Human Performance Assessment Core (HPAC) is a state-of-the-art, fee for service lab for assessment of health and fitness for clinical and athletic populations. We have services for novice to elite athletes, coaches and scientists. HPAC's resources are available for researchers and individuals throughout the greater SE Wisconsin region. Past clients include subjects for a stroke research study as well as physiological testing for Olympic hopefuls.

Administratively housed in the ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½ Exercise Science Program, HPAC's mission is to collaborate across colleges/programs such as Physical Therapy, Biomedical Engineering, Athletics, Nursing, Employee Wellness, and Marquette Medical and Sports Clinics and across town (the Medical College of Wisconsin, with UW-Milwaukee, and the community).

Open to the public. Working together with academics.



Heartbeat monitor line with a runner being made by the line

We offer a variety of services to assess health and fitness to guide your training and support lifestyle changes.

Common testing for fitness and performance include: VO2 max, lactate threshold testing (bike or treadmill), body composition (including DXA), strength and power testing, and much more.

Interested teams and individuals can schedule testing using the Services tab.


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Located at ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½, the HPAC provides expertise, facilities and equipment in order to collaborate with investigators. As a member of , a consortium of academic and research institutions in Milwaukee, the HPAC is a Translational Research Unit for exercise and health assessments.

Interested investigators can contact Toni Uhrich, the HPAC director.



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The HPAC supports Marquette and the College of Health Sciences by training the next generation of scientists and health care providers with cutting-edge technology.

Students in their junior and senior years may apply to an internship in the HPAC where they will learn a variety of skills related to clinical and performance testing. Original research projects are encouraged, though interns will have exposure to existing research.


Visit HPAC


(414) 288-3080




Cramer Hall, Room 004DC
604 N. 16th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233