Federal Grad PLUS Loan Electronic Master Promissory Note (MPN)

About the MPN

The MPN for the Federal Grad PLUS Loan is a promissory note that is signed online. One MPN is valid for up to 10 years. The MPN must be completed in one sitting. Before filling out the MPN at the Direct Loan Promissory Note Web site, you will need to collect some basic information in advance. An MPN cannot be saved and completed at a later time.

Please read the Federal Grad PLUS Loan MPN carefully. The terms and conditions are different than the Federal Stafford Loans.

Steps for receiving and completing the Grad PLUS Loan MPN

  1. Apply for the PLUS loan online at
  2. Direct Loan Servicing Center performs a credit check for the borrower
  3. Wait to receive instruction from Marquette to sign the electronic Master Promissory Note, then:

The worksheet can be kept for personal records. Do not send the worksheet to ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½.