HOLY ROSARY MISSION -- GENERAL PUBLICATIONS, 1869-1943, 1945-1988, 2000, 2002, undated

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 1 1 Attack Him, Cordelia B., Collection of Beadwork Designs, Kyle, South Dakota, 1972
8 - - Blue Cloud Abbey, Marvin, South Dakota
8 1 2
American Indian Culture and Research Center, 1969
8 1 2
American Indian Leadership Conference/Council, 1969
8 1 2
Great Plains Indian Conference, 1969
8 1 2
A Guide to the Christian Indians of the Upper Plains (An Annotated, Selective Bibliography), Reverend John McMullen, O.S.B., 1969
8 1 2
The Crisis among the Sioux Today, n.d. (ca. 1973)
8 1 2
The Crisis in the Church's Mission to the Sioux, n.d. (ca. 1973)
8 1 2
Crisis in the Religious Communities, n.d. (ca. 1973)
8 1 2
American Indians Back of Wounded Knee, n.d. (ca. 1973)

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - Blue Cloud Abbey, Marvin, South Dakota, continued
8 - -
Red Owl, Brother Edward, O.S.B.
8 1 3
A Study and Commentary of the Culturally Disadvantaged Student, n.d. (ca. 1967-1969)
8 1 3
The Concept of Tribal Politic, n.d. (ca. 1967-1969)
8 1 3
Thoughts on the Dimensions of Indian Mystique, n.d. (ca. 1967-1969)
8 1 3
The Concept of Tribal Politic, n.d. (ca. 1967-1969)
8 1 4 Cheney, Roberta C., The Big Missouri Winter Count, Naturegraph, Happy Camp, California, 1979 [2 copies]
8 1 5 Coalition of Indian Controlled School Boards, Newsletter, 1972, 1974-1975
8 1 6 DacotahTerritory, Special Native American Issue, No. 6, 1973
8 - - Deloria, Ella
8 1 7
"The Sun Dance of the Oglala Sioux," Journal of American Folk-lore, 42: (1929): 354-413
8 1 8
and Franz Boas, "Notes on the Dakota, Teton Dialect," International Journal of American Linguists, 7: 3-4(1932): 97-121
8 1 9
and Franz Boas, Dakota Grammar, in Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 23, 2nd Memoir, Washington, D.C., 1941

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 1 - Diocese of Rapid City
8 1 10
Clergy Bulletin, BX1418.R36 C37, 1977-1978, 1984-1985
8 - -
Permanent Deacon Program
8 1 11
8 1 12
8 - -
Interfiled: West River Diaconate, January, 1986 to April, 1986
8 1 13
West River Diaconate, continued, May, 1986 to July, 1988; September, 1988; December, 1988 [August, 1988 and November, 1988 = not published]
8 - -
Stephen's Song succeeds West River Diaconate -- see -- Bureau of Catholic Indian Mission Records, Series 14-1]

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - Federal (U.S. Government) Documents/ Publications
8 2 - 1869-1983
8 2 1
1868 Treaty between the Unites States of America and Different Tribes of Sioux Indians, 1869
8 2 1
report of Special Commissino Approved to Investigae the Affairs of the Red Cloud Indida Agency, July 1875
8 2 1
Transcript of White House Meeting between President Hayes and Sioux chiefs, 1877
8 2 1
Reply of Dr. T.A. Bland and Chief Red Cloud, 1887
8 2 1
Message from the President of the U.S. transmitting Reports relative to the proposed division of the great Sioux Reservation, and recommending certain legislation, 51st congress, 1st session, Ex. Doc. No. 51, 1890
8 2 1
Report on Sioux Mixed-Blood Indians, ca. 1894-1895, 156 pages [pages 1-2 missing] 
8 2 - 1913-1943
8 2 2
Survey of Conditions of Indians in United States, U.S. Senate Report, ca. 1930
8 2 2
Minutes of the Plains Congress, Rapid City Indian School, 1934
8 2 2
General Explanation of the Charter, ca. 1934
8 2 2
Recipes Used by Sioux Indians in Early Times, 1935

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - Federal (U.S. Government) Documents/Publications, continued
8 2 2
Constitution and By-Laws of the Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota, 1936 [2 copies]
8 2 2
Survey of Conditions of Indians in United States, U.S. Senate Report No. 310, 78th Congress, 1st Session, 1943
8 2 - 1957-1968
8 2 3
Pine Ridge Conference on Community Organization and Development, 1957
8 2 3
Nekota Redevelopment Commission Report, ca. 1960
8 2 3
Senator Robert Kennedy in South Dakota, 1968
8 - -
Continued in Boxes 5 and 12
8 2 4 Fiske, Frank B., Life and Death of Sitting Bull, 1933
8 - - Giago, Timothy A., Jr.

