joseph Stephen LaBoule, 1897, F576 .P24 no.2 etc. 
14-1 22 7 All Saints Catholic Church, Eagle Butte, South Dakota, 75th Jubliee [booklet] +clippings, notes, also PDF,1986
14-1 22 8 American Board of Catholic Missions, Annual Report, 1985, BV 2155 .A44
14-1 22 9 Americans for Indian Opportunity, New Federalism: The Role of the Indian Community, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1981

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 22 10 American Indian/Alaskan Native Education, National Education Association, Washington, D.C., 1983
14-1 22 11 American Indian Association, First National Conference, Ohio State University, 1911
14-1 23 1 American Indian and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, The, 1969, A Study with Recommendations,  Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., 1969
14-1 23 2 American Indian Charter Convention, Supplementary Documents, The University of Chicago, 1960
14-1 23 3 American Indian Health Care Association, 1982
14-1 23 4 "More Real Involvement" of American Indian Churchmen, Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, 1969
14-1 23 5 American Indian Higher Education Consortium, Denver, Colorado, 1980
  23 6 "American Indian Ministry," The Small Voice, February, 1974, section C
14-1 23 7 American Indian Policy Newsletter, Social Science Department, Barry University, Miami, Florida, 1982-1987, E98.M6 N37


Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 23 8 American Indian Political Attitude and Behavior Survey Data Report, National Indian Youth Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1983
14-1 23 9 American Indian Unemployment: Confronting a Distressing Reality, Full Employment Action Council, Washington, D.C., 1985
14-1 - - Anawim Center, Archdiocese of Chicago
14-1 23 10
Anawim Center News, 1989, 1991, 1995, 1996, E98.M6 A62
14-1 23 11
Anawim Center, The Development of Native American Ministry in Chicago, 1988; Newsclipping, Chicago Tribune, 1995
14-1 23 12 Anthonian, "A Philadelphia Story,"  St. Anthony's Guild, Patterson, New Jersey, 1984
14-1 23 13 ARC Newsletter, 1979-1982
14-1 23 14 Applicability of Enterprise Zones to American Indian Reservations, Charles Trimble Co., n.d.
14-1 23 15 Arctic Coastal Zone Management Newsletter, Barrow, Alaska, 1977
14-1 23 16 Association of Native Religious and Clergy, ANRC Newsletter, 1985-1988
14-1 23 17 Baltimore American Indian Center, Native American Organization of Rural and Urban Indian Reservations, n.d.

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Baraga Bulletin, E99.C6 B84
14-1 23 18
Baraga Bulletin, Vol. 8, no. 3 (1954) to Vol. no. 1 (1955/1956); Vol. 10, no. 4 (March, 1956) to Vol. 15, no. 4 (April, 1961)
14-1 23 19
Baraga Bulletin, Vol. 16, no. 1 (Aug. 1961) to Vol. 19, no. 4 (Winter, 1965); Vol. 20, no. 2 (Summer, 1966) to Vol. 24, no. 3/4 (Fall/Winter, 1970); Vol. 30, no. 3 (April, 1977); Vol. 38, no. 2 (April, 1985)
14-1  23 20 Baraga, First Bishop of Marquette, Mich., Life and Labors of Rt. Rev. Frederick, Chrysostomus Verwyst, BX4705. b18 v4
14-1 23 21 Blackfeet Reservation, Montana: Epworth Piegan Mission, Blackfeet Mission, Blackfeet United Mission, Browning United Methodist Church: History from 1840 to 1986, Kathryn Frevert Schmidt, E99.S54 E69 1986
14-1 24 1 American Indian Anthology, An, Benet Tvedten, O.S.B., 1971
14-1 24 2 Blue Cloud Mission, 1978

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 24 3 Naming Ceremonies among the Eastern Dakota for Monks and Nuns and other Non-Indian Men/Women, Reverend Stan Maudlin, O.S.B., 2000
14-1 24 4 Revisiting the Plains Indian Country of Mari Sandoz, LaVerne Harrell Clark, 1977
14-1 - - Builders of the New Earth, The Formation of Deacons and Lay Ministers, Revised Edition, John E. Hatcher, S.J., and Patrick M. McCorkell, S.J., 1995
14-1 24 5
Builders of the New Earth, vol. 1
14-1 24 6
Builders of the New Earth, vol. 2 
14-1 24 7
Builders of the New Earth, vol. 3
14-1 24 8 Burch, Francis F., "Charles Warren Currier," American National Biography, 1994
14-1 24 9 Catholic Anthropological Proceedings, 1926
14-1 24 10 Catholic Educational Activity Among the Indians of the United States, Rev. Joseph W. Bohr, 1929
14-1 24 11 Catholic Education: Present Status of Catholic Education Among the Indians of the U.S., Joseph W. Bohr, Catholic University of America, M.A. dissertation, 1929
14-1 24 12 Catholic Indian Congress, Holy Rosary Mission, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Remarks by Most Rev. Jean Jadot, 1979

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 24 13 Catholic Indian Missionaries, Association of, Constitution and Bylaws
14-1 24 14 Catholic Indians, Sister Providencia Tolan, F.C.S.P., Catholic University of America, M.A. dissertation, 1952
14-1 - - Catholic Missions in Canada, The [formerly The Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada], Toronto, Ontario, Canada
14-1 - -
Home Missions, BV2195 .H67
14-1 24 15
Home Missions, The Catholic Church Extension Society, 1983, 1986
14-1 24 16
Home Missions, The Catholic Church Extension Society, 1987, vol. 10, no.4 (Dec. 1991) - vol. 11, no. 2 (June 1992)

