
Prices updated as of May 2021 and are effective immediately.

  • Fitness Testing
  • Cardiopulmonary Testing
  • Body Composition
  • Functional Assessment
  • Schedule Testing
  • Payment for Services
  • Amenities
Cyclist VO2 Max Test

VO2 Max Test

1 hour: $125 ($150 with lactate)

The gold standard for measuring aerobic fitness and one component of overall physical fitness. Individuals exercise while connected to a metabolic cart starting at a moderate intensity until exhaustion. This 10–15 minute test can be done on a treadmill or bike, or even adapted for a specific sport. Available with blood lactate to better assess training paces.

Wingate Anaerobic Power Test

Wingate Anaerobic Power Test

20 minutes: $35

This is a classic 30-second maximal effort test on a cycle ergometer to assess peak power and fatigue. Especially useful for sprint athletes.

Isokinetic Strength Assessment

Isokinetic Strength Assessment

20 minutes: $35

Strength testing at any joint(s) or speed of movement. Comparisons can be made to assess bilateral (left to ride side) or contra-lateral (opposing muscle groups) differences for injury prevention or assessment of muscle imbalances. The Human Norm is often used in research or as a rehabilitative exercise device intended to measure, evaluate and increase the strength of muscles and the range of motion of joints and is used in conjunction with our Physical Therapy Clinic.

Power/Strength Testing

Power/Strength Testing

10 minutes: $25 (includes fob). Pricing available for regular training sessions.

The Keiser Power Rack assesses maximal power of many muscle groups or muscle actions. This equipment offers a unique and time-efficient stimulus for training to increase explosive power. Individuals can get a fob that is used with each session and tracks their progress.

Isometric Strength Assessment

Isometric Strength Assessment

5 minutes: $10

Hand grip strength is an important component of strength in sports and in daily living activities. Grip strength is used in medicine to diagnose diseases, to compare treatments, and is able to predict a decline in function in aging.

Resting Lung Volumes

Resting Lung Volumes

5 minutes: $10

Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are non-invasive tests that measure lung volume, capacity, and rates of flow. This information can help identify obstructive or restrictive lung conditions.

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

5 minutes: $10

A basic vital sign, usually measured for diagnosis of hypertension.


Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

15 minutes: $60 for resting; $120 during exercise

Twelve-lead EKG. Resting assessment of the heart muscle function. Un-interpreted (report sent to health care provider). Available during cycling exercise.


DXA or DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry)

30 minutes: $75 for body composition; $75 for bone mineral density (BMD) of hips and spine ($150 total)

The DXA scan provides one of the most accurate measurements of body composition, detailing fat and lean mass distribution throughout the body. It displays overall and regional fat, lean, and bone mass or bone mineral density (BMD).

Separate scans measure BMD of the hips and spine (two regions important for monitoring bone health through the life cycle).


Resting Metabolic Rate

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

1 hour: $125

RMR measures the number of calories needed to perform the body's most basic functions, like breathing, circulation and cell production. This assesses daily caloric needs.

Girth Measurements

Girth Measurements

5 minutes: $15

Anthropometric measurements (height, weight, waist and hip girths) can be used to assess the risk of various chronic diseases.

Bioeletric Impedence

Bioelectric Impedance

5 minutes: $20–25

A quick, easy-to-use and portable method for predicting body fatness. Some models include assessment of intra- and extra-cellular body water.

skinfold testing

Skinfold Testing

10 minutes: $25

Seven-site measurement of skinfold thickness to predict body fatness.

Running Gait Analysis

Coming Soon: Running Gait Analysis

60-min. and 30-min. sessions on separate days: $250

The Running Clinic provides the combined expertise of biomechanists, physicians, physical therapists, and exercise scientists for the assessment of running mechanics. Whether you are new to running, would like to prevent an injury, or are an experienced professional looking for feedback on technique, as assessment of your running mechanics can improve your outcomes.

An evaluation includes (two sessions):

  • Physical assessment of joint range of motion, strength, posture, and balance, AND 30-min. running assessment on a pressure-sensitive treadmill with video capture
  • Personal consult about your results
Flexibility Test

Flexibility Test

5 minutes: $10

Lower body flexibility is used to assess hip, trunk and lower limb range of motion.

HPAC schedule testing

Schedule Testing

Please email Toni Uhrich (toni.uhrich@marquette.edu), who will contact you for an appointment on a first come first serve basis.

HPAC Payment for Services

Payment for Services

Payment is due upon time of service

Acceptable forms of payment include: credit card or check

- Make checks out to: ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½, Memo line: HPAC

Wheel chair accessible


  • Free parking in Clinic Lot N
  • Changing rooms with lockers
  • Showers available
  • Wheelchair accessible