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 3 3 Herman, Jake, Oglala Sioux Sun Dance, Program, 1962?
8 3 4 Indian Missionary's Handbook, n.d.
8 3 4 Lakota Translation Project Publications, Rapid City, South Dakota, 1985-1986
8 3 5 Majeres, Terry, A History of the [South Dakota] Catholic High School Athletic Association, 1988

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 3 7 Mission Superiors Conference Proceedings, Society of Jesus, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York, 1966
8 - - Newspaper Clippings
8 4 1
8 4 2
8 4 3
8 4 4
8 4 5

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - Newspaper Clippings, continued
8 4 6
8 5 1
8 - -
Continued in Boxes 10-11 and Oversize Box 1
8 5 2 Nielsen, Inge 脜gedahl, Fieldwork Report: "An Analysis of the Position of the American Indians as a Minority Group within the American Society. A Report from a Fieldwork among the Oglala Sioux of Rapid City and the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, USA, from the First of June to the First of September, 1981," University of 脜rhus, Denmark, Department of Social Anthropology, 1982
8 5 3 Odell, Thomas E., Mato Paha, The Story of Bear Butte, 1942, 184 pages
8 - - Oglala Lakota College/Oglala Sioux Community College
8 5 4
Newsletter, Vol. 1, no. 1 (August 1975)
8 5 4
Annual Report, 1982-1983; 1986-1987
8 5 4
Native Peoples Film Festival II, n.d. (1982?)
8 5 4
Oglala Lakota College Visual Identification and Exhibit Project, n.d. (1982?)
8 - -
Continued Box 11 and Oversize Box 1

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 5 5 Overholdt, Thomas W., "Short Bull, Black Elk, Sword, & the 'Meaning' of the Ghost Dance," 1978
8 - - Pine Ridge Research Bulletin, U.S. Public Health Service, Division of Indian Health, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
8 5 6
1968 (no. 1-3)
8 5 7
1968 (no. 4-6)
8 5 8
1969 (no. 7-9)
8 5 9
1969 (no. 10-11)
8 - -
U.S. Public Health Service -- see also -- Box 12
8 6 1 Rapid City Flood... June 9, 1972, C. F. Boone, Lubbock, Texas, 1972
8 6 4 Southall, M. Florence, The Work of the Jesuit Fathers and the Franciscan Sisters Among the Teton-Sioux Indians of South Dakota [M.A. dissertation], 1964
8 6 5 Spindler, Will H., Tragedy Strikes at Wounded Knee, Rushville, Nebraska, 1955

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - State of South Dakota
8 6 6
Department of Public Instruction, Sixth Annual Indian Youth Conference, 1965; Title 1 Activities in Selected South Dakota Schools, 1971
8 6 7
Commision on Indian Affaris, The History of Peyote and its Use by the American Indian, Stephen A. Langone, 1958
8 6 8
Stroud, David H. Jr., "We Wore our Feathers High, 1958
8 - -
State College/University, Department of Sociology/ Rural Sociology
8 6 9
Pamphlet 119, Acculturation of the Dakota Indians by Vernon D. Malan, 1956
8 6 9
Bulletin 470, The Dakota Indian Family by Vernon D. Malan, 1958
8 6 9
Bulletin 473, The Dakota Indian Religion by Vernon D. Malan and Clinton J. Jesser, 1959
8 6 9
Bulletin 505, The Dakota Indian Community by Vernon D. Malan and Ernest L. Schusky, n.d. (ca. 1960)
8 6 9
Bulletin 509, The Dakota Indian Economy by Vernon D. Malan, 1963
8 6 9
Bulletin 613, History and Acculturation of the Dakota Indians by James L. Satterlee and Vernon D. Malan, n.d. (ca. 1972)