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 24 17 Centennial Sacramental Presence, Reverend Joachim Schieber, O.S.B., Bullhead, South Dakota, 1984
14-1 24 18 Charities U.S.A., Special NCCC Congress Issue, Washington, D.C., 1980
14-1 24 19 Child Study Association of America, The, The Indian Girl-- Her Social Heritage, Her Needs and Her Opportunities, ca. 1932
14-1 24 20 Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation [South Dakota], Rehabilitation Program on the, Elizabeth M. Clark and David W. Clark, Indian Rights Association, 1961
14-1 24 21 Chippewa Treaty Rights, A Guide to Understanding, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, Odanah, Wisconsin, Elizabeth M. and David W. Clark, 1991
14-1 24 22 Choctaw Anthology, A, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Philadelphia, Mississippi, 1983
14-1 24 23 Choctaw Tribal Government, A New Era, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Philadelphia, Mississippi, 1982
14-1 - Mission Canada [formerly Home Missions], BV2195 .H67
14-1  25 1
Mission Canada, Vol. 11, no. 3 
14-1  25 2
Mission Canada, 1996-2001
14-1 - - Catholic Missions in Canada [formerly Mission Canada], BV2195 .H67
14-1 25 3
Catholic Missions in Canada, 2002-2005
14-1 25 4
Catholic Missions in Canada 
14-1 25 5
Catholic Mission in Canada, Fall 2009-Winter 2015
14-1 25 6
Catholic Missions in Canada, Winter 2016-Fall 2019
14-1 26 1 Christero Tract Series, Pamphlets for First Nations Catholics, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, n.d.
14-1 26 2 Christian Herald, "America's Oldest Minority," Fred R. Zepp, 1964

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 26 3 Church Council of Greater Seattle: Christians and Native American Concerns in the Late 20th Century, A Study for Congregations [Leader's Guide and Study Papers + Participant's Book], Church Council of Greater Seattle and Washington Association of Churches, Seattle, Washington, 1981
14-1 26 4 Church, Human Rights, and Native Americans, The, Br. Lawrence C. Smith, S.J., Boston, Massachusetts, 1978
14-1 26 5 Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe, Statement of Edward M. Redowl On the Role of the Church in Indian Country, 1981
14-1 26 6 Cooperation in Indian Administration, Federal, State, County, and Local, Lewis Meriam, W. Carson Ryan Jr., Blanche LaDu, and Ruth Muskrat Bronson, 1931
14-1 26 7 Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indian Tribes, An Historical Perspective, The, 1982 
14-1 26 8 Coyote and the Colville, St. Mary's Mission, Omak, Washington, 1971
14-1 26 9 Crow Catholic Religion Research Center, Lodge Grass, Montana
14-1 27 1 DQ University, The Establishment of, An Example of Successful Indian-Chicano Community Development, Jack D. Forbes


Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Drexel, Katharine
14-1 27 2
The Spirituality of Saint Katharine Drexel: Eucharistic Devotion Nourishing Apostolic Works, Rev. Anthony J. Costa, Rome, 2001
14-1 27 3
Education of the Indian, William N. Hailmann, 1904
14-1 27 4
Priest, Missionary, Saint?, J. Clyde Cranford, 1983
14-1 27 5 Evangelization and the Native American Peoples: A Theological Perspective, William M. Cunningham, O.P., 1975
14-1 27 6 Extension, The Magazine of Mission America, 1992, BX 801 .E8
14-1 27 7 Fargo Diocese [North Dakota]: A Written Celberation of Its Centennial, Scattered Steeples, The, Jerome D. Lamb, Jerry Ruff, William C. Sherman, 1988, BX1415.N9 .S32
14-1 27 8 Feeney, Elizabeth, Urban American Indian Spirituality, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Senior thesis, 糖心传媒, 1992
14-1 27 9 Florida Martyrs Report, The, n.d. 

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Fort Belknap Reservation, Hays, Montana
14-1 27 10
Hays, Montana, Account Taken, The Boy, Joe Assiniboin, and Good Strike (Al Chandler), July 27, 1937
14-1 27 11
Brief History of the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation Montana, Ralph M. Shane, 1974
14-1 27 12 Ft. Totten Reservation, Our Lady of Dolars and St. Michael's Missions, St. Michael, North Dakota, Grey Nuns' Chronicle, Jan. 1883-March 1900
14-1 27 13 Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities, FADICA Update, Vol. 1, no. 1, 1981
14-1 - - Crow Photo Calendar, Angela Russell, Lodge Grass, Montana
14-1 27 14
Crow Photo Calendar, 1981
14-1 27 15
Crow Photo Calendar, 1982
14-1 27 16
Crow Photo Calendar, 2003, E99 .C92 A68 2002
14-1 27 17 Dakota Theology, Rev. Stanislaus Maudlin, O.S.B., 1979
14-1 27 18 Deacon Programs and Future Directions, Manresa Renewal Center, Pickering, Ontario, Canada, 1976
14-1 27 19 De Smet, [Pierre-Jean], Le Reverend Pere, [La Ville de Termonde], Societe Generale de librairie Catholique, Paris, 1878
14-1 28 1 Franciscan Mission of Western New Mexico and East Arizona, Early, Martin Link and Leonard Witter, 1989
14-1 28 2 Francisco, Vol. 4, no. 4 (September, 1988) to Vol. 4, no. 6 (Christmas, 1988), Our Lady of Guadalupe Province


Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Franciscans, St. John the Baptist Province
14-1 28 3
Franciscan Pueblo Indian Board, St. Anthony Mission, Zuni, New Mexico, 1980
14-1 28 4
Paul Jewette, Native Vocations in the Southwest, 1980
14-1 28 5
Navajo Advisory Board, Minutes, 1979-1980
14-1 - - Friends Committe on National Legislation (FCNL)
14-1 28 6
Statement of Legislative Policy, 1977
14-1 28 7
Statement of Legistaltive Policy, Indian Report, 1977, KF8201.A3 I63
14-1 28 8
FCNL Washington Newsletter, [Select issues on American Indians], 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
14-1 28 9 Galvan, P. Michael, "The Spirituality of Black Elk," June 1970
14-1 28 10 Guadalupan Triduum in Tortugas, The, Rev. Giles Carie, O.F.M. Conv., Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Mesilla Park, New Mexico, 1986


Series 14-1

Box 30

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 28 11 "Guadalupe, The Image of Our Lady of," Reprinted from Denver Catholic Register, December 7, 1977
14-1 28 12 Henry, Joseph, Catholic Missionaries on the Wind River: The St. Stephen's Mission to the Arapahoes, 1884-1911, M.A. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1984
14-1 28 13 Holy Rosary Mission, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Calico Country, Oyate Okiciyapi Woyake, No. 1 (Oct. 16, 1987) to No. 11 (Nov. 30, 1988)
14-1 - - Honor Digest, Honor Our Neighbors Origins & Rights, E78.W8 H66
14-1 28 14
Honor Digest, (Index and Table of Contents)
14-1 28 15
Honor Digest, (1990-1991)
14-1 28 16
Honor Digest, (March 1992-1993)
14-1 29 1
Honor Digest, (Nov. 1994/Dec. 1995)
14-1 29 2
Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb 1996-Oct./Nov 1997)

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 29 3
Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb. 1998-Oct./Nov. 1999)
14-1 29 4
Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb. 2000 and Speical Issue)
14-1 29 5
Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb. 2002-Nov./Dec. 2003)
14-1 29 6
Honor Digest, Jan./Feb. 2004-Jan./Feb/ 2006
14-1 - - Hope Rural School, Indiantown, Florida
14-1 29 7
Hope Rural School Brochures, 1991-1996, 2001-2002
14-1 29 8
Hope Rural School Newsletters, 1990, 1993-1999, 2001, 2003; Journey of Hope, Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 2004) to Vol 2, no. 2 (April, 2005), v. , no. 1 (November 2007) to Vol. 5, no. 2. (April 2008),  
14-1 29 9 Journey of Hope, 2009-2019, E98.M6 J68
14-1 29 10 Houma People of Louisiana, A Story of Indian Survival, The, Bruce Henry, 1982
14-1 30 1 Illustrated Catholic Missions, The, 1895-1897, BV2130 .I55

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 30 2 Rev. James D. White, Immaculate Conception Parish, Poteau, Oklahoma, A History of, 1979
14-1 30 3 Institute for Government Research, Summary of Findings and Recommendations,1928, E 93 .B873
14-1 30 4 Indian American Life and Affairs, An Occasional Letter on, United Church Division of Higher Education and the American Missionary Association, April 23, 1965
14-1 30 5 Indian--and Proud of It!, [pamphlet], League of Women Voters of the United States, 1971
14-1 30 6 Indian Citizens of the United States, A Plea for the, [pamphlet] Jennings C. Wise,1925
14-1 30 7 Indian Children in Public School, A Report on Federal Funds for, An Even Chance, [pamphlet], Harvard University, 1971
14-1 30 8 Indian Education, The Indian in Transition, [pamphlet], Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada,1969
14-1 30 9 Indian Education?, Who Should Control, A History, Three Case Studies, Recommendations, [pamphlet], Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, Berkeley, California, 1970

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 30 10 Indian Home Care, General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1932
14-1 30 11 Trail of Broken Promises: An Assessment of HUD's, Thomas H. Stanton, 1977
14-1 30 12 "Indian Ministries," Grapevine, Joint Strategy and Action Committee, Jan., 1977
14-1 30 13 Indian Ministry, Goals for the, [pamphlet], National Council of Churches, 1968
14-1 30 14 Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, The New Day for the Indians, A Survey of the Working of the, [pamplhet], 1938
14-1 - - Indian Rights Association
14-1 30 15
The Atlantic City Conference, [pamphlet], 1928
14-1 30 16
The Fort Hall Story: An Interpretation, [pamphlet], William Zimmerman, Jr., 1959
14-1 30 17 Indian Self-Determination Through Tribal Sovereignty, n.d.