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 6 10 Thompson, Donald R., A History of Holy Rosary Mission from its Beginning to the Present [M.A. thesis], University of Denver, 1953
8 7 1 University Consortium: Arizona State, Utah, and South Dakota, The, Indian Opportunities, A Summary of Indian Participation in OEO Programs, ca. 1964
8 - - University of South Dakota, Institute of Indian Studies
8 7 2
News Reports, no. 30 (February, 1967); no. 32 (August, 1967); no. 57 (November, 1973); no. 62 (February, 1975); no. 64 (August, 1975) to no. 65 (November, 1975); no. 68 (August, 1976); no. 70 (February, 1977); no. 72 (August, 1977) to no. 73 (November, 1973)
8 - -
Program and Proceedings of the Conference on Indian Affairs
8 7 3
1955, 1956
8 7 4
1957, 1959
8 7 5
1960, 1962, 1969
8 7 6
University Research Fund Publications: Indians, Law Enforcement and Local Government, W.O. Farber, Philip A. Odeen, and Robert A. Tschetter, 1957; The Sioux Indian Goes to College, John Artichoker, Jr. and Neil M. Palmer, 1959
8 7 7 Walker, J.R., The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of the Teton Dakota, 1917

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 7 8 Wissler, Clark, Societies and Ceremonial Associations of the Oglala Division of the Teton Dakota, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. XI, Part 1, New York, 1912
8 7 9 Zens, M. Serena, The Education Work of the Catholic Church Among the Indians of South Dakota [M.A. thesis], University of South Dakota, 1936, 62 pages
8 8 2 Beiser, Morton, Persistant and Pervasive Mental Disorder Among Young School Children in a Rural Area of South Dakota, ca. 1990
8 8 3 Bolz, Pieter, "Ethnic Identity andn Cultural Resistance: The Oglala - Sioux of the Pine Ridge Reservation Today," 1984 
8 8 4 Clifford, Geraldine, Discovery and Rediscovery, 1991
8 8 5 Farrokhi, Abdullah, "Rapid City Native American Population Needs Assesment," 1993
8 8 6 Galler, A History of Red Cloud Indian School MA Thesis, Univ. of South Dakota, 1994
8 8 7 Halpine, Richard J., A follow-up of the 糖心传媒 of the holy rosary mission and what influence their education has had on their present status in society, 1961
8 8 8 Herman, Vera Janis, "Memoirs of the Sioux in the Old West," n.d. 
8 8 9 Holler, Clyde, "Black Elk's Relationship to Christianity," 1984
8 9 1 Kosman, Thomas, A.B.E. Institute for Teachers of American Indians [ckass paper], 1970
8 9 3 Kreis, Karl, Rothante, 1999

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 10 1 Landowners' Association, Minutes, 1968
8 10 2 Loneman School, Wiconi Unkici Cagapi, Making a Life for Ourself, 1981
8 - - Newspaper Clippings
8 - -
Continued from Box 4
8 10 3
8 10 4
8 10 5
8 10 6
8 10 7
8 10 8
8 - -
Continued in Oversize Box 1

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - Oglala Lakota College
8 11 2 Oglala Sioux Construction Company, Board of Directors' Minutes, 1990-1991
8 11 3 Oglala Sioux Tribe, Annual Report to the Lakota Oyate, 1980, and The Oglala of the Great Sioux Nation, ca. 1980
8 11 4 Oyate, Inc., Minutes, 1972
8 11 5 Pine Ridge Ministerial Association, Minutes, 1966-1974
8 - - Powers, Marla N.
8 11 6
The Star Quilt: A Symbol of Lakota Identity: An Exhibition of American Indian Textiles, E99.T34 P69 1990
8 11 7
Lakota naming: A Modern-Day Hunka Ceremony, E99.D1 F824 1991

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 11 8 Powers, William K. and Marla N. Powers, Sacred Foods of the Lakota, E99.O3 P6812 1990
8 11 9 Rapid City Indian Service Council, Articles of Incorporation, 1965
8 11 10 Rudhill, G. Richard, The Mayor's Committee on Human Relations, Rapid City, South Dakota, 1954
8 11 11 Schusky, Ernest L., "Mission and Government Policy in Dakota Indian Communities," Practical Anthropology, 10:3 (1963): 109-114
8 11 12 Sisters of Humility of Mary, Blueprint for Community Building, "Spotlight: Our Lady of Lourdes Mission, 1931-1937," 1973
8 11 13 South Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals, Guidelines for Teacher Dismissal, 1972?
8 11 14 South Dakota Council of Churches, Statements--Philosophy of Indian Work, 1962

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 12 4 Trimble, Charles E., Biographical Sketch, 2004?, "Mission School Remembered," Indian Country Today, 2005?, "Twisting History," 2007 draft
8 - - U.S. Government (Federal) Documents/Publications, continued
8 - -
Continued from Boxes 2 and 5
8 12 5
US Commission on Civil Rights, Report of Investigation: Oglala Sioux Tribe, General Election, 1974; News Release, 1975
8 - -
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service
8 12 6
Preliminary Report, A Sociological and Psychological Study of Oglala Sioux and Non-Indian High School Students, Community Mental Health Program, Pine Ridge Service Unit, 1967
8 12 7
Oglala Health News, P.H.S. Hospital, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, 1969-1970
8 12 8
Alienation and Achievement among Oglala Sioux Secondary School Students, Bernard Spilka, National Institute of Mental Health, 1970

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - U.S. Government (Federal) Documents/Publications, continued
8 12 9
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Oglala Sioux Indian Model Reservation Program, Marshall Kaplan, Gans, and Kahn, 1967, [with chart]
8 - -
Department of the Interior
8 12 10
Proposed chapter in curriculum study yearbook, 1942 -- Promoting Indian Self-sufficiency: Livestock
8 12 11
Industrial Facts/Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Consumers Public Power District, Columbus, Nebraska, 1968
8 13 4
Lakh贸ta Wayawapi, Lakh贸ta Readings [2 copies], PM1024 .L35 1976
8 13 5 Watson, Elmo Scott, "The Last Indian War, 1890-1891-- A Study in Newspaper Jingoism," Journalism Quarterly, 20:3 (1943)

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - Wax, Murray and Rosalie Wax
8 13 6
Correspondence, 1961?
8 13 6
"American Indians and White People," Phylon, 12:4 (1961): 305-317
8 13 6
"American Indian Education as a Cultural Transaction," Teachers College Record, 64:8 (1963): 693-704
8 13 6
"Cultural Deprivation as an Educational Ideology," Journal of American Indian Education, 3:2 (1964): 15-18
8 13 6
"Formal Education in an American Indian Community," Social Problems, 11:4 (1964): 1-126
8 13 6
"American Indian Education for What?," Midcontinent American Studies Journal, 6:2 (1965): 164-170
8 13 6
"The Warrior Dropouts," Trans-action, (1967): 40-46
8 13 8 Whiting, Eulogy of Deacon Lawrence Whiting, Sr. by Lawrence Whiting, Jr., Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Kyle, South Dakota, 2002
8 13 9 Woksape Wokikta - Awaking to Wisdom, E97.6.O34 W65 2005

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - Oversize
8 - - Catholic Ladders (Pictorial Catechisms) [08400]
8 O1 1
罢补产濒别补耻-肠补迟茅肠丑蝉颈尘别 = Pictorial Catechism [alternate title: Two Roads] [folded sheet] [original copy = FRAGILE], Albert Lacombe, BX1962 .L33 1896, 1 rolled sheet ([4] leaves): chiefly col. ill.; 180 x 31 cm.
8 - -
See also -- Series 8, Extreme Oversize -- Catholic Ladders (Pictorial Catechisms) [08400] Untitled [chart] [after Pictorial Catechism, Albert Lacombe]
8 - - Maps
8 O1 2
Pine Ridge Agency, n.d. (1955?)
8 O1 2
Rapid City, Diocese of, n.d. (ca. 1980)

Series 8

Series Box Folder Folder Title
8 - - Oversize, continued
8 - - Newspaper Clippings
8 - -
Continued from Boxes 4, 10-11
8 O1 3
Newspaper Clips, May, July-August, 1988
8 O1 4
Scrapbook - Newspaper Clips, 1890-1891
8 O1 5
Scrapbook, 1890-1891
8 O1 6
Newspaper Clippings, 1949, 1957, 1963
8 - - Oglala Lakota College Publications,1985
8 - -
Continued from Boxes 5 and 11
8 O1 7
Catalog, 1985
8 O1 7
Oglala Wacahpi, Vol. 1, no. 1 (February, 1985) to Vol. 2, no. 1 (November, 1985)

Series 8

Series File/Drawer Folder Folder Title
8 - - Extreme Oversize
8 - - Catholic Ladders (Pictorial Catechisms) [08400]
8 - -
Continued from Box O1
8 G/4 1
Untitled [chart] [after Pictorial Catechism, Albert Lacombe]; 1 rolled sheet ([4] leaves): chiefly col. ill.; 92.3 x 20.5 cm. [mounted on plywood sheet], Ra虅nch墨, India: Catholic Press, BX1962 .C373 1930z