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 30 18 Sacred Gift, Summer 2001; Summer 2002; Summer 2003; Summer 2007; HQ767.5.U6 S23
14-1 30 19 "Indian Tribal Sovereignty-- Its Alive," Larry B. Leventhal, 1977
14-1 30 20 Indian Welfare League, First Americans, [pamphlet],1922
14-1 - - Inter-American Indian Congress, Ninth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Report of Observer of the Holy See, Msgr. Paul A. Lenz
14-1 31 1
Draft Agenda, 1985; International Convention Relative to Inter-American Indian Conferences and the Inter-American Indian Institute (December, 1940), 1952; Inter-American Indian Institute, 1940-1986, n.d.
14-1 31 2
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985: Actions Taken

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Inter-American Indian Congress, Ninth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Report of Observer of the Holy See, Monsignor Paul A. Lenz, continued
14-1 31 3
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Draft Rules of Procedure
14-1 31 4
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Director's Report to Doctor Oscar Quintanilla
14-1 31 5
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Remarks of Ross Swimmer, U.S.A. Delegate
14-1 31 6
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, International Labor Organization Activities Relative to Indian Problems
14-1 31 7
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, General Report of Directors of Indian Institutes, 1985
14-1 31 8
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, American Indian Policy Programs, U.S. National Report
14-1 31 9
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Tribal Self-Government Under United States Law, Fred L. Ragsdale, Jr. and Douglas B.L. Endreson
14-1 31 10
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Special Reports, Government of Nicaragua 
14-1 31 11
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Speech of Congress President, Doctor Richard Montoya
14-1 31 12
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Resolution of the IX Inter-American Indian Congress

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Inter-American Indian Congress, Ninth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Report of Observer of the Holy See, Monsignor Paul A. Lenz, continued
14-1 31 13
Inter-American Indian Congress, 1985, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Ambassador Joao Clemente Baena Soares
14-1 31 14
Intra-American Indian Institute, 1985, United Nations Environmental Program 
14-1 31 15
Contemporary Cultural Revitalization: Bilingual and Bicultural Education, Doctor Bea Medicine, 1985
14-1 31 16
Inter-American Indian Congress, 1985, Development and Indian Populations, Roberto Jordan Pando
14-1 31 17
Historical Review of Indian Education, Henrietta Whiteman, 1985
14-1 31 18
Study of International Law Norms Applicable to the Development of Constitutional Autonomy for Indian Peoples of the Americas, Indigenous World, Dr. Roxanne Dunbar Ortis, 1985
14-1 31 19
Inter-American Indian Congress, Open Forum, Report and Resolutions 1-32, Special Resolution, 1985
14-1 31 20
Inter-American Indian Congress, 1985, List of Participants 
14-1 31 21
Resolutions, unnumbered, 1986
14-1 31 22
Intra-American Indian Institute, Acta Final, 1986
14-1 32 1 "Indian Jesuits in the American West," Rev. Gerald McKevitt, S.J., Company, BX3731 .C66x

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1  32 2 Rev. Gerald McKevitt, S.J., Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 55, 1986, F851 .P18
14-1 - - Jesuits in Native North American Ministry, Letter Exchange, National Office of Jesuit Social Ministries, Washington, D.C., E98.M6 N36
14-1  32 3
Jesuits in the Native North American Ministry, Vol. 1 no. 1 (Nov., 1983) -Vol. 5 no. 12 (July, 1989)
14-1  32 4
Jesuits in the Native North American Ministry Letter Exchange, National Office of Jesuit Social Ministries, Washington D.C., Vol. 6 no.1 (Sept. 1989) - Vol. 10 no. 5 (June, 1994) 
14-1  32 5 Jesus, Vol. XIX, no. 8 (August, 1997), "Religiosita e fede degli indiani d'America, Il Vangelo Nella Riserva"
14-1  32 6 Kateri Center, Brochures, Clippings, Prayer Card, Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada, 1927, 1959, 1977, 1985

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - -
Kateri, E 90.T2 K38
14-1  32 7
no. 72 (Spring, 1967) - no. 75 (Spring 1968)
14-1  32 8
no. 76 (Summer, 1968) - no. 81 (Summer, 1969) - no. 83 (Spring, 1970); no. 85 (Autumn, 1970) - no. 97 (Autumn, 1973); no. 99 (Spring, 1974) - no. 100 (Summer, 1974)
14-1  32 9
no. 101 (Autumn, 1974) - no. 125 (Autumn, 1980)
14-1  32 10
Vol. 126  - Vol. 150
14-1  32 11
Vol. 151 - Vol. 175
14-1  33  1
Vol. 176 - Vol. 200
14-1  33  2
Vol. 201 - Vol. 238 
14-1  33  3
Summer 1986 - Fall 2013, 2009-'10
14-1  33  4
     Fall 2015 to Fall 2016
14-1  33  5
     Summer 2017 to Spring 2018
14-1  33  6
     Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, 1978, Caughnawaga Lives On!, 1946 Tekakwitha, 1950

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1  33  7 Kateri the Christian [pamphlet], Anne M. Scheuerman, 1988
14-1  33  8 Kateri Conference Brochure: "We Seek a Vision," Sipayik [Perry], Maine, 1988
14-1  33  9 Kateri Tekakwitha [pamphlet], Ron Zeilinger, 1985
14-1  33  10 [Kateri] Caterina Tekakwitha, Beatificazione di Giuseppe de Anchieta, Pietro de Betancur, Maria Dell'Incarnazione (Guyart),Francesco de Montmorency-Laval, Vatican City, 1980

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 33 11 Kateri Tekakwitha, Une Celebration Eucharistique en honneur de la Bien-Aimee, 糖心传媒, 2001
14-1 33 12 Kateri Tekakwitha, Diary of... "A Phoenix Family in Roma" (for the Beatification of, 1980, Marlene McCauley, 1981
14-1 33 13 Kateri Tekakwitha, Goigs de la Beata [Song sheet], Lliri dels Iroquoesos i Patrona dels Ecologistes, Sebastian B.G.M. Flaque Farrus and Carmela Pou Valls, Barcelona, Spain, 1983
14-1 33 14 Kateri Tekakwitha, I am an Indian, the Story of, Rev. Gualbert Brunsman, O.S.B., 1956
14-1 33 15 Kateri Tekakwitha, Joyful Lover, Sister Mary Pelagia Litkowski, O.P., 1989
14-1 33 16 Kateri Tekakwitha, The Lily of the Mohawks, Julia Pember, 1941
14-1 34 1 Kateri Tekakwitha, The Lily of the Mohawks, 1658-1680, E.J. Devine, S.J., 1916
14-1 34 2 Kateri Tekakwitha, The Lily of the Mohawks, 1658-1680, Ed. Lecompte, S.J., 1948; Catherine Tekakwitha, Te lis des Missions iroquoises, 1656-1680

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Kateri Tekakwitha League, Blessed, Auriesville, New York
14-1 34 3
Blessed Brochures and Reprints, After 1943, 1979, After 1980, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1994, n.d. 
14-1 34 4
Prayer Cards, After 1943, After 1980, n.d.
14-1 34 5
Kateri of the Mohawks Storybook [pamphlet], 1955
14-1 - - Kateri Tekakwitha League, Blessed, Auriesville, New York, continued
14-1 - -
Lily of the Mohawks, E 90.T2 L65
14-1 34 6
Lily of the Mohawks, 1969, 1979, 1986-1988, 1990
14-1 34 7
Lily of the Mohawks, 1991-1995
14-1 34 8
Lily of the Mohawks, 1996-2000
14-1 34 9
    Lily of the Mohawks, 2001-2008
14-1 34 10
    Lily of the Mohawks, 2000s

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - -
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Lily of the Mohawks in the 1980s, undated
14-1 34 11 Kateri Tekakwitha, America's Marvelous Maiden, Thomas J. Coffey, S.J., 1956, Martyrs Hills, 1925
14-1 35 1 Kateri Tekakwitha, La Petite Iroquoise, [pamphlet; French], Agnes Richomme,1957
14-1 35 2 Kateri Tekakwitha, Maid of the Mohawks, One Act Play, Mary-Eunice, 1969
14-1 - - Kateri Tekakwitha, National Shrine of, Fonda, New York
14-1 - - Fonda Tekakwitha News/Newsletter, E90.T2 F66
14-1 35 3 Fonda Tekakwitha News/Newsletter, 1983-1987
14-1 35 4 Fonda Tekakwitha News/Newsletter, 1989-1996
14-1 35 5 Fonda Tekakwitha News/Newslettr, 1997-2000, 2005
14-1 35 6 Kateri Tekawitha, A New Star For the New World, Mary Eunice, 1975


Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 35 7 Tekakwitha News, Fall 2009-June 2014 (incomplete)
14-1 35 8 Kateria Tekakwitha, Vignettes on the Life of, Lily of the Mohawks, Sarah Hassenplug, 1991
14-1 - - Kisemanito Centre, Grouard, Alberta, Canada
14-1 35 9
Kisemanito Centre, brochures, 1979, 1981, 1986-1987, 1989-1990, n.d.
14-1 35 10
Kisemanito Centre, A Native Seminary for Western Canda, Rev. Jacques Johnson O.M.I.
14-1 35 11
Kisemanito Centre, newsletters, 1981, 1983-1989, 1991, BX921 .K57
14-1 35 12 Klamath Tribe-Elia Michael, S.J., 1979
14-1 35 13 Nome Static-1983, 2006
14-1 35 14 KNOM, Alaska, Newsletter, 1975
14-1 35 15 KNOM, Sr. Euphrasia Marin, 1998

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 35 16 Las Casas, Bartolome de, The Gospel of Liberation, Gilbert Markus, O.P., 1988
14-1 35 17 Las Casas, Liberation for the Oppressed, Bartolome De, Sister Michael Marie Zobelein, O.P., ed., 1984
14-1 35 18 Las Casas Fund for the Cheyennes and Arapahos [of Oklahoma], Dominican Resources United for Ministry and Service, 1983
14-1 - - Los Angeles, Archdiocese of, Office of Ethnic Ministries
14-1 35 19
Los Angeles,City of the Angels Kateri Circle/City of the Angels Kateri Circle Newsletter [title varies], 1989-1995, E98.M6 C57
14-1 35 20
Los Angeles, City of the Angels Kateri Circle/City of the Angels Kateri Circle Newsletter, 1996-2000

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Los Angeles, Archdiocese of, Office of Ethnic Ministries, continued
14-1 - -
City of the Angels Kateri Circle/City of the Angels Kateri Circle Newsletter [title varies], E98.M6 C57, continued
14-1 36 1
City of Angels Kateri Circle 2001-2003
14-1 33 2
Urban Native American Catholics: City of Angels, Kateri Circle, Aloysius Joseph War, University of California, Los Angeles, [dissertation],1996
14-1 36 3 Los Angeles Indian Centers, n.d. (after 1971)
14-1 36 4 Mapuches: People of the Land, Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, 1980
14-1 36 5 Marquette League, The Present Status of the Catholic Indian Problem, Rev. H.G. Ganss, 1907

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - -
Pilgrim, BX80 .P7
14-1 36 6
Pilgrim (1950-1954)
14-1 36 7
Pilgrim (1955-1970)
14-1 36 8
    Pilgrim (1971-1982)
14-1 36 9
Pilgrim (1983-1990)
14-1 36 10
    Pilgrim (1991-1994)

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Martyrs' Shrine, Midland, Ontario, Canada
14-1 36 11
Martyr's Shrine, Michael Odesse, 1984
14-1 36 12
Martyrs' Shrine Message, F1030.7 .M38 
14-1 36 13 Mazzuchelli Guild Bulletin/Mazzuchelli Bulletin, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin, 1965-1968, 1972-1980, 1985, BX4705.M475 M27
14-1 36 14 Mazzuchelli Bulletin (2006)
14-1 36 15 M茅nard, P猫re Ren茅: The Predecessor of Allouez and Marquette in the Lake Superior Region, Henry Colin Campbell, 1897, F 576 .P24 no.2 etc.
14-1 36 16 Minnesota' s Forgotten Martyr, 1949
41-1 37 1 Minnesota History, Carol J. Berg, O.S.B.,1982, F601 .M72
14-1 37 2 Missouri River Patterns, Tradecloth Dress, Crazy Crow Trading Post, 2002, TT 520 .T73 2002

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 37 3 Morgan, Thomas J., The Present Phase of the Indian Question, 1891
14-1 37 4 Mother Joseph, The Legacy of, Mother Joseph Foundation, Seattle, 1978
14-1 - - National American Indian Court Judges Association
14-1 - -
A Guide for American Indian Court Judges
14-1 37 5
Criminal Court Procedures Manual, 1971
14-1 37 6
Research Document In Support of the Criminal Court Procedures, 1971
14-1 - -
Justice and the American Indian, KF 8205 .N37 J87 1974
14-1 37 7
Vol. 1, 1974
14-1 37 8
Vol. 2, 1974
14-1 37 9
Vol. 3, 1974
14-1 37 10
Vol. 4, 1974
14-1 37 11
Vol. 5, 1974

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 37 12 Suicide Among American Indian Adolescents, Irving N. Berlin, 1984
14-1 37 13 National Association of Native Religious (NANR), Contemplation and Fasting Program, Pre-Registration Materials, 1979
14-1 37 14 National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice, Commitment, 1979, HT 1501 .C63X
14-1 37 15 National Catholic Rural Life Conference, Earth Matters, 1988, HT401 .C3
14-1 37 16 National Committee on Indian of the Episcopal Church, NCIW Newsletter, 1984-1985,  E98.M6 N39
14-1 37 17 National Council for Catholic Evangelization, NCCE Newsletter, 1992, BX2347.4 .N48
14-1 37 18 Equal Educational Opportunity for Indians, Exploratory Conference, [pamphlet], 1969
14-1 37 19 National Impact -Various pubs., 1977, HN30 .P73; 1979, HN30. A35; 1985, HN30 .N37

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
   -  -  National Tribal Chairmen's Association
14-1 38 1
Highlights, 1977, E75 .N37
14-1 38 2
The State of the American Indian Nations: 1983
14-1 38 3
Indian Housing Fact Sheet, 1985
14-1 38 4
Report on NTCA Objective No. 10, Development of Method to Acquaint State and Local Subdivisions and Citizens Generally of Nature and Scope of Tribal Sovereignty 
14-1 38 5 Native American Church of North America, Statement, 34th Annual Conference, 1983
14-1 38 6 Native American Deacons Association, Newsletter, no. 2 (1989)
14-1 38 7 Native American Experience, American Historical Images on File, The, Lelia Wardwell, 1991, 970.1 N2131
14-1 38 8 Native American Theological Statement, A, Rev. Steve Charleston, 1984
14-1 38 9 Thunder Bay Conference on Native Ministry Formation, Daniel Hannin, S.J., Thunder Bay [Ontario, Canada], 1979

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 38 10 Navaho, Soul Concepts of the, Berard Haile, O.F.M., 1943
14-1 38 11 Nett Lake [Orr], Minnesota, Immaculate Conception Church, Newsletter, 1981-1984,  E99.C6 C44
14-1 38 12 Nican Mopohua, The, Deacon Anthony Garduno, translator, 1989
14-1 38 13 Northern Cheyenne Alcoholism Program, Christine S.J. Valentine, 1986
14-1 38 14 Northern Cheyenne Indians, St. Labre Mission, Ashland, Montana, 1971
14-1 38 15 Walking Together, Marie A. Zarowny, S.S.A., Diocese of Mackenzie-Forth Smith, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, 1988
14-1 38 16 Northwest Tribes and the Catholic Way, Visions of Chiefs and the Iroquois Connection, The, Thomas E. Connolly, S.J., 

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, St. Paul's Mission, Marty, South Dakota
14-1 38 17
Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments Brochures, n.d.
14-1 38 18
Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments, Mission of the Winter, 1987, 
14-1 38 19
Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments, The Christmas Letter, 2005
14-1 39 1
Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments, Echoes, 1992-2003, E98.M6 E36
14-1 39 2
Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments, 1960, 
14-1 39 3
Fifty Golden Years, Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, 1985
14-1 39 4 Okodakiciye Newsletter, 2003-2004, E98.M6 O56
14-1 39 5 Oklahoma's Poor Rich Indians, Gertrude Bonnin, Charles H. Fabens, Matthew K. Sniffen, 1924
14-1 39 6 Okodakiciye Newsletter (incomplete), 2009-2019
14-1 39 7 Pacific Northwest Indian Center, Spokane, Washington, 1966 
14-1 39 8 The Padre's Hour, Navajo Catholic Radio Program, [brochure], 1995
14-1 39 9 Pascua Yaqui Indians, History of the, 1975
14-1 39 10 Peterson, Susan, "'Holy Women and Housekeepers: Women Teachers on South Dakota Reservations, 1885-1910," South Dakota History, 1983

Series 14-1

Box 39

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 39 11 Pine Ridge Education/Action Project, Reviewing U.S. Treaty Commitments to the Lakota Nation, [reprint], Nick Meinhardt and Diane Payne, 1978
14-1 39 12 Point No Point Treaty Council, Newsletter, 1979-1980
14-1 39 13 Pope John Paul II, A Visit to Anchorage, Alaska, 1981
14-1 39 14 Pride, Project Indian Pride, Calais, Maine, 1978
14-1 39 15 Pueblo Indian Missions in New Mexico, Early, L. Bradford Prince, 1917, E 99.P9 P75 1917
14-1 39 16 Pueblo Indians of New Mexico be destroyed? Shall the, General Federation of Women's Clubs, n.d, G-325
14-1 - -
Mahpiya Luta Woyaka, E98.M6 R426
14-1 39 17
Mahpiya Luta Woyaka, 1983-1985
14-1 39 18
Mahpiya Luta Woyaka, Vol. 11, no. 1 (1990)

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Red Cloud Country, E98.M6 R44
14-1 39 19
Red Cloud Country, 1991-1998
14-1 40 1
Red Cloud News, Vol.1, no. 1, 1979
14-1 40 2 Relations between the Office of Indian Affairs, 1965
14-1 40 3 St. Katherine's Hall, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1984
14-1 40 4 Rose of the Carrier, Canada, Prayer Cards, 1992
14-1 40 5 Running Strong, American Indian Youth, 1997
14-1 40 6 Sacred Circle, The, Quarterly Inter-Diocesan Newsletter for Catholic Native Americans, 1990, BX801 .S22
14-1 40 7 SCJs in the USA, The Early Years, 1999
14-1 40 8 Sacred Heart Mission and St. Gregory's Abbey and College, Oklahoma, The Benedictine Foundations of, 1987
14-1 40 9 Sacred heart Parish Dupree-Lantry 75 Diamond Jubilee, 1986


Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 40 10 Sacred Heart Parish, A Short History of, Konawa, Oklahoma, 1977
14-1 40 11 Sacred Heart-St. Ignatius Church, Newsletter, White River, South Dakota, 1984
14-1 40 12 Sacred Lands Project of the Christic Institute, Anita Parlow, 1984
14-1 - - St. Aloysius Catholic Indian Community/St. Aloysius Catholic Indian Mass Community / St. Aloysius Urban Indian Community [newsletter], Spokane, Washington, E98.M6 S34
14-1 40 13
St. Aloysius Rectory Newsletter, 1989

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 40 14
St. Aloysius Urban Indian Community Newsletter, n.d. 1993-1994
14-1 40 15 St. Andrew's Mission Sesquicentennial, 150th Anniversary 1847-1997, Pendleton Oregon, 1997
14-1 40 16 St. Catherine's Indian School, St. Kate's News, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989, Conehatta, Mississippi, E98.M6 S225
14-1 40 17 St. Francis Solanus Church, The Windows of, Stone Lake (Reserve), Wisconsin, 2000
14-1 40 18 St. Catherine's Church, "Dedication," 1980
14-1 40 19 St. Catherine' Church Newsletter, July 1978
14-1 - - St. Catherine Indian School, Santa Fe, New Mexico
14-1 40 20
St. Catherine's Indian School: One Hundred Years of St. Catherine's, Joseph Abeyta, 1987
14-1 40 21
St. Catherine's Indian School, [brochure], n.d.
14-1 40 22
St. Catherine Indian School

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, South Dakota
14-1 41 1
St. Joseph's Indian Schoool Handbook, 1980
14-1 41 2
St. Joseph's Indian School, St. Joseph's History, (ca. 1964)
14-1 41 3 St. John's School near Gray Horse, Oklahoma, n.d.
14-1 41 4 St. Labre Mission, Ashland, Montana, Sandal Prints, 1982, 1984
14-1 - - St. Mary's Catholic Church, Lower Brule, South Dakota
14-1 41 5
St. Mary's Catholic Church, Jubilee Celebration of the Priests of the Sacred Heart
14-1 41 6
St. Mary's Catholic Church, 1896-1996, Centennial Year
14-1 41 7 St. Marys Kansas, An Historical Sketch Commemorating the Golden Jubilee of the Third Parish Church Dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, 1931
14-1 41 8 Borgerding, Rev. Thomas, O.S.B. - Reminiscences of St. Mary's Mission, Red Lake Minnesota

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 41 9 St. Patrick's Activity Calendar, Shrine Church Centennial Year, 1992-1993, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
14-1 41 10 St. Patrick's Indian Mission, The Shamrock News, Anadarko, Oklahoma, 1987
14-1 - - Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Archdiocese of, Office of Indian Ministry
14-1 41 11
St. Paul and Minneapolis, Archdiocese of Invisible Intrusions, The Disruption of Culture, Ted Zuern, S.J.
14-1 41 12
St. Paul and Minneapolis, Newsletter, 1986, 1988-1991, E98.M6 C36
14-1 41 13
Pastoral Ministry Program for Native American Peoples Living in the Minneapolis and St. Paul Area, Ted Zuern, S.J., 1975
14-1 - - Salt Lake City, Diocese of, Office of Native American Ministry, E98.M6 C37
14-1 41 14
Newsletters, 1984-1990
14-1 41 15
Wind Walker, 1991-1994

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 41 16 The Mission Play of Santa Clara, Martin V. Merle, Santa Clara Mission, Santa Clara, California, 1922
14-1 41 17 "Biography of a Desert Church: The Story of Mission San Xavier del Bac," Bernard L. Fontana, The Smoke Signal, San Xavier del Bac Mission, Tucson, Arizona
14-1 41 18 Schools, In Support of Alternative, n.d.
14-1 - - Siggenauk Center [formerly the Siggenauk Project], Office of Native American Ministry, Archdiocese of Milwaukee
14-1 42 1
Siggenauk Center Newsletter, 1980-1984, E98.M6 S51
14-1 42 2
Siggenauk Center Newsletter, 1984-1989, E98.M6 S51
14-1 - -
Additional holdings in Siggenauk Center Records, Series 3


Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Siggenauk Interfaith Spiritual Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
14-1 42 3
Siggenauk Interfaith Spiritual Center Newsletter, 1989, E98.M6 S51
14-1 42 4
Siggenauk Spiritual Center Newsletter, 1990-1994,
14-1 42 5
Siggenauk Center, Brochures, 1991, n.d.
14-1 42 6 Simmons, Marc, "Trail Dust," Santa Fe Reporter, New Mexico, [1990s, select newspaper articles]
14-1 42 7 Sioux Grit, Red Cloud Indian School, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, ca.1973

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - - Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People, Cornwell Heights [formerly] and Bensalem, Pennsylvania
14-1 42 8
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Cultured People, Brochure, Saint Katharine Drexel Guild, and Prayer Card
14-1 42 9
Peacemaker, 1979-1983
14-1 42 10
Reflections on Life in the Vine, found in the Writings of Mother M. Katharine Drexel, Foundress of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, [booklet],1982
14-1 42 11
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Century Book, 1891-1991
14-1 42 12 Sitting Bull, "Der Letzte Indianer" [brochure], Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Germany, 1999
14-1 42 13 Spokane Indians, Assimilation of the, Bulletin 628, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Washington State University, 1961

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 - -
St. Joseph Church, Fort Thompson; Immaculate Conception Church, Stephan; St. Catherine's Church, West Bend; St. Mary's Church, Lower Brule; St. Michael's Church, Kennebec; St. Mary's Church, Reliance
14-1 42 14
Catholic Churches of our Community (Rapid City and Sioux Falls),1992
14-1 42 15
Native American Day Commeration-- 500 Years of Evangelization, 1992
14-1 - - Stephen's Song, West River Diaconate, Diocese of Rapid City, South Dakota, BX1912 .S72
14-1 42 16
Stephen's Song, March 1994 to December 1995
14-1 42 17
Stephen's Song, Vol. 3, no. 1 (1996) to Vol. 4, no. 12 (1997)
14-1 43 18
Stephen's Song, Jan. 1998
14-1 43 1
Stephen's Song, 2000-2001
14-1 43 2
Stephen's Song, 2002-2003
  43 3
Stephen's Song, 2004

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 43 4 Stibili, Edward C., "Pietro Bandini: Jesuit Missionary, 1852-1890," Arkansas Historical Quarterly, n.d
14-1 43 5 Thiel, Mark G. "The Omaha Dance in Oglala and Sicangu Sioux History," Whispering Wind, 1990
14-1 43 6 Thiel, Mark G. "Sodalities Strengthened Faith of Dioceses' Indians," West River Catholic, 1990, 1991
14-1 43 7 Tios'Paye, Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota, 1967


Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 43 8 United States Catholic Conference, US Catholic Bishops on American Indians, May 4, 1977, BX 2347.8.I49 U55 1977
14-1 43 9 United States Indian Service, Plan of Reorganization of the, Warren K. Moorhead, 1925
14-1 - - University of Chicago, American Indian Chicago Conference
14-1 43 10
Correspondence, 1961
14-1 43 11
American Indian Chicago Convention (AICC), June 13-20, 1961
14-1 43 12 Urban Centers, Indians In, G.E.E. Lindquist, 1948
14-1 43 13 Vecesy, Christopher, "The Campaign to Regularize Pueblo Catholicism: Santo Dominogo," European Review of Native American Studies, Vol. 9, no. 2 (1995)
14-1 43 14 Wasaskiye, Newsletter of the Cheyenne River Lakota Nursing Program, Presentation College, Aberdeen, South Dakota, July, 1985

Series 14-1

Series Box Folder Folder Title
14-1 44 1 Watembach, Karen, The History of the Catechesis of the Catholic Church on the Crow Reservation, M.A. thesis, Montana State University, 1983
14-1 44 2 Wellpinit Independent Watchdog, Wellprint, Washington, Sacred Heart Mission Special Anniversary Issue, Vol. 7, no. 6 (November 29, 1992)
14-1 44 3 White, Rev. James D., "Destined for Duty, The Life and Diary of Bishop Theophile Meerschaert," The Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 71, no. 1 (Spring, 1993), pp. 4-41
14-1 44 4 White Earth [Minnesota], 1878-1945, Climbing Learners' Hill: Benedictines at, Sister Carol Berg, O.S.B., 1981
14-1 44 5 Wisconsin, An Inquiry into the Cultural Influence of the Church on the People of Wisconsin, Catholic Culture in Early, Sister M. Josepha Dietrich, S.S.N.D., 1944
14-1 45 1 World Council of Indigenous Peoples Newsletter, 1983 to 1984
  45 2 Wounded Knee, Task Force to, Report of Sister Margaret Ellen Traxler, Trip: May 2-5, 1973
14-1 45 3 "Yaqui Today: A People in Transition, The," Karen Fisher, Arizona Highways, Vol. 53, no. 4 (April, 1977)